View Full Version : Fast & furious movie night
04-05-09, 12:08 PM
Glendale 9-Drive-In
Saturday April 25th
5650 N. 55th Ave.(just south of Bethany Home Road)
Movie Starts at 7:45pm
Gates Open at 5:30pm For Us
Lot is paved...even the lowest of cars are safe!
Why do this? Car fans...'nough said.:pepper:
Adults- $6.25
Kids under 15- $1.00
Kids under 4- FREE
* These are their normal ticket no add on for our club.
This is not a "Trophy" car is a get together of car people to watch a new car'll be great!
04-05-09, 03:25 PM
BTW this is open to all cars...all styles...all countries. :biglaugh:
save your money and see it on dvd i went last night
Mr. Austin
04-05-09, 07:19 PM
Dan. why are you trying to kill it for everyone? seriously. its a GET TOGETHER and Too see a car....CAR movie... and a lot of other people want to see it. kinda rude to say hey it sucks why go? its an offer on the table for ANYONE not just you. we see your opinion on the other fast and the furious. This is for fun. And A much better atmospher for the car culture between imports and hotrods. so save money and our good time by staying home. Dont tell us and tell us it sucks and not to go. Oh and you will spend more for a DVD and for a 1h:43min movie when you could spend seven each and have a blast with friends,family and cars ot only around u but on the big SCREEEN!!!
Mr. Austin
04-05-09, 07:21 PM
P.s. I Plan on being there kenny. i think im going to see it for the 2nd time this weekend and it will be my third. i dont care what ANYONE else thinks, its pretty bad ass.. little sketch in tunnel scene and if u get motion sick but.. Cant wait to see all of our hotrod friends for a good time!!
04-05-09, 11:40 PM
Dan. why are you trying to kill it for everyone? seriously. its a GET TOGETHER and Too see a car....CAR movie... and a lot of other people want to see it. kinda rude to say hey it sucks why go? its an offer on the table for ANYONE not just you. we see your opinion on the other fast and the furious. This is for fun. And A much better atmospher for the car culture between imports and hotrods. so save money and our good time by staying home. Dont tell us and tell us it sucks and not to go. Oh and you will spend more for a DVD and for a 1h:43min movie when you could spend seven each and have a blast with friends,family and cars ot only around u but on the big SCREEEN!!!
Well said. This is a get together and the Movie is a back drop for the good times.
04-05-09, 11:54 PM
save your money and see it on dvd i went last night
I also went last night and feel asleep during it
04-06-09, 12:27 AM
69...yep...exactly! And Blue you are 100% right...the movie is secondary.
You know I read a review the other day and it said if you are going for the hot cars and women...then you'll enjoy it", is there really another reason you would be going???
$73 million grossed in the first week...
Mr. Austin
04-06-09, 08:22 AM
Cars +1 the girls..+Infinite
are you serious? bwahahahahha
04-06-09, 09:56 AM
I am going to hang out with car people. I dont get out often anymore so its about a cruise up w/ the new car and the people i havent seen in a while. Its all fun.
im all for the hangging out
04-06-09, 10:01 AM
besides, werent some of the original car movies super cheesey anyways? lol
04-06-09, 12:28 PM
<----has nothing better to do, sounds good to me to have a nice time at the drive in's with a bunch of mustang buddy's. Count me in:biglaugh:
Mr. Austin
04-06-09, 12:55 PM
jodatt wanna meet up at my house? Send a PM lets chat
04-06-09, 01:14 PM
besides, werent some of the original car movies super cheesey anyways? lol
Noooooooooo...say it isn't true!!! Actually one of the most fun movies I have seen is as cheesy and bad as they come...
Mr. Austin
04-06-09, 01:25 PM
Hahaha Good movie!!
04-12-09, 12:04 AM
Movie Night date...changed!
Fast and Furious movie night has been changed to april 25th...gates open for us at 5:30pm.
why? Because of the rain today, it forced the cruise on central to move to next weekend (our weekend).
i apologize change and if this is a problem...
Mr. Austin
04-12-09, 12:25 AM
So wait!!! we have the mustang car show during the day and now an AWSOME spot to cruise to after!!!
Mr. Austin
04-12-09, 12:29 AM
ugh i cant freaking wait. i kno i just posted but i am sssoooooo stoked right now u have no idea. i have friday off. girlfriends staying the night thursday night. friday is PROM!! so i get home LATE for prom and then wake up early to clean and leave for the car show for the WWM. then that night cruise over to the movies!!! AHH!!!
04-12-09, 09:11 AM
sweeeeeeeeet! i shall be there! yay its going to be a total car day.
