View Full Version : 2009 Saleen Dark Horse Extreme Mustang - Dark Might

12-16-08, 12:56 PM
2009 Saleen Dark Horse Extreme Mustang - Dark Might
http://images.mustang50magazine.com/images/m5lp_0902_pl+2009_saleen_dark_horse_extreme_mustan g+rear_view.jpg
The 2009 Saleen Dark Horse Extreme Edition Mustang offers enough ebony and energy to clean up Gotham (http://www.mustang50magazine.com/featuredvehicles/m5lp_0902_2009_saleen_dark_horse_extreme_mustang)H orse Sense: Sane people don't shoot black cars at night, so that exempted us immediately. But all that black paint and a warm summer evening had us fixated on late-night cruising, so we opted to shoot the Dark Horse in its natural element. The strobes flashed from 7:30 p.m. to 4 a.m., startling birds in their nests and neighbors from their sleep.

Photo Gallery: 2009 Saleen Dark Horse Extreme - 620HP Specialty S197 Mustang - 5.0 Mustang & Super Fords Magazine (http://www.mustang50magazine.com/featuredvehicles/m5lp_0902_2009_saleen_dark_horse_extreme_mustang)

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Full Story... (http://www.mustang50magazine.com/featuredvehicles/m5lp_0902_2009_saleen_dark_horse_extreme_mustang)