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View Full Version : Fords on the 4th

01-17-09, 04:03 PM
Check out the info that Kenny passed on to us....sounds like an interesting day....

From: Kenny

Okay it has come to my attention that Broch, Pam, Rich ...maybe a few others are still interested in Tucson. Awesome. Drop me a note to let me know who is still interested so that I can send emails to only those that are interested in going.


Sunday February 22, 2009
Registration- 7-9am.

The registration form and map are at this website.

http://www.southernarizonamustangclub.org/fords4th.html (http://www.southernarizonamustangclub.org/fords4th.html)


01-18-09, 09:48 AM
Already in the car show section...........

01-18-09, 10:15 AM
my guess is some people only check the one section...

01-19-09, 09:09 AM
Thanks, just trying to get more of the WWM members to get on this site and see all the information that is out there and cut down on this mass e-mails, our website has a direct link to our forum for all to see. We have 30+ members but only about 6 on HPS. Sometimes you gotta lead the horse to the water, know what I mean???