04-12-09, 09:59 PM will be toast on Sunday...
04-12-09, 10:06 PM
Ok so many of us can go now that its not the same weekend at Knott's!! I will change it on our calendar.. Do we want to do any give aways????
We have some stuff left over form our Rock & Roll Pony show and plenty of raffle tickets so we could give one out to everyone thats in a Mustang.. Just say the word and it will be done! We have some very cool new Mustang Key Chains, a 1/18 scale GT500 KR Black that I know of plus some 2010 Mustang Hot Wheels..
Mr. Austin
04-12-09, 11:31 PM
Ok so many of us can go now that its not the same weekend at Knott's!! I will change it on our calendar.. Do we want to do any give aways????
We have some stuff left over form our Rock & Roll Pony show and plenty of raffle tickets so we could give one out to everyone thats in a Mustang.. Just say the word and it will be done! We have some very cool new Mustang Key Chains, a 1/18 scale GT500 KR Black that I know of plus some 2010 Mustang Hot Wheels..
OOO!!!!! ME ME ME!!!
04-14-09, 12:35 PM
i never seen anyone of these movies. but i must say, this drift craze is getting on my nerves. it's bringing YOUNG NOOBS into the scene and that's ok with me because once they crash
Mr. Austin
04-14-09, 12:40 PM
hahaha umm im a youngin but not such a noob to the car culture anymore. but i am not drifting to different story. haha drifting is soo funny though
04-21-09, 09:50 AM
JACO...sorry for the delay...yes please. We will have our "dj" there so we are in control of the mic. BTW...I heard some good things about this movie despite early comments in this thread...but again...this is about the cars and car people..not the movie. :)
04-22-09, 08:41 PM
Ok see yunz guys Saturday Night!!!!!!!!!!
04-22-09, 09:18 PM
I will be there, bringing Odie too, Hope they dont mind Him coming. I cant leave him alone in his kennel that long. Do you think it will be an issue seeing thats its outside?
Mr. Austin
04-22-09, 10:05 PM
not at all. And will the be a cruise from the show to the movie?
04-22-09, 10:31 PM
I wont be able to make the show unfortunately, but im sure there will be a few of us ponying up to the movie :)
04-23-09, 12:40 AM
No shouldn't be a problem for your dog...I think you are good. cruise from show...just enough time to get home change and head out...
04-23-09, 06:23 PM
Austin! ill cruise with ya. ill pm my number to ya!
Mr. Austin
04-23-09, 09:41 PM
Anybody want to meet up?
04-23-09, 11:52 PM
Lemme know where you guys meet and when...
04-25-09, 08:22 AM
Hey everyone, I was thinking meeting up at Berge at around say 3pm and we can cruise to the movie, Whos in? I personally have no clue where the theatre is lol, Please let me or someone know so we can get a east side group together.
Mr. Austin
04-25-09, 08:22 AM
umm yeah i guess we are not. I texted rox but she never answered :(
04-25-09, 08:27 AM
Call her Austin, she sent ya her number, she may not have text
umm yeah i guess we are not. I texted rox but she never answered :(
04-25-09, 01:26 PM
We are meeting at Berge around 5pm, If you want to travel together be there or be square :biglaugh:
04-26-09, 08:34 AM
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME MOVIE Yeah baby, I will see this one again. You all missed it lol
04-26-09, 02:11 PM
umm yeah i guess we are not. I texted rox but she never answered :(
Ha i bet i typed the wrong number or something silly like that! :Bucktooth: i was wondering why i didnt hear from ya! sorry!
04-26-09, 02:12 PM
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME MOVIE Yeah baby, I will see this one again. You all missed it lol
Fun times! Thank you again for the poster! and Odie was adorable! glad he can make it out too!
04-26-09, 03:25 PM
Great night. Here are some photos.
Fun times! Thank you again for the poster! and Odie was adorable! glad he can make it out too!
Mr. Austin
04-26-09, 11:06 PM
:0 My hand is up in a poll for us doing this every month :) we should see if they can work out a deal with us. 6 bucks flat per person or 10 a mustang if there is two in it. or 25% off concession..etc...And kenny told me too keep an eye on movies and trailers to see what is new coming out and if it is a thumbs up
04-27-09, 07:22 AM
I only paid $6 hehehe
Mr. Austin
04-27-09, 01:25 PM
>:( i paid 12.50. FOr my girl and i.
04-27-09, 03:38 PM
very cool!! looks like a ton of fun. hopefully the next one won't be the same night as my poker night!
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