View Full Version : Rock n Roll Pony show Cruise Scheduled & Monthly meeting

04-04-09, 08:35 PM
Hello everyone,
We are having a Pony show cruise up too Tortilla Flats on April 11th, all interested please shoot me an email at Trishak@copperstatemustangclub.com. We will meet up at my house at 10am and leave at 10:30am. Im calling the park ranger to see if we can stop without being ticketed by the lake to take Photos (Tony can you bring your camera if you can make it?). We will stop for Lunch in Apache Junction on the way back down. Im located off the 60 and Power Road. 6840 E Madero Ave, Mesa
Take the 60 to Power road exit right
Follow Power Road past Superstition Springs Blvd and then Baseline
Once you pass Baseline im located about 3/4 mile down on the Left hand side across from Wells Fargo Bank
Look For Extra Space Storage. Please park on Madero Ave as My store dont have but 3 parking spots.

Please email me to confirm so I can call the ranger and tell him how many will be there roughly. http://us.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f99256%5fAO0Iw0MAARsoSdd4nghUrEugP eE&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1

Also, The monthly meeting has been changed due to the Easter Holiday, It will be on the 19th, Please make note of this.

Trisha Kurish
Copperstate Mustang Club Secretary

04-05-09, 12:21 AM
i should be able to make it. and you know the camera will be handy! :)

04-05-09, 09:26 AM
Awesome Tony thanks bunches

04-05-09, 12:03 PM
I was thinking also on this, That we could go to the restaurant at Tortilla Flats, I have a call into them to see if they can accomodate us, So I really need to know a count of who wants to go so I can let them know. So throught the day a few can go to the senic locals along the way and take pics and then come back to the restaurant. This is going to be fun :)))))))

04-05-09, 06:42 PM
Bumped for fun, come on guys who else is coming, we want to show them trails that the Mustangs are coming, maybe leave little trails along the way hehehe.

04-08-09, 10:20 AM
i hope the 30% chance of rain goes away before the weekend. www.weather.com (http://www.weather.com) says rain on saturday... ugh...

04-08-09, 11:33 AM
my stang is fianlly getting fixed but I am not sure if it will be done by the weekend.

04-08-09, 07:08 PM
The cruise is pending the possiblity of RAIN Saturday. If its going to rain we will postpone it to another saturday coming up. It just figures lol. And seeing that Easter is the 12th we wont be able to do it that day. Watch the weather for updates.......

04-08-09, 11:54 PM
its lookin like clouds according the williams gateway weather report. That is only a few miles away so it should be good-to-go. The clouds and weather could make for some good light and depth to the pics.


04-11-09, 08:28 AM
Ok I look out my window this morning and UGHHH RAIN, I will look into rescheduling this cruise and will keep you all posted :((

04-11-09, 09:51 AM
yeah, i was highly bummed to see so much rain today. such a bummer!!!

04-11-09, 11:58 AM
Rain? I am up here in Flagstaff opening up my summer place and we have 5 inches on the ground and it is still snowing. :xmas-smiley-035:

It is sure beautiful but it will be gone tomorrow the forecast is for 57 degrees and sunny.

Let us know on the re-schedule I will try to make it.


04-11-09, 12:00 PM
buuuurrrr!!! that looks mighty cold!!

04-11-09, 12:02 PM
I still dont miss it. Im so glad to be out of snow. Im glad your enjoying it. I will post a new thread once I figure out a NON RAIN day lol

04-12-09, 10:27 PM
Why dont we do the cruise to go with the movie night in Glendale with Wild West this could be very big, cruise all afternoon and end up at the drive in!!!! Diner , Movie friends Mustangs what else could we want!!!

04-12-09, 10:35 PM
Ok Sounds good to me, We can still meet up at my house at around noon, Leave by 12:30 cruise up to tortilla Flats and stop to take photos etc.. and then we can all take the 60 up too Glendale. Sounds good to me, Let me know Guys and Gals and I will send out a mass mailing again. Whooo hoooo cruisin and a movie what could be better :)))))