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Please take no offense at all. People at are so ****Y.
****y list
#1 they have a shit talking section
#2 they will say you said something that you didn't & harass you until you admit it, but still never did it.
#3 admins will think they are smart cause they see 1 ip, made 2 accounts, when i have a brother that goes on his forum account.
#4 #3 makes me laugh.
Not going there ever again. Hopefully this forum is a nice fun place to blog.
11-27-08, 06:44 AM
No drama like that here, LOL
11-27-08, 10:44 AM
yup, gotta have thick skin and be able to deal with some interesting people on there. it makes me lol alot though, so i keep on there...
I think i made a thread there about "need help new clutch" i dont think one person told me a good clutch lol.
11-27-08, 12:41 PM
I know that place, I've been there a couple times.
But... HPS is the place to be lol
11-27-08, 01:10 PM
think the biggest thing they hit you up on was you saying you ran the car to an 11.5 and posted track pics and everything was of the previous owner who only ran the car to an 11.9 from what it sounds like
think the biggest thing they hit you up on was you saying you ran the car to an 11.5 and posted track pics and everything was of the previous owner who only ran the car to an 11.9 from what it sounds like
Its all the truth. but those pics was before i ever took it to the track, sorry im not a SHOW OFF, i dont bring a camera to take pics of my car where ever i go...
I see news pics of your car ever day.. your a ****y person LOL.... i heard you drove to like aspen or w.e to be in front of a jet... just to take a picture.
Thats why i dont plan on going to azstreetscene. Heres its nicer. I like the JOOMLA template they got there. ROFL
11-28-08, 01:52 AM
I dont take a camera with me everywhere I go either. BTW aspen is in my backyard I guess. All my pics were taken within a 1/2 mile of where I live
cool. But they get mad when i tell them the truth, i think its cause im 16 and i have a car that people dont think i should have... like the first thing azsnake said "YOUR DADDY BUYS YOU EVERYTHING" <---- Thats not true, i bought the car, he pays insurance...
Azsnake is mad. And im glad he is.
11-28-08, 09:03 AM
oh crap. so i am a showoff because i have a decent camera and my favorite photo subject is my pride and joy? damn. better notify someone. doh!!!
haha. good stuff....
btw- all i will ad is the posting up what the car ran, and then getting spanked pretty bad on video by a slower car was not a good start for you on azss. the previous owner of my car had ran 10's with it. big f-n' deal. till i can run it, does not make one single difference. think thats the main point one could get across. get yourself out there and make a name for yourself. let you car and your abilities talk for you, not your mouth. just tryin to be straight up with ya. not talkin down at you or what not. as for who pays for what, who cares! lol. thats no ones business. i would blow that stuff off and ignore it.
11-28-08, 10:51 AM
cool. But they get mad when i tell them the truth, i think its cause im 16 and i have a car that people dont think i should have... like the first thing azsnake said "YOUR DADDY BUYS YOU EVERYTHING" <---- Thats not true, i bought the car, he pays insurance...
Azsnake is mad. And im glad he is.
Watch your mouth little boy. before it gets you in trouble.
You are full of it and i busted you on AZSTREETSCENE this is why you are running to HPS...
This is what happens when a ricer gets a Cobra.
Careful guys, try not to step in the bull.
11-28-08, 11:04 AM
Thats not true, i bought the car,
So I guess your dad showing up with a bag of cash and paying J.R. = you buying the car?
Tell me... where did you work at 11 years old in order to save up 20,000 dollars? You are a classic case of a spoiled little kid who gets everything handed to them in life. And it makes me sick. Not because you have a great life all paid for by your parents, and you are humble about it, no... If that was the case then all the more power to ya. But the fact that you go on the internet and LIE about it and tell everyone you "saved up" and that you went 11.5 in the car without ever being to the track in your life... makes most people lose all respect for you. And hopping sites and stating the same bullshit wont save you. 80% of the people on AZSS are on this site and all the other mustang / f-body / cobra / import / racing sites on the net.
9TMARE, this is 5 point 1 on AZSS. You made that OTHER account with the fake screename, just to further your point. I don't think your own twin would be ASKING if you bought the car. The account was started right when AZSnake98 started calling you out, and it only has one post. So don't drag me into your Bull.
Have a nice day.
11-28-08, 11:33 AM
Easy guys, watch the language.....
k, but when i went against that guy in that video, my clutch went out the next day, prolly was slipping that night and i diddnt even know it.
