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View Full Version : Rules Review

11-12-08, 07:00 PM
1. A Supporting Vendor is a company that pays to advertise on HPS. Their continued support is what keeps this site operational and growing.

2. Supporting Vendors are the only members allowed to advertise on this site.

3. If you would like to become a Supporting Vendor please contact the Site Administrator (burntire).

4. Members are not allowed to post negative (bashing) comments about Supporting Vendors. If you do bash a vendor the post will be hidden and action will be taken against your account.

5. If you have a problem with a Supporting Vendor please try to resolve it privately. If you can not resolve the issue with the vendor please forward the information to the Site Administrator for further assistance.

6. Posting feedback about a vendor experience is always welcome. You may post how a negative issue was resolved by the Supporting Vendor in a positive manner.

7. Supporting Vendor forums are for the promotion of their products and asking questions only. If a Supporting Vendor quotes a price please do not respond with that is too high or you can get it at xx for less.

11-12-08, 07:17 PM
Right on, seemed excessive.

11-12-08, 07:30 PM
Didn't see it. Glad its not me getting yelled at this time!

11-12-08, 09:25 PM
Right on, seemed excessive.

i would really agree with this one. i understand people sometimes have weird problems, but jumping a vendor in thier thread is not the way to go about it. maybe posting in the vendor reviews or what not. otherwise, leave it be.