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11-09-08, 10:11 PM
Sunday January 11, 2009

Bracket race for trophy's and cash at Speedworld Dragstrip gates open 10 am.
$10 buy in 50/30/20 payout.

Rules: streetcars, no electronics, no transbrake, rear wheel drive cars american made only.

Questions call Andy 602 3843798 please pre register so we have a car count.

11-10-08, 07:30 PM
Will put it on my be there list

11-15-08, 07:50 AM
Andy, i just for Mustangs or ay American rear wheeldrive?

11-15-08, 01:25 PM
I'll be there! Let's give the Saleen a shot and see what we can do.

11-16-08, 07:40 PM
Andy, I'll be there with the GS, Tonna doesn't want to run her Roush :icon_smile: Besides, I have to see if I can do any better with the ET after a less than thrilling showing at Dyno Day yesterday! I'll see if I can round up a few other PVHR cars as well.

11-16-08, 07:50 PM
You can bet your ass I'll be there. Palo Verde on December 7th and then this, sweet.

Wharf Rat
11-24-08, 12:16 PM
Count me in for the car count!

12-10-08, 10:04 PM
I'll be there but I don't think I'll be runnin the p51. but we will bring something. It just won't count for the cash :dunno:

12-10-08, 10:13 PM
I'll be there but I don't think I'll be runnin the p51. but we will bring something. It just won't count for the cash :dunno:
If its what I just looked at it is sweet!!!

12-10-08, 10:45 PM
They say.. there goes the neighborhood. it might wake up a few people:yes:

12-10-08, 10:51 PM
would this boy work ??

12-14-08, 04:38 PM
Ok I guess we'll bring this one.

12-14-08, 05:17 PM
Ok I guess we'll bring this one.
i know you wanted something slowwwwwwwwwwww:laughing1:

12-14-08, 05:38 PM
Bump for those coming.

12-14-08, 06:41 PM
Announcement comming that we have a sponsor and will have the track all to ourselves!!!! Andy will confirm but one of our members, our December member of the month has stepped up to rent the track!!!!

12-14-08, 08:17 PM
Announcement comming that we have a sponsor and will have the track all to ourselves!!!! Andy will confirm but one of our members, our December member of the month has stepped up to rent the track!!!!
So they are canceling club day for all clubs that day now?

12-15-08, 08:18 AM
ill ditch work to watch this!

12-15-08, 11:56 AM
ill ditch work to watch this!

Now that's what I'm talking about. Everyone should come out. :yes:

12-15-08, 04:01 PM
So, when its a track rental, do NHRA rules still apply?

12-15-08, 04:05 PM
yes, but they are known to let things "slide" a little. ;)

12-15-08, 04:26 PM
yes, but they are known to let things "slide" a little. ;)

ha ha! dont tell me this! i dont want the temptation!

12-15-08, 04:43 PM
Do we have confirmation that this is a track rental?

12-15-08, 06:14 PM
if it turns in to an hps only day if you guys dont mind I'd like to come out and make a few passes and try to break off a 10sec pass. I wont be able to stay long because I'll be getting off a 7 hour night that morning and then going back to workthat night so will probely only be there until noon. Also have an incar mount so can get some in car videos if a few people want

12-19-08, 11:42 AM
i would like to come but I have a 12.40 67 mustang bracket car. I can foot brake, thats no big deal.

12-19-08, 12:28 PM
if it turns in to an hps only day if you guys dont mind I'd like to come out and make a few passes and try to break off a 10sec pass. I wont be able to stay long because I'll be getting off a 7 hour night that morning and then going back to workthat night so will probely only be there until noon. Also have an incar mount so can get some in car videos if a few people want
Arent you part of HPS?? I dont see any problems with you comming out..

12-19-08, 12:47 PM
Arent you part of HPS?? I dont see any problems with you comming out..

Can someone please explain what the heck this event is. The first post says its a race day with all kinds of equipment restrictions. Now it is a appears to be a club day.

12-19-08, 08:23 PM
Arent you part of HPS?? I dont see any problems with you comming out..
true do post up here and that, wasnt sure if it was going to be a "mustang" only day though

12-19-08, 08:26 PM
Can someone please explain what the heck this event is. The first post says its a race day with all kinds of equipment restrictions. Now it is a appears to be a club day.

Jeff, the way I've understood it is that it is a club day. However, there are restrictions in the bracket race as it is more for fun so that there is a more level playing field for those who don't normally run the bracket races.

12-20-08, 12:16 AM
yes, but they are known to let things "slide" a little. ;)

Well, the helmet rule is the big deal for me, I dont have one. Also, the "loose articles". Does that include in the trunk? Theres some stuff that are "emergency" related and I wouldnt leave it behind. But, where would I stash my stuff? And, lastly, in car cam. Being my first time at the track, Im DEFINITELY getting vid if I do this, but how rigid does the cam have to be attached? Velcroed to the dash is my first choice, strapped to the rearview my second.

