View Full Version : There's something happening here...
Rev'n Kevin
11-22-08, 11:06 PM
I've had a song going on in my head for most of the day, first let me give you a few words of that song and then I'll tell you why.
There's something happening here,
what it is, ain't exactly clear,
there's a man, with a gun over there,
tellin' me I got to beware.
Better stop children, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down.
Now for the rest of the story, I decided to go over to Cabella's today, to pick up a few things I needed. The first thing I noticed was the parking lot was packed. So, I found a parking spot and went into the store. I made my way over to the gun area of the store, and was shocked. There was so many people there you could not even get to the counter. They were actually having people take a number and then calling those numbers to help them, like it was the DMV. I wasn't there to buy a gun, I was there to get some ammo, to replenish, after having gone to the gun range. I went to the shelf to get a box and found only one box of ammo left in the caliber I use. Then made my way over to the cash register next to the gun counter, there was a line, so I began people watching. There were a sea of people, I would say 75 or more all around the gun counter, and more roaming the store, waiting to get to the gun counter. I have never seen Cabella's so packed. There was 10 maybe 12 employee helping people fill out federal firearms forms and scurrying back and forth from the backroom to get guns. As I observed, not just any guns, high caliber handguns, AR-15's, etc., I hadn't seen this many people getting issued weapons since my days as a recruit in the military. I turned to the guy behind me in line, and half joking said " What's going on, they having a sale or something?", to which the man replied "everyones stocking up on guns and gold, getting ready for the collapse".
Wow, has it really come to this, I've never seen nothing like this in my life, guns and ammo being bought up, as fast as they could bring it out. I actually left the store in a bit of shock. Then that old song starting going through my head. I'm at home now, reflecting on this event, that I witnessed, and feeling a little confused. Have I missed something, are people that worried and afraid, that instead of packing WalMart to buy Christmas gifts, that they are packing the gun stores, to buy guns and ammo. Obama said he would bring change, and by God, I saw it first hand today. All I can say, Dear Friends, is welcome to the new world dis-order.
Stock up now man, who knows what the next president will do with the gun laws. I do know that he wants to get rid of the ccw program and rifles such as ar-15's and ak-47's.
11-23-08, 02:20 AM
Stock up now man, who knows what the next president will do with the gun laws. I do know that he wants to get rid of the ccw program and rifles such as ar-15's and ak-47's.
Hmmmm.....As any typical socialist would do. Enough said
Hmmmm.....As any typical socialist would do. Enough said
Yep, next will be health care. Why should I be taxed more to help pay for the next guy who's most likely an illegal or homeless. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping out, but I'm already tied into enough charities as it is. I like my health plan, I don't want it to change.
you serious kevin? That is kinda scary........
11-23-08, 11:18 AM
wow, really makes you wonder where things are going....
Rev'n Kevin
11-23-08, 11:55 AM
you serious kevin? That is kinda scary........
Yes, dead serious, I was shocked. You know I was thinking just how stupid these people really are, if they are buying these guns, before any law change, then they have filled out a federal form and the G-men are going to know exactly where to go to take them away from them. So buying over the counter guns that will be banned is a bad idea.
If it is for another reason, i.e. believing that the economy will collapse and money will be worthless and anarchy will ensue, then I wonder what these law abiding citizens plan on doing with those guns, kind of a scary thought.
11-23-08, 11:58 AM
My first thought was it might be because of the hunting season.....that's crazy.
You know I was thinking just how stupid these people really are, if they are buying these guns, before any law change, then they have filled out a federal form and the G-men are going to know exactly where to go to take them away from them. So buying over the counter guns that will be banned is a bad idea.
Wrong, guns are bought and sold to private parties daily. I've sold over 3 guns hear locally (that were registered by me) to private parties as well as shipped some through ffl's. Or, they can be tragically lost due to a boating accident.:biglaugh:
what kinda guns you got gene? im going to be doing my next purchases in early december im thinking (used of course)
Rev'n Kevin
11-23-08, 01:37 PM
Wrong, guns are bought and sold to private parties daily. I've sold over 3 guns hear locally (that were registered by me) to private parties as well as shipped some through ffl's. Or, they can be tragically lost due to a boating accident.:biglaugh:
Oh, officer, I sold it or I lost it when my dingy sank, they are still going to tear your house apart, and the more that you registered in the past and unable to produce, will give them more probable cause.
Dumb, buying a gun from a dealer (FFL required).
Smart, buying a gun from a private party (no FFL required) and they take the heat.
When I was at school last Tuesday we got into a discussion about guns, a possible ban on handguns, automatic rifles, etc. I was for the no ban where there were actually a couple of kids who were for a ban or partial ban on firearms altogether. It was pretty funny messing with the kids and disproving anything they could come up with.
One of the students asked me if I owned a gun and my response was, "nope, I own several." This frustrated him more than I had seen in a while. He then started in with the guns kill people my response, "guns don't kill people, people kill people. If I put my pistol, which is in my car, on this table loaded and nobody touches it, will it fire? Nope, it requires someone to pull the trigger."
I have actaully been thinking about getting a small pistol for the first time in my life recently. I am not too worried about my house but more about when I am out in my cars. I have put alarms in them to try and protect them while I am gone but since I have put the wheels and stereo in the stang I have noticed that it is starting to get noticed. By the time I am done with her with the side exhaust and paint I have planned I know it will draw more attention then I may always want. I also started putting a good stereo in my truck that will consist of some nice componants and a large limited edition phoenix gold amp. I don't advertise my stereos much but with the time I have invested in them I want to be sure they are safe as well as me.
