View Full Version : Pancake Breakfast Feb 15th!!!
02-07-09, 09:52 AM
Annual Dwight Friedenstab Pancake Breakfast!!
This is a free event for all CMC Members !!
Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, Coffee, and juice of all kinds
Free for your whole family!!! This is the first of three freee events this year! 7th Street & Peoria Phoenix North Mountain Park 10am!!
General Meeting and Mini Mustang Show!!
If your not a member yet come and join the gang!!
We are cooking for you!!
Try to take your family out for breakfast for under $25
See you there!!:bouncy:
02-07-09, 01:04 PM
i will probably be there. went last year and had a blast!!
02-07-09, 06:30 PM
:pepper::pepper:Keep yer fingers crossed for good weather !! :pepper::pepper:
02-08-09, 10:28 AM
Funny today was supposed to be the original date for the breakfast, funny how that happens,, The man upstairs lookin out for us!!!!
02-09-09, 08:33 PM
Mmmm....pancakes in the park! Let me know if you need help checking people in or selling 50/50 tickets. See you soon!
02-10-09, 04:30 PM
Could use your help checking people in so we can get an accurate count for future planning. I'll ask Trish for a membership list to make it easier. THX
02-10-09, 05:23 PM
I'll be there around 9 to help set up. ~Sarah
02-10-09, 05:27 PM
Dash Magnets/Plaques for all who attend!!!
02-10-09, 06:28 PM
Sarah and Judy, I will be bringing my computer so I can input renewing members and new members as they check in, I have printed out 3 lists to bring. I can sell the 50/50 along with checking in people too. This way I can get them right into the computer, Pray it dont rain and then we wont have a problem.
If the weather is good you can count me in.:woot1:
67 'Stang Lover
02-11-09, 11:24 PM
Just curious, will there be directions once we get to the Park? I know where it is just not sure of the exact area once inside. Thanks,
02-12-09, 07:44 AM
From what Judy said we will be in Yavapai. So get there early to help set up hehe. See you all sunday :)
02-15-09, 12:46 PM
Decent turnout, a bit chilly. I think there was more people last year, but good chow !:pepper:
Yes, it was a bit chilly; but a lot of fun.:hi:
02-15-09, 07:45 PM
We hardly overflowed the parking lot, but we did change the date of the breakfast this year. Still a good turnout and lots of good food. And we picked up a few new members too, like Maryann and her beautifully restored 1965 vert. And in attendance the CMC Racing Division MMR Mustang, with newly NHRA licensed driver Dana and her crew.
Thanks to our chefs: John, Hymie, Mitch, Steve(background) and Judy. And our greeters Trish and Becky. Thanks to all the members for their continuous support.
02-15-09, 07:49 PM
good times today! and great pics hank! i am working on mine and should have them up soon.
02-15-09, 07:52 PM
Yes it was awesome, Thanks Judy Bateman and Crew for a job well done!!!! You guys rock!!! :woot1::woot1::woot1:
02-16-09, 01:43 PM
Super duper!!!! I want more pancakes!!!
02-16-09, 02:02 PM
I got left overs in the Fridge, sausage bacon and pancakes rofl
Sorry I missed. Had a church thing I had to attend. Dave keeps changing so much I hardly recognized him!
02-17-09, 03:27 PM
Thats to keep us coming out to the next event so we can see what Dave changed. Hairdo next, I'm guessing.
Will you stop by on Friday 2/27 for Woodys yogurt? Across from CostCo by my house.
Sorry I missed. Had a church thing I had to attend. Dave keeps changing so much I hardly recognized him!
02-18-09, 09:09 AM
Dave keeps changing so much I hardly recognized him! Its to keep up with all his different cars !:biglaugh::biglaugh:
02-18-09, 09:13 PM
You so funny!!!! We'll see what I look like this friday night!!
Hank I am going to the Suns game on Friday the 27th to see Toronto with my niece, gonna play good Uncle.
Thats to keep us coming out to the next event so we can see what Dave changed. Hairdo next, I'm guessing.
Will you stop by on Friday 2/27 for Woodys yogurt? Across from CostCo by my house.
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