12-20-08, 12:19 AM
Helmet is a must if you plan to run any faster than 14.00. There is no room allowed on this one generally. You can stash your stuff around the pits, I myself generally have my jack, wheels, etc stashed outside. But I'm only comfortable leaving this stuff out on its own on club day as there isn't a lot of traffic and many people have the same exact stuff out. It's all good, run the car. Even if you say you are going to only run a 14.00. You'll love it...it's so much fun. :icon_cool:

12-20-08, 12:27 AM
I know bro, Ive wanted to do this for years. Even more now with the Grabber.

12-20-08, 01:35 AM
Well, the helmet rule is the big deal for me, I dont have one. Also, the "loose articles". Does that include in the trunk? Theres some stuff that are "emergency" related and I wouldnt leave it behind. But, where would I stash my stuff? And, lastly, in car cam. Being my first time at the track, Im DEFINITELY getting vid if I do this, but how rigid does the cam have to be attached? Velcroed to the dash is my first choice, strapped to the rearview my second.
your better off securing a tripod in the back with the seatbelts

12-20-08, 03:03 PM
Count me in....

12-21-08, 10:15 PM
Hello Andy,
My name is Keith Orr. I am the president of the "Rim Country Mustang Club", in Payson. I recently talked to Dave, and I asked him if this event was open to outside clubs etc., and he told me that all are welcome. But reading the thread on this activity, I saw where others have been asking if this activity was for CopperState alone, and if it was only for Mustangs.
Our Club would like to participate in this track event if it is permitted. And the reason for the second question is because: We are a small Mustang club in Payson, and we are struggling in getting a large count for membership. So, we have also organized another club in Payson called "The Rim Country Sports Car Club". Due to the small membership count in RCMC, with the RCSCC all sports cars are allowed to join. So, we have many Corvette owners, Porsche, 350Z, Cobalt SS, etc. in this club, and they are interested in participating in your event as well. RCMC and RCSCC did participate in your last track event at Firebird, and after talking with Dave it sounds like this will be close to the same type of event and fun. All our members drive street only cars, so we would not have any race cars participating. All our members will qualify through tech, like they did at Firebird. Could you please e-mail me at:
casperorr@npgcable.com with the information concerning our above questions? We would love to get registered/put on the list, as soon as possible. Sounds like you guys have some pretty fast cars. Are they all street, or are some of them Track cars?
I appreciate any help or information that you can give me Andy.
Thank you,

12-21-08, 10:22 PM
Keith you are welcome to attend. Please give us an approx car count closer to the event.


12-21-08, 10:26 PM
You got it my Friend. I will make sure and get on the ball with this one. I will get a count for you very soon.
Thank you for all your help Jeff,


12-21-08, 10:39 PM
Do you have a pre-registration form or page posted. I did vote in the poll. Is this where you will get the count etc.

Thank you,

12-21-08, 10:44 PM
No forms. Just show up at the track.

Just post a count to this thread when you get it.

12-21-08, 10:49 PM
Thank you sir.


12-22-08, 01:15 AM
Dang so now there will be too many people and get to run 1 run every three hours?

12-22-08, 02:25 AM
Dang so now there will be too many people and get to run 1 run every three hours?

12-22-08, 10:49 AM
Dang so now there will be too many people and get to run 1 run every three hours?

Yea we have a whopping 16 cars signed up and I bet only a handful come down from up north.

12-22-08, 10:53 AM
Just messing around........ Last event was great. ..... Will be signing up. Hope there is a set of 31 spline under the tree this year.

12-22-08, 11:17 AM
WTF are those some curb feelers for rear tires. LOL

12-22-08, 12:44 PM
lol @ curb feelers! ha!

12-22-08, 02:24 PM
this sounds fun, I will be there with the cobra maybe my buddy will bring his lightning out

12-24-08, 08:37 AM
So is this an HPS only day cause i'm seeing a lot of posts on like the Srt forums etc about how there club is going to the track day on the 11th

12-24-08, 02:10 PM
The way I was told if it's american made and rear wheel drive see ya there. But if any question call Andy at the phone # on the 1st post

12-24-08, 02:45 PM
I am putting my Lightning back together over Christmas break. If all goes well I'll be there.

that doesn't look good.

One of the things I upgraded with the Lightning was 34 spline Dutchman axles with 9 inch ends on the housing to eliminate the C-Clips. Along with a Hughes tranny, 3k stall, a new Duffy motor with custom ground cams, 3.4 Whipple, roll bar, fuel system, and a few other goodies. Hope to see you guys there.


12-24-08, 04:23 PM
I am putting my Lightning back together over Christmas break. If all goes well I'll be there.

that doesn't look good.

One of the things I upgraded with the Lightning was 34 spline Dutchman axles with 9 inch ends on the housing to eliminate the C-Clips. Along with a Hughes tranny, 3k stall, a new Duffy motor with custom ground cams, 3.4 Whipple, roll bar, fuel system, and a few other goodies. Hope to see you guys there.


