View Full Version : Knocking Lifter
Mr. Austin
03-01-09, 07:11 PM
I have a really bad lifter and surprised it hasn't snapped yet.
Anyone know a good cheap motor rebuild?
What to look for?
any advice?
in need of one. Afraid of driving and it popping on me.:gloomy:
03-02-09, 12:21 PM
I take it, that the "motor" is not blowing blue smoke out the exhaust, or is using oil, or broke a spring, or has a flat lobe on the cam, or? If not and you're reasonably sure it's a lifter and it's bad...really bad and you tried all the other "tricks" (i.e.: lifter supplements from an auto parts store)...Then why not pull the valve covers, back the rocker arms off, pull the push rods, pull the intake and replace the lifters (all of them)? Be sure to lube the new lifters, put it all back together and let her rip. It's not a "big job" or really that big of a deal! Of course this is all sight un-seen, but don't try to make lemonade from lemons if it's not hot outside. Good Luck!
Mr. Austin
03-02-09, 12:48 PM
hmm. ok well i have never done lifters and my and my father got into a huge argument about them and he was telling me i should just go buy a new motor becasue thats a hard thing to fix. and yes the motor is blowing smoke on start up untill she warms up a little bit. i use lucas so i dont know if that helps the lifters. the motor has 84,000 miles but its 40 years old.
crazy ray
03-02-09, 03:08 PM
It's not hard, just time consuming. But if you have the funds. I would just buy a long block and put it in. This way you know how the engine was treated and that nothing else will go wrong with the engine. Either way they are both time consuming.
03-02-09, 04:19 PM
You might want to get a hold of Dan Martorano, at Vintage Auto Parts, 602 437-4661 3821 Wier Avenue. He has been working on 1st generation Mustangs for long time, is honest, reputable, and knows what He is doing. Rates are reasonable, and He won't try to sell you anything you don't need.
If this is the original motor it will most likely go +30 on the new piston size. If you shop for an exchange motor you will get a +60 or more.
Spend a little more and rebuild your motor.
Mr. Austin
03-02-09, 08:54 PM
sorry roger. i dont know what you mean by plus 60
Mr. Austin
03-02-09, 08:55 PM
and i think i would rather rebuild it because she has shot rings in everything else
Mr. Austin
03-02-09, 09:06 PM
I found this site and may try this
Rev'n Kevin
03-02-09, 10:52 PM
Cough, Cough, Cough, Yes Austin PLEASE get that fixed or get behind me, lol.
Instead of rebuilding the original motor and getting a valve job, just buy a new long block. It will be cheaper in the long run and you'll get a full warranty.
For now try some stuff called Marvel Mystery Oil. You can get it at any Checkers or AZ. It would wonders for loosening up stuck lifters and helps seal rings a bit. I've used it on many old beaters and it's worked well for me..
Mr. Austin
03-03-09, 12:37 PM
i use that stuff on everything!! which remind me i need more!! now i need to know where to put it.. do i throw it little at a time through the carb? or take the valves off and put is on any pivot point i can find? i will be pulling off the valve covers and making sure the the nuts and bolts are where they should be and will be getting know gaskets.
Mr. Austin
03-03-09, 12:39 PM
Cough, Cough, Cough, Yes Austin PLEASE get that fixed or get behind me, lol.
haha i need something to change . i wish i had money for a new create motor.. prolly should get a new gasket for that tranny as well huh? keep the smoke out :)
You pour the whole can into your crank case thru the oil fill area..
Mr. Austin
03-04-09, 12:07 PM
ok ill try that im going through the motor on satuday
Mr. Austin
03-15-09, 11:23 PM
so i went back through and played with some stuff and found that my right 4th back spark plugit ticking or "arking" i guess would be the word.. when i hold the wire the sound goes away.. when i let go it come back.. never dealt with it.. what do i look for??
03-17-09, 09:38 AM
A new set of plug wires
Mr. Austin
03-17-09, 12:54 PM
checkers run? or special order..
Mr. Austin
03-17-09, 02:06 PM
found the issue need to know about a good motor shop!! Anyone?
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