View Full Version : Street Racing

Mr. Austin
04-13-09, 09:52 PM
YouTube - Mustang GT 2006 Turbo VS Camaro SS Supercharged (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlQAfI_lOqk&feature=related)

Mr. Austin
04-13-09, 10:03 PM
If u have time this is the cannon ball race the Real Bull run. No stopping. not even for the police! YouTube - street racing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEr0la4gMiY&feature=player_embedded)

04-13-09, 11:25 PM
See site rules about posting street racing vids. Since it's in mexico, I'll let it slide. Because we all know that in mexico, it's legal. :biglaugh:

Mr. Austin
04-13-09, 11:52 PM
Hahaha sorry i kno we are not really supposed to post street racing and i knew that when i posted but the first video was freakin helarious and knda cool with the turbo. the second i had to post because its cannon ball. they do it in every country