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View Full Version : Need Driveshaft Bolts

11-25-08, 06:59 PM
Summit and Jegs claim they don't sell them, I fig before sifting thru the junkyard i would ask here.

Need 4 stockies are fine for a 8.8

Thank you


11-25-08, 07:14 PM
They are cheap from Ford and most dealers have them in stock.
I have some old ones in the garage.

Wharf Rat
11-26-08, 07:04 AM
They are cheap from Ford and most dealers have them in stock.
I have some old ones in the garage.

+1 They are like 12 bucks and used to even come with loc-tite on them.

11-26-08, 08:11 AM

This is all that is out there, very surprised ARP doesn't make some. I'm going to run by a dealership today.

Thanks guys


11-26-08, 08:30 AM
i just grabbed mine from Mark's Nut and Bolt on the north side of town when i needed mine...

11-26-08, 09:27 AM
I thought about going by Marks, there is one right by Standard Machine.

I still can't belive ARP doesn't sell them