View Full Version : Batteries Plus DISCOUNT! CMC Member Rewards

04-28-09, 05:51 PM
We have negotiated a club discount at the 8 Batteries Plus locations around the valley. Show them your CMC Membership card so they can pull up the account, and they will give up to a 35% discount off their marked prices (depending on brand and item). So far (I've spent almost $1,000 in the last week there) I haven't gotten less than 20% off. They carry cell phone, laptop, camera, camcorder, cordless phone, alkaline, ATV, motorcycle and car batteries as well as chargers and flashlights.

Another benefit of being a CMC member.

www.batteriesplus.com (http://www.batteriesplus.com)

04-28-09, 08:04 PM

04-28-09, 10:16 PM
dangit!! i just bought a new optima for the cobra...ugh. sweet to hear though! thats awesome!

04-30-09, 07:49 AM
Do they carry Optimas there Hank?

04-30-09, 09:29 AM
Yes, all types in stock. On Optima, check the price at Costco-they have a few models in stock with below wholesale prices....

Do they carry Optimas there Hank?

05-03-09, 09:37 PM
I don't suppose they have headers do they?

05-03-09, 10:06 PM
Ah, no.

I don't suppose they have headers do they?

05-04-09, 02:48 AM
Headers require batteries?

05-04-09, 06:40 AM
whats the plus for?

05-04-09, 09:06 AM
Chargers and flashlights

whats the plus for?

05-04-09, 04:22 PM
so you have spent a grand this month on batteries and chargers hank? Thats alot of batteries :)

05-04-09, 04:44 PM
Yes on batteries, and I'm not done replacing them all yet!

so you have spent a grand this month on batteries and chargers hank? Thats alot of batteries :)

05-04-09, 07:14 PM
A Grand!!!! Holy shocking month Batman!!

05-04-09, 10:28 PM
Yes, but that saves me from toasting $50K worth of servers!

A Grand!!!! Holy shocking month Batman!!

05-15-09, 09:15 PM
Just a reminder that the discount is UP TO 35% off. The amount depends on the brand and item.

We have negotiated a club discount at the 8 Batteries Plus locations around the valley. Show them your CMC Membership card so they can pull up the account, and they will give up to a 35% discount off their marked prices (depending on brand and item). So far (I've spent almost $1,000 in the last week there) I haven't gotten less than 20% off. They carry cell phone, laptop, camera, camcorder, cordless phone, alkaline, ATV, motorcycle and car batteries as well as chargers and flashlights.

Another benefit of being a CMC member.

www.batteriesplus.com (http://www.batteriesplus.com)

05-18-09, 05:15 PM
but are they carrying headers yet?

05-18-09, 05:46 PM
Wait, let me check again...Sorry. Not yet.

but are they carrying headers yet?