View Full Version : 1984 Mustang SVO Hatchback - Full-Blown Horse

01-12-09, 08:20 AM
1984 Mustang SVO Hatchback - Full-Blown Horse
http://images.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0902_13_pl+1984_mustang_svo_hatchback+front_v iew.jpg
Saved From Neglect, Matt Heimer's '84 SVO Has Done Show Duty, Been A Daily Driver, And Is Now Taking On The Track In Style (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0902_1984_mustang_svo_hatchback)Matt Heimer's '84 Mustang SVO
She's called Dazey because I name all of my cars," says Matt Heimer. A native of Jupiter, Florida, Matt is a self-confessed Fox Mustang fanatic. He has no fewer than 10 of them, along with "a few more out back behind the shop." Although the man is clearly on a mission to save and restore our beloved Foxes (he works with Matt Highley at Fox Mustang restoration), he also likes to have fun with them. That's pretty much been the case with Dazey since she came into his life back in 2003.

Photo Gallery: 1984 Mustang SVO Hatchback - Modified Mustangs & Fords Magazine (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0902_1984_mustang_svo_hatchback)

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