I have shot almost any kind of rifle from black powder rifles to M-60's(at college funny enough) but have never dealt with pistols. What would you recommend? Where should I go? Permits and shtuff???
11-24-08, 08:30 AM
I went to Sportsmans Warehouse in Mesa and the same. No ammo.(At least for what i needed) Racks and racks but only a occasional small box. When I left ,the cashier asked if I found everything. I said" It would be nice to have some ammo in the store". He said they can't keep it on the shelves.! Said most people who would buy a box ,are now buying CASES of ammo. Said I could call when they get their order in an get a 24hr hold. IF they get what I need.
11-24-08, 08:32 AM
I have actaully been thinking about getting a small pistol for the first time in my life recently. I am not too worried about my house but more about when I am out in my cars. I have put alarms in them to try and protect them while I am gone but since I have put the wheels and stereo in the stang I have noticed that it is starting to get noticed. By the time I am done with her with the side exhaust and paint I have planned I know it will draw more attention then I may always want. I also started putting a good stereo in my truck that will consist of some nice componants and a large limited edition phoenix gold amp. I don't advertise my stereos much but with the time I have invested in them I want to be sure they are safe as well as me.
I have shot almost any kind of rifle from black powder rifles to M-60's(at college funny enough) but have never dealt with pistols. What would you recommend? Where should I go? Permits and shtuff??? Go Best prices ,real clear easy instructions etc..
being new to the hand gun area I would really rather put my hands on a couple of guns and even better yet shoot a few to see what I think would be the best. Is there a place that will let you shoot a couple of different styles?
Yes but its not cheap.
11-24-08, 10:59 AM
the new prez is going to destroy OUR second amendment. J&G's emails have said that there is a huge demand for AK high capacity mags and such. everyone wants in on that before they get banned again like under clinton. if anything, my main reason i got my handgun is so i can go camping alone up north if i wanted to. not the crash of the economy!
11-24-08, 11:02 AM
Somebody told me the same thing happened when Clinton was elected but I think this guy is really going to push the issues. Interesting that there were morer kiilings in Chicago (Obama's) District than in Bagdad this year...
11-24-08, 11:40 AM
Hmm... makes me glad that I still have a couple of ammo can's full of 9mm ammo and several bricks of .22. On the other hand I could use a few boxes of .22 magnums (nasty little centerfire round). Maybe I need to make a run up to one of the gun shops in Prescott... Prices are typically better there than here in the valley.
Personally I don't think Obama is gonna do much messing with the second amendment. He's gonna have his hands full trying to get us out of this economic depression...
11-24-08, 12:27 PM
right on ASUSMC! only i for some reason do not like glocks. i wouldnt mind using my boyfriends berretta!
right on ASUSMC! only i for some reason do not like glocks. i wouldnt mind using my boyfriends berretta!
Not a Glock fan myself. More of a Ruger guy for handguns. Springfields are nice, S&W's are good, my dad had one, but if I ever had to take that thing apart forget it.
im one of those guys that doesnt have a practical one lol.
mark XIX desert eagle .44 lol
looking for an ar-15 or m4 at a good deal, hard to find, nevermind at a good price.
im a fan of the NEW glocks, and s&w.
I'm a law abiding citezen, I can care less if they go through my house. I've got nothing to hide. They can always be "gifted" to someone who hasn't registered a gun if it comes to that. You can then become an indian giver if need be. :biglaugh:
Rev'n Kevin
11-25-08, 12:41 AM
im one of those guys that doesnt have a practical one lol.
mark XIX desert eagle .44 lol
I got to tour the plant where those are made when I was in Israel. Very impressive company, with a lot of history.
My next "high dollar" (at least for me) firearm purchase. A Taurus model 100SSPRL-11. 40 caliber, mother of pearl grips, gold accents. It kinda reminds me of Tybalts gun in Romeo and Juliet.
11-25-08, 08:20 AM
[quote=1966PonyGirl;53994]the new prez is going to destroy OUR second amendment.quote]
The current prez destroyed the rest of them, so whats one more? Hmmm, I wonder why noone cared about the rest of them? I am thinking these are the same nuts that bought up all the guns and ammo before the big Y2K crash that never happened. LOL. Panic stricken, rght wing whack jobs. I LOVE IT! :laughing:
11-25-08, 08:39 AM
being new to the hand gun area I would really rather put my hands on a couple of guns and even better yet shoot a few to see what I think would be the best. Is there a place that will let you shoot a couple of different styles? Try Caswells in Mesa.I think their website is
PA has no registration. My babies are safe. :woot1:
11-25-08, 09:12 AM
glocks made me think i hated 40 or 45 cal guns... till i shot the berretta. my 10/22 is a ruger! adorable and pretty reliable after i broke it in. fun for target practice. i do really love how my 9mm SIG fits in my hand and fires. that thing is a dream!
and that taurus pic is a total drool fest! i am a sucker for pearl grips, but would love to see that on a Ruger security six! (no stub noses!!!)
Try Caswells in Mesa.I think their website is (
hey, east side and only $7 to shoot the rentals. I think I found my place. Thanks.
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