DAMN! I want to see this lightning!

12-27-08, 10:44 AM
i have successfully negotiated time off for this day!!!! yay! its been almost over a year since i have hung out at the track!!!!

happy happy joy joy!!! happy happy joy joy!!!

12-27-08, 02:57 PM
i'll be there with bells on.

Mustank, did santa come through for ya?

12-28-08, 03:28 PM
hi guys up to date we have about 21 cars presigned and an additional 10 off the poll so we will run a second race out of additional lanes 2x 16 so six more cars so sign up at the poll now otherwise test and tune is open for everybody else:laughing1:see ya there call me to be addet to the list and the races 6023843798 Andy

12-28-08, 08:42 PM
I will be out. Don't know which one I will bring. All depends on the financial situation on whether I run or just watch.

12-28-08, 09:40 PM
seem postings on grand national boards and srt boards so far looks like they got lanes also

12-30-08, 11:28 AM
Dang, My "Race Car" will be slow compared to some of you guys...LOL

12-30-08, 11:48 AM
Dang, My "Race Car" will be slow compared to some of you guys...LOL

Nothin a lot of giggle gas can't fix...:yes:

12-30-08, 12:30 PM

12-30-08, 12:48 PM
for now. :icon_cool: thats what they all say!!

01-01-09, 11:43 AM

01-02-09, 04:45 PM
Anyone from the Ahwatukee area going to the Club Day that is meeting up and going to the track as a group?

01-05-09, 05:37 PM
ill be there for sure!

Mr. Austin
01-05-09, 05:48 PM
10's? 12's? shoot! i am just happy my turn signal works today!

hahah +1. thought about running it down the track not hard on it or anything. just to see what she would push. 40 year old motor... yeeeaaaaahhhhhh sont see t happening.

01-05-09, 09:52 PM
Hello Andy,
This is Keith Orr with Rim Country Mustang Club in Payson. Due to the fact that we presently are an extremely small club member numbers, we do many activities with another local club in Payson called the Rim Country Sports Car Club. There are some members that do not drive Mustangs, but are showing interest in attending the track event. Can other vehicles participate? They are mostly Corvettes, Chargers, 1 GTO, SuperCharged Cobalt, 350Z, Camaro, etc...
Our goal to have strictly Mustangs only with our activities has been a real challenge. Hopefully, we will grow more this next year.
Whatever the outcome, RCMC wants to thank you and CopperState for the invitation. You all at CopperState have set a great example for us in RCMC, as to what a Mustang club should be. We do have a few die-hard Mustang members, and even if our attendance only reaches 3 or 4 in number, we will not give up. And after doing some research in starting a new club, I have found that many have encountered this exact problem, but sticking with their goal they became larger than they even thought they would.
Thank you again, I will talk to you soon,

Keith Orr

01-05-09, 09:58 PM
Hello Andy,
This is Keith Orr with Rim Country Mustang Club in Payson. Due to the fact that we presently are an extremely small club member numbers, we do many activities with another local club in Payson called the Rim Country Sports Car Club. There are some members that do not drive Mustangs, but are showing interest in attending the track event. Can other vehicles participate? They are mostly Corvettes, Chargers, 1 GTO, SuperCharged Cobalt, 350Z, Camaro, etc...
Our goal to have strictly Mustangs only with our activities has been a real challenge. Hopefully, we will grow more this next year.
Whatever the outcome, RCMC wants to thank you and CopperState for the invitation. You all at CopperState have set a great example for us in RCMC, as to what a Mustang club should be. We do have a few die-hard Mustang members, and even if our attendance only reaches 3 or 4 in number, we will not give up. And after doing some research in starting a new club, I have found that many have encountered this exact problem, but sticking with their goal they became larger than they even thought they would.
Thank you again, I will talk to you soon,

Keith Orr
you can always call and get your own lane
Club Day & C.S Mustang Club

Time: 9:00 AM Details:
Calling all clubs, your day to have a great time! Pit together race together, call office to register your club; 623 388-0039. 9am gate time, racing starts at 10am. $25.00 Car and Driver, $15.00 Adult Spectator. Children 12 and under free.

01-05-09, 10:12 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be out this weekend doing photos! (Yeah, I know.... I'm still alive and I actually posted lol)

01-06-09, 12:50 AM
Be sure and post up pics...wish I could make this event.

01-06-09, 01:24 AM
Mustank, you got that engine it yet? If not, can I borrow your slicks? HAHAHAHAH......seriously........

01-06-09, 08:14 AM
hahah +1. thought about running it down the track not hard on it or anything. just to see what she would push. 40 year old motor... yeeeaaaaahhhhhh sont see t happening.

i actually was wanting to run too. would love to see what times i can get. since i got the second/third job i was threatening