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View Full Version : Russo and Steele Friday Jan 16th!!

01-04-09, 05:10 PM
We have been invited ti the auction and will have a special parking area and VIP passes for any Copperstate Memeber who wants to go on Friday. Let me know as we can get a parking slip for you and your Mustang!!!

01-04-09, 06:39 PM
I'm there! This should be another great event!

01-04-09, 06:48 PM
What time does the auction go until friday night? I have to work but my better half and I would go in the evening.

01-04-09, 09:11 PM
we will take a couple.. what time does it start ?

01-04-09, 09:47 PM
my stang is still down but it sounds like fun.

01-05-09, 05:53 AM
Count us in, What are the times?

01-05-09, 08:52 AM
It ball starts abpout noon but we are comming in around 4pm from what I am getting.. more info to come...

01-05-09, 12:18 PM
Sounds great - count me in for a pass. Might head up earlier than 4PM to beat the traffic from Chandler - would that work?

01-05-09, 04:03 PM
yes and we are going to meet someplace close and drive into the event together!!

El Jefe
01-05-09, 04:58 PM
Why do they always do this the same weekend as Barrett Jackson?

01-05-09, 05:09 PM
Why do they always do this the same weekend as Barrett Jackson?

I thought the same thing but we usually go to BJ on any day except Friday or Saturday even though thats when the big dogs are there and we go to RS on Friday. Still if they were only one week apart it would help.. But they get the big boys in town and they visit both auctions..

01-06-09, 09:56 PM
Count Anthony and me in!

We could probably just meet in the R&S parking lot at 3:30 to group up.

We have been invited ti the auction and will have a special parking area and VIP passes for any Copperstate Memeber who wants to go on Friday. Let me know as we can get a parking slip for you and your Mustang!!!

01-07-09, 07:10 PM
OK R&S What exact corner and stuff is that on? :icon_cool:

01-07-09, 09:11 PM
Let's just stage in the Russo & Steele parking lot. At 4pm on a Friday it'll tough to get a group to stay together...

OK R&S What exact corner and stuff is that on? :icon_cool:

01-08-09, 05:56 PM
Let's just stage in the Russo & Steele parking lot. At 4pm on a Friday it'll tough to get a group to stay together...
Nope! RS wants us to drive into the event as a Group.. Please send me (PM) your name and Mustang that you are bringing as they are reserving our spaces for us..

01-12-09, 08:25 PM
I'm working the auction as a driver Fri., but count me in on bringing one of my cars. I'll be there around 10:00AM, so look for me.

01-12-09, 08:35 PM
Has it been decided where we will meet on the 16th for R&S?

01-13-09, 12:14 AM
Union Hills on the East side of Scottsdale Road. Its just south of the R&S parking lot. Meet at 3:30 and we'll head up at 3:50pm.

Has it been decided where we will meet on the 16th for R&S?

01-14-09, 12:40 PM
I want to go but the dirt road that was mentioned at the meeting just isn't what I do, I know they were ment to drive, just not down dirt roads or moist dirt roads, can I still get a pass as a Copperstate Member and drive a different vehicle that goes in the dirt?

Sorry Im really picky about this stuff.

01-14-09, 12:58 PM
Let me see what I can do for you Joe...

01-14-09, 03:28 PM
You are not alone Joe - this may be a game breaker for me as well. Can I get a little more info on the dirt road? How long on dirt? Is it wetted down but not sloppy wet? Sorry to be such a sissy but I'm pretty particular on this point as well. Be curious to see what you come up with on the passes Dave.

01-14-09, 03:56 PM
i went by there today and it was dry and not dusty. It's only a short (few hundred feet at most) drive to the valet area. I'll try to stop by Thursday and see after a day of use what it looks like.

You are not alone Joe - this may be a game breaker for me as well. Can I get a little more info on the dirt road? How long on dirt? Is it wetted down but not sloppy wet? Sorry to be such a sissy but I'm pretty particular on this point as well. Be curious to see what you come up with on the passes Dave.

01-14-09, 07:56 PM
Thanks Dave! Hey don't let me start an issue here, from what I remember it is a short distance for the dirt but I'm just an anal guy when it comes to rain and dirt roads. Ive had my Stang for 2 years now and so far "knock on wood" its not been in the rain, and only been wet once for cleaning up from the drive to the Steamboat Springs show after the long drive. I know my days are numbered especially on the trips I take but Im just picking my poison. Im going to the R&S show regardless just probably wont do it in the stang.

Come on Steamboat! Cant wait for that show again!!

01-14-09, 08:26 PM
That sounds pretty good Hank - thanks for checking on the road - I'll just drive real slow :)

01-15-09, 06:25 PM
We'll stage on the right side (south) of Union Hills Dr. It now leads right to R&S parking lot.

The dirt lot from Union Hills was moist this morning, but not messy. And its a short hop to parking.

That sounds pretty good Hank - thanks for checking on the road - I'll just drive real slow :)

01-15-09, 07:17 PM
Thanks again Hank - looks like they have it nice and packed down. See ya tomorrow afternoon

01-16-09, 02:15 AM
anyone wanna pm me their # just in case i get lost lol...im newish to the area and dont know where any of this is....well i just typed it in my phone and got the address for the Russo & steele collector automobile...(which im assumin is the place ur talkin about) but dont know where union hills is...ive been to scottsdale Rd where barret jackson is cause i live about 3 miles from there but still not sure the place where we are meeting..thanks!

01-16-09, 06:35 AM
The auction is on the SE corner of the 101 and Scottsdale road. You should be able to see the big tent from the 101. Union Hills road is just south of the 101 off Scottsdale road and only runs east. Do a Google map of that intersection and you will get a good picture of the roads

01-16-09, 08:32 AM
Why do they always do this the same weekend as Barrett Jackson?
So the "Poor" rich people don't have to take their collectable classics out of their humidtycontrolled, heated, airconditioned, garages, more than one weekend !:biglaugh::biglaugh:

01-16-09, 08:42 AM
Ha! Good one!!

01-16-09, 10:28 AM
So 4pm is the confirmed time?

I guess Ill bring the stang, my "humidity controlled, heated, air conditioned, garage" doesn't seem to be working well today for some reason. :)

01-16-09, 10:35 AM
3:30 then drive into R & S at 4pm....

01-16-09, 07:04 PM
I saw a Hot Wheels Mustang, a SEMA edition, 2 nice Fox body cars, A 1979 Ranchero with about 55 miles on it, and bunch of Shelbys & Cobras from all years. The bidding area is well laid and allows a nice view of the cars for everyone. I thought they advertised 500 vehicles, but the count is over 900.

Thanks to all 20 CMC members who attended Russo and Steele today. The VIP passes allowed us in the bidder tent and are good all weekend. Thanks for arranging this Dave!

3:30 then drive into R & S at 4pm....

01-17-09, 01:28 PM
Looks like everyone had a great time!

01-17-09, 02:06 PM
Lots of nice cars and lots of nice ponies. But they didn't seem to be selling many cars of any sort on Friday night. A beautiful grabber blue 69 Boss 429 went for $195,000 after a bit of haggling with the owner. Great fun - can't wait for next year