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View Full Version : Zoom D2 Twin Disc Clutch Experiment

01-17-09, 11:50 PM
1500 Miles and 20 1/4 mile passes. I started noticing issed at 14 runs.
I have never seen a clutch eat it self up so bad. Good for 900 HP. Well I only have 625. My Ram Powergrip HD held up longer.










01-18-09, 12:01 AM
OMG! There is no clutch that will stay in your car Jeff! That is impressive.:woot2:

01-18-09, 12:12 AM
Ram Powergrip HD for the win. Love that clutch.

I'm surprised that Zoom twin disk fried so quickly. :yes:

01-18-09, 12:16 AM
Mother of God Jeff. You are harder on clutches than Tony is on tires. I think the Auto is going to hold up better.

01-18-09, 12:19 AM
Mother of God Jeff. You are harder on clutches than Tony is on tires. I think the Auto is going to hold up better.

It is Panteen we are talking about, he has destruction in his blood. :biglaugh:

I'm curious to see how well it does with the auto. Should be nice.

01-18-09, 12:48 AM
OMG! There is no clutch that will stay in your car Jeff! That is impressive.:woot2:

Still have a Spec V sitting here. Looks nice and new.

01-18-09, 08:00 AM
Have you sent those pics to the manufacturer ? Curious to know if they would reimburse or something. Definitley something for their engineers to see.

01-18-09, 09:32 AM
Mother of God Jeff. You are harder on clutches than Tony is on tires. I think the Auto is going to hold up better.
+2 Jeff Holy Crap!!:icon_cool:

01-18-09, 10:17 AM
wow!!! that is just scary! i am completely sold on the spec stage 3+ in my car though...

01-18-09, 04:00 PM

01-18-09, 04:41 PM
Automagic for the the win, I'll never go back to a stick in the quarter. I'd like a C4 but my C6 has been good to me.

01-19-09, 05:11 PM
looks like your clutch said F you haha.

btw I hope mine doesn't look like that....

01-19-09, 06:33 PM
Too much clutch

01-19-09, 07:03 PM
told ya your tires were spinning really slow lol.

man you fubar'ed that clutch

01-19-09, 09:22 PM
You ARE trhe master of carnage. :Bucktooth:

01-26-09, 06:26 PM

I was at D&D today and in talking with my buddy I mentioned what happened here (I thought I remember reading you got the clutch from D&D). Anyway, I copied the text from this thread and sent it to him. He told me that if you would like to give them a call and he can try to get a hold of Zoom to warrantee it for you. He is aware you are going turbo 400, but if you do get a new one back from Zoom, it will be free money for you to turn back around and sell.

Let me know if you are interested, I can get you in contact with my buddy.


01-26-09, 06:37 PM

I was at D&D today and in talking with my buddy I mentioned what happened here (I thought I remember reading you got the clutch from D&D). Anyway, I copied the text from this thread and sent it to him. He told me that if you would like to give them a call and he can try to get a hold of Zoom to warrantee it for you. He is aware you are going turbo 400, but if you do get a new one back from Zoom, it will be free money for you to turn back around and sell.

Let me know if you are interested, I can get you in contact with my buddy.


I already spoke to Don Walsh senior at D&D and my clutch has been sent back to Zoom.

01-27-09, 12:56 AM
Ouch... So maybe I'll try the McLeod twin.

Although that thing saw a heack of a lot more abuse than mine ever will. Hopefully they take care of it for you, I'd like it if they did something like that for me.

01-28-09, 12:00 PM

haha..yea..I had those issue's at 500hp...3 clutches in 3 years was getting expensive. sure it holds 900hp but the key is they dont say how long.

02-17-09, 09:12 PM
Well thanks to some help from Don Walsh Sr. at D&D Performance my clutch was serviced by Zoom under warranty.

It has the newest disc's which have about twice the contact area of the original clutch.

I will get some photos up soon.

02-17-09, 11:35 PM
Well good to hear they are taking care of you Jeff, if you plan on selling the clutch I may be interested.