View Full Version : What Kind of Driver are you??
12-11-08, 06:28 PM
Be honest!! I scored a 71 Little risk... go!
12-11-08, 06:39 PM
Ok, I am a 74....a little risk. Had to laugh at the radio question. The kid has control of the music when we are driving. Also there is absolutely no FARDING in the car! :-)
12-11-08, 07:18 PM
I scored a 71 as well. A little risky sounds pretty good to me. :biglaugh:
12-11-08, 07:21 PM
54% Average Risk
12-11-08, 07:40 PM
You scored a 69% (B)! Your driving level is: a little risk
87 "Highly skilled"...
All those classes at UPS and the PO must of paid
12-11-08, 11:06 PM
:pepper:77 for me
You scored a 88% (A)! Your driving level is: very safe
the one that killed me was "12. Do you often feel like all the other drivers around you are going too slow?" because man it sure does, even though i dont sped
after doing it a few times trying to screw the system, the lowest i can get is 5% , but u can get 100%
12-11-08, 11:31 PM
52% here. Hope no one has ever hit a pedestrian.
84%.... After installing car audio for 10 yrs I got to drive almost every kind of vehicle from lambos to box trucks and I never worked at a shop that had enough space. I am really comfortable moving cars around each other with only a couple of inches to spare with my mirrors, didn't know it would pay off when I bought my house. I have a very small two car garage and a small driveway that we fit 3 cars into and around. I park my ranger with only a few inches on the passenger side(after dropping off any passengers outside). I back my mystang in also a few inches away from the wall after dropping my passengers off and still need to be carefull not to ding the other when opening my door. This is no problem until my roomie comes home and parkes his car in its place infront of the stang. I can back the stang around his car and between my truck in a sharp S turn and still get it a few inches away from the wall.
My driving habits have changed of the last couple of years when the price of gas was soo high. I slowed down a little and tried not to be accelerating towards a red light and was suprised to get a few more miles per gallon.
12-12-08, 09:20 AM
I got - You scored a 93% (A)! Your driving level is: very safe
12-12-08, 10:48 AM
Have you ever hit a pedestrian? lol I thought anyone who answered yes to this should automatically fail
Well I got a 68% (A little risk) Any extra credit going to be offered? Maybe we can set a little curve to bump me up to a 70? I hope I did better on the math final I just took
12-12-08, 03:38 PM
62% little risk
12-12-08, 03:50 PM
Ha! My wife got a 72!
crazy ray
12-12-08, 04:35 PM
79% for me.
12-12-08, 06:18 PM
77% little risk.
More probing questions should be"
How often are there two smoking black trails behind you after light goes green?
Define cats ass?
How many miles do you get out of a set of tires?
Do you replace your clutch more or less frequently than you change your oil?
Have you ever waived a pistol at a fellow road rager?
Do you swerve AT small rodents?
Can you define power breaking?
Do you consider a "clear" shoulder an option to pass if it means a "cool" internet kill story?
HAHA :biglaugh:
12-12-08, 07:35 PM
77% little risk.
More probing questions should be"
How often are there two smoking black trails behind you after light goes green?
Define cats ass?
How many miles do you get out of a set of tires?
Do you replace your clutch more or less frequently than you change your oil?
Have you ever waived a pistol at a fellow road rager?
Do you swerve AT small rodents?
Can you define power breaking?
Do you consider a "clear" shoulder an option to pass if it means a "cool" internet kill story?
HAHA :biglaugh:
HAHA lol
i scored a 54%
12-12-08, 08:57 PM
The additional questions posted are amusing!
12-14-08, 10:51 AM
77% wow! nice! besides.... hitting pedestrians is a "point system" basis...
12-14-08, 11:44 AM
You scored a 64% (B)! Your driving level is: a little risk
Not bad... talking and texting while driving killed me!
Mr. Austin
12-16-08, 10:41 AM
64% Little risky. They need to add those questions thats to funny
12-16-08, 11:28 AM
You scored a 58% (C)! Your driving level is: average risk
12-16-08, 01:37 PM
59%. Although I think that the insurance company views me as way more than average risk with my street racing ticket..........
12-16-08, 01:45 PM
77% little risk.
Have you ever waived a pistol at a fellow road rager?
HAHA :biglaugh:
LOL! This actually happened to me! Although I think maybe I get a pass because it happed while I was on deployment. Driving around in civilian clothes and car in the middle east..........
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