View Full Version : 1973 Mustang Convertible - Original Owner- Twice!

11-10-08, 09:13 AM
1973 Mustang Convertible - Original Owner- Twice!
http://images.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0811_01_pl+1973_mustang_convertible+front_vie w.jpg
Larry Kennedy Sold The '73 Convertible He Bought New, Then Bought It Back Again (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0811_1973_mustang_convertible)Memories of the early '70s are sketchy at best for baby boomers now courting middle age. However, one memory from the summer of '72 is crystal clear for me personally-the day I learned both the Mustang convertible and its V-8 engine would be gone after 1973. The word was out about a smaller Mustang for '74, sans V-8 engine and convertible body style.

Photo Gallery: 1973 Mustang Convertible - Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0811_1973_mustang_convertible)

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Full Story.. (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0811_1973_mustang_convertible)