Anyways, chris203 "for some reason" only put the clips of him beating me... what about the clips where i almost took him... like in the beginning clips.
Dont matter to me, i dont go there anymore.
azsonicsnake, do you have the black outlining on the back bumper of you cobra? im thinking about getting it, but does it look nice?
k, but when i went against that guy in that video, my clutch went out the next day, prolly was slipping that night and i diddnt even know it.
Anyways, chris203 "for some reason" only put the clips of him beating me... what about the clips where i almost took him... like in the beginning clips.
Dont matter to me, i dont go there anymore.
Lmao! No, they usually tend to not post videos of them losing!
Here's one of the Havoc Cammed Camaros (no spray), doing some damage to chris203, lol!
Street Racing Video Removed- Rules Violation
yea thats really good. I wish i can go against him again, but from a digg, and i guarantee you ide win this time. But i gotta wait 500 miles before i go hard on this new clutch
yea thats really good. I wish i can go against him again, but from a digg, and i guarantee you ide win this time. But i gotta wait 500 miles before i go hard on this new clutch
What clutch did you end up going with? Are you still on the 10 spline? Oh, and what tires are you running right now?
I have a centerforce clutch, and i run eagle f1 something 275's
11-28-08, 11:58 AM
ur, if your gonna setup stuff like this, head back to azss with it. not here....
and btw-
okie dokie :P anyways, sonic answer, did u put the black outlinning on the back of your cobra?
11-29-08, 08:22 AM
Zinker, Didnt you just put a motor in that car of yours? Does your brother or yourself own a SRT4?
I do remember seeing you drive like a jackass up and down bell road, cant forget a license plate like that.
BTW the car below is AZsonicsnake's, his car will hand you're shit it's ass.
11-29-08, 09:35 AM
I will be at Firebird on the 12th for sure and maybe the 5th and 19th.
I invite everyone to attend.
Zinker are you coming? We can video your runs and put an end to this nonsense thread.
Zinker, Didnt you just put a motor in that car of yours? Does your brother or yourself own a SRT4?
I do remember seeing you drive like a jackass up and down bell road, cant forget a license plate like that.
BTW the car below is AZsonicsnake's, his car will hand you're shit it's ass.
AHAH the previous owner of this cars, brother had an srt-4, a fast one... they were both really good drivers. yea i know about azsonicsnake's car. i just asked him about a sticker lol
11-29-08, 03:28 PM
okie dokie :P anyways, sonic answer, did u put the black outlinning on the back of your cobra?
actually i just bought a vinyl decal from ebay, put it on myself, and had my paint guy re clear coat the bumper so it has a nice protective coating now.
and yup, my car has been around too, it was quite well known before i ever got it. thats why i've tried to carry on and keep its image up there. :woot1:
btw- thanks steve! not sure if you have heard, but a set of bbs rk plasmas are in route for it. :icon_cool:
yea your car looks like a beast, i saw the burnout. How do you do that? i wanna learn.... if you do gas + brake, doesn't it bend the chassis? Also, does that take off a shit load of rubber?
11-29-08, 05:02 PM
line lock FTW! makes life much easier. though i have done many by dumping the clutch and getting my left foot back on the brake, but that kills your rear rotors. and yeah, its hell on tires. i just did that monster because i had just bought some new drag radials and needed to finish off the old street tires.
you will have to know how to do a good burn out to get into the 12s.....
11-29-08, 09:06 PM
"YOUR DADDY BUYS YOU EVERYTHING" <---- Thats not true, i bought the car, he pays insurance...
I doubt you had enough money to by the car out in turn you have payments...who makes those?
You can buy a 20,000 + car but cant pay insurance....come on.
11-29-08, 09:39 PM
At 16...I could only imagine what insurance would have to be. His father has to be listed as the owner as I do not believe he can legally hold the title to a vehicle at 16 in the state of AZ (As a minor you cannot enter into a legal contract, thus he would be unable to apply for a title of ownership). Not to mention his father would have to be listed as the primary driver as insurance would be RIDICULOUS at his age. This would present another problem if he did have the title in his name however as I know for a fact he cannot legally enter a binding contract with an insurance company.
Not trying to be a dick. I don't care how you got you car so long as you respect it and are humble. Act like a dick or snobby and then don't be surprised if others treat you accordingly.
One more note, careful with the street're asking for it if you get involved in that stuff. Take it to the track man.
Well, this is going no where. Locked
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