View Full Version : Turbo progress

11-11-08, 06:26 PM
All of the stock supercharger "stuff" is off. I was set back about 5 hours today since one of my drivers side manifold studs didn't want to come out. These are the studs that you would bolt up to your h or x pipe to. First, tried some PB balster before I even turned a wrench. Next tried the double nut method, no go. Bought a stud remover and I ended up sheering the son of a bitch off. 4 hours and $40 dollars worth of cobalt drill bits later, I have a hole to run a bolt thru. Pissed, but relieved. 01 Cobra intake is on, now I need to bolts the pipes up, extend some wires and get her on the road.

11-11-08, 07:55 PM
Dude hit it with a torch next time. LOL

11-11-08, 08:23 PM
oh, i did that as well with no dice

11-11-08, 08:45 PM
Damn I never had a bolt I couldn't break loose with heat. LOL

11-12-08, 07:20 PM
i have, tons of 4.6s from back east come in, and i just have exhaust studs in stock for them haha

El Jefe
11-13-08, 03:17 PM
Weak wheres the pics to get us excited?

11-19-08, 05:46 AM
Almost done. Should be completed by tonight. I'm too old for this crap lol! I'll get pics up as well.

11-19-08, 07:55 PM
lets see some pics :)