View Full Version : battery light is on.

02-12-09, 06:18 PM
ok so 4 days ago i suddenly smelt something wrong......like fire/short wrong. then my battery light came on. now before this happend i noticed that at night my lights had a surge up and down to them. ok, figured the alternator, due to the fact my car died about 5 minutes after the radio shut off. well replaced the battery and the alternator, thinking problem solved. well starts up but the battery light is still on. ?? what gives? did i get a bad alternator? i havent had it tested yet due to work but has anybody had this problem? let me know. thanks .

02-12-09, 06:56 PM
hmm. should have made the light go away. but the fact that you smelled something is not a promising fact. alternator failure is a highy common problem with our cars, but i did not smell a thing when might went out. just had that annoying light on...

02-12-09, 09:05 PM
did you check the alt/battery wires for damage from that smell?

02-12-09, 09:28 PM
NO WAY! ok this just happened to me too! i got a new autolite alternator and it did the same thing......i actually got a bad one, ya brand new just like you and same issue. so i took it back they gave me $100 off for my sweat and time. i did have them test the 2nd new one before i put it on the car and now its all back to normal. Trust me sounds just like the same problem i had 15 miles ago. I would check your wires just to be safe, but worst case take it over to a local parts store and have them test it for free

02-12-09, 09:33 PM
Damn that sucks, those are a PIA to get in and out.

02-13-09, 01:49 PM
going to get it checked out now. let ya know in a few. oh, i looked at all the wires when i took the old one out. looked fine to me. how ever the top of the old one looked burnt at one spot. hmmm??? those darn aliens !

02-13-09, 03:42 PM
I would start simple, and go for the old electrical go-to and check your factory grounds. A bad ground could cause both alts to have trouble due to resistance added from the connection.

02-16-09, 03:08 AM
well?? im stumped. had it checked out and alt. and batt. are working. the light went off on the way there. how ever it came back on at a red light. then went off again. better check my belt. or tensioner??

02-16-09, 07:15 AM
Probably a bad wire. I had a wire go bad on my Cobra that ate an alternator.

07-09-09, 05:51 AM
i had that same problem with mine..is you have changed your crank pulley you are overspinning your alternator and it burns them out..it may be working...mine would work but if it started idleing it would come on..soon as i touched the gas it would go off but the alternator was failing!!!!