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View Full Version : Tranny Fluid Under Shifter

12-28-08, 12:13 PM
Since the previous owner of my car installed the shifter, and it's the only thing that they installed that hasn't been replaced, I figured I'd remove it to check the install and put in Cobra Bob's shifter gaskets. Upon doing so I thought I'd see if you guys thought this amount of fluid in the shifter cavity was normal:


The plastic bushing is also missing. Is it necessary and worth getting one? I thought it may be contributing to the noise factor. Thoughts?

12-28-08, 12:50 PM
Since the previous owner of my car installed the shifter, and it's the only thing that they installed that hasn't been replaced, I figured I'd remove it to check the install and put in Cobra Bob's shifter gaskets. Upon doing so I thought I'd see if you guys thought this amount of fluid in the shifter cavity was normal:


The plastic bushing is also missing. Is it necessary and worth getting one? I thought it may be contributing to the noise factor. Thoughts?

A little fluid in there is normal.
I would change the fluid while you are in there.
4 quarts and you can fill it thru the shifter area in the pic above.

I use The Right Stuff http://www.permatex.com/brand_right_stuff.htm to seal the shifter.

What plastic bushing are you talking about?

12-28-08, 01:29 PM
Ok- thanks Jeff. Acutally the bushing is in the picture- sort of hard to see and I noticed it after I posted. Instead of it popping out with the shifter it stayed in the tranny.

12-28-08, 10:38 PM
i had a little fluid in there too when i installed my cobra bob shifter gasket. nice thing about that gasket, no permatex needed!! :woot1:

12-29-08, 04:16 PM
I didnt have a bushing on either of my cobras