View Full Version : looking for

12-10-08, 09:01 PM
mustang coupe 87 to 90 looking to make a roadrace car out of it i need to go fast again its been to long

12-10-08, 10:02 PM
mustang coupe 87 to 90 looking to make a roadrace car out of it i need to go fast again its been to long

most terminator owners say that :biglaugh:

na i'll keep my eye out on the boards...matter if its a 4 banger?

12-10-08, 10:07 PM
mustang coupe 87 to 90 looking to make a roadrace car out of it i need to go fast again its been to long

Hey isn't that Zinker racing in your sig?

12-10-08, 10:21 PM
Hey isn't that Zinker racing in your sig?

i'm sorry, i just spit out my soda....:biglaugh:

12-11-08, 12:56 PM
i need to go fast again its been to long

Nightmare, I am probably not telling you anything new but here goes. Notchbacks are getting extremely hard to locate, especially one that is in decent shape, a non 4cyl, and comes with a reasonable price. If your looking to score one soon, you might think of shipping the car in. I had mine shipped in from San Diego as a roller for under $200, and that was when gas was $3+ a gal. Check out Uship for quotes, you might be suprised how cheap it can be.

The price is right (http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/cto/951424363.html) but its a loooong ways away... Haha
Good Luck on the hunt

12-12-08, 02:05 PM
i'm sorry, i just spit out my soda....:biglaugh:


12-12-08, 05:04 PM
no thats not me.

12-14-08, 05:45 PM
no thats not me.


12-15-08, 08:08 PM
ya i realize it is coupe is hard to find with a 5.0 but i think i am more looking for a 4 cly grandma drivin car that way it is unmolested i am not in to much of a hurry i have alot of projects under way as it is. i am getting the itch to go fast so i might do something like a bike lol mustang may cost to much to build right now

12-15-08, 09:14 PM
i'm shopping for a coupe at the moment too. though i don't mind if its a 4- eye. think i have one found...:D

01-26-09, 01:53 PM
If you were to buy a 4 banger but planned on doing a suspension kit for road racing is there anything extra that would need to be done if you were to buy a GT?
Does that make sense?
I will be looking at anything from a 87-98 once I get employed again.