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12-30-08, 09:25 AM
This is one of the times when our club must touch on a governmental subject. As you know, SAMC supports SEMA in their watchdog efforts in our car hobby. The subject of "Cash for Clunkers" is something that is close to the heart of our membership as well as everyone in the car hobby. This subject has been looked at before but is now being drafted once more. If this program is passed, an entire source of parts for restoration may go away. Please read this newly proposed program and see what you think. If you don't agree with the draft, take some time to express your thoughts to our government leaders. Expressing your thoughts is easy, just use the E-mail address provided below. You can even use one of the talking points shown below in your message.
Thank You
Dave Carroll

Washington lawmakers are drafting a large economic stimulus package to help create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. They want to include a nationwide scrappage program which would give U.S. tax dollars to consumers who turn-in older cars to have them crushed, as a misguided attempt to spur new car sales. The lawmakers need to scrap this idea.
The stimulus package is being drafted right now. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants to introduce the bill on January 6 and have it approved by Congress by January 20, so that President Obama can sign it into law after he is inaugurated.

Contact House Speaker Nancy Pelosi IMMEDIATELY To Oppose Cash for Clunkers!

Call: 202/225-0100
Click here to send an electronic message: http://speaker.house.gov/contact/ (http://webmail.west.cox.net/do/redirect?url=http%253A%252F%252Fecho.bluehornet.co m%252Fct%252F2726345%253A1423145450%253Am%253A4%25 3A59617121%253ABB389DA5E2EA59524651C1162391ADB0)

12-30-08, 08:03 PM

12-30-08, 10:04 PM
Thats exactly the way I picture her and let the liberals loose they will destroy our old cars!!!!

12-31-08, 06:48 PM
I honestly don't see how scrapping Cars of minimal value is going to stimulate the sale of new Cars. The value of the metal in the scrapped Cars probably isn't enough to justify the influx of Govenment money at a time when the country is burdened with a record federal deficit too.

It would make more sense to spend the money encouraging people to use recycled/rebuilt parts. a whole lot greener than smelting down old metal (POLLUTION !!!!), and probably more labor intensive (JOBS !!!!!). Probably better for our trade deficit too, considering how many parts are made overseas today.

Given the value of Mustangs, our cars, and their parts, are safe. But there are a lot of lesser known/remembered nameplates (Checkout the back lots at Knott's Berry Fabulous Fords next April) that don't have the aftermarket support we do. Enthusists of these nameplates rely heavily on salvage yards for needed parts to restore/repair their treasured Cars. They farm out alot of work, such as paint jobs, and transmission rebuilds that support other peoples jobs too.

01-01-09, 01:55 PM
I honestly don't see how scrapping Cars of minimal value is going to stimulate the sale of new Cars. The value of the metal in the scrapped Cars probably isn't enough to justify the influx of Govenment money at a time when the country is burdened with a record federal deficit too.

Didnt you hear? EVERYONE has at least 13k lying around for a brand new Kia Rio!!! (aka throw away cars!!!!!!!) We can all buy cars with all the money we have and the BIG BUCKS they are going to give us. i saw this in an email Summit Racing sent out. This ticks me off. cant we just trade in Nancy?

01-01-09, 03:00 PM
Didnt you hear? EVERYONE has at least 13k lying around for a brand new Kia Rio!!! (aka throw away cars!!!!!!!) We can all buy cars with all the money we have and the BIG BUCKS they are going to give us. i saw this in an email Summit Racing sent out. This ticks me off. cant we just trade in Nancy?
Problem is there are too many in California that think just like her.....

01-01-09, 09:18 PM
We can all buy cars with all the money we have and the BIG BUCKS they are going to give us. i saw this in an email Summit Racing sent out

Opps....Sorry Summit, going to have to check my credit card balances when they come in this month, but I think I already spent some of that money.

Mr. Austin
01-01-09, 11:10 PM
All of you need to submit your idea's. Torchman. you already have written yours. Rox.....spot on....come over for a cup of tea... :P they cant do this to us. I am not for or against Obama both of them were stupid. But I do have my opinions and i believe Obama may be smart enough to understand this is life. this is our history. You cant just destroy cars and expect everyone to go out and buy brand new ones. Plus they loose money on the taxes from Barret Jackson and taxes on these parts. they want to make more damn money they need to open a factory or something....

01-02-09, 10:51 PM

67 'Stang Lover
01-03-09, 12:15 AM
Don't get me started on the 'Libs' because you know that me and Sarah will go crazy on them. LOL. BTW, I am surprised that Janet passed that Emission Exemption Law last year that most of us took advantage of. Her 'Partner' must have put her in a good mood. LMFAO.
'67 & '07 Mustang Lover.............

Problem is there are too many in California that think just like her.....

01-04-09, 07:32 AM
OH and just another thought.... is there metal in those newer cars!? lol

Mr. Austin
01-05-09, 11:57 AM
ya. the damn airbag. they do more damage when the pop out then hitting the dash. crack in yer scull or burns on yer face froma peice of fabric??

01-05-09, 10:56 PM

01-06-09, 02:18 AM
it doesnt say you have to turn in new cars. So if someone wants to get a new car they can get extra money for a new car. I dont see the big deal. Part dealers will not go away if there is a market they will stay. Car enthusiasts will not be the ones trading in there old cars, it will be old people.

01-06-09, 10:54 AM
it doesnt say you have to turn in new cars. So if someone wants to get a new car they can get extra money for a new car. I dont see the big deal. Part dealers will not go away if there is a market they will stay. Car enthusiasts will not be the ones trading in there old cars, it will be old people.

ha ha!.... in my POV... just about everything is newer! lol!

for the old mustangs, we have a TON of reproduced parts or aftermarket places at our fingertips. on the chevy side as well. i have heard that the mopar group, they dont have as many places to go to. what it comes down to is the other older cars that dont have repo part companies.:icon_cry:

01-06-09, 10:55 AM

i am totally stealling some of these "evil nancy" pictures for myspace!:biglaugh:

01-07-09, 07:19 PM
it doesnt say you have to turn in new cars. So if someone wants to get a new car they can get extra money for a new car. I dont see the big deal. Part dealers will not go away if there is a market they will stay. Car enthusiasts will not be the ones trading in there old cars, it will be old people.
You maybe right but this kind of crap is just the tip of the iceberg, once they go down this road it may be very hard to get back...

01-08-09, 08:21 AM

My god is that really her or did you mess up her face like that, ew.:biglaugh: I totally agree with you guys even though I dont have an older car. I think its wrong to crush classics. Just burns my ass what they are trying to do. We buy enough new cars. Let them lower the price of the new cars and then more people will buy them. Most people have the classic and also have the new car so whats the beef? JMO:laughing1:

01-09-09, 04:30 PM

01-10-09, 12:13 PM
.... Let them lower the price of the new cars and then more people will buy them. Most people have the classic and also have the new car so whats the beef? JMO:laughing1:

You are dead on about lowering the price on new cars! they are so super inflated.... and dont get me started on insurance and registration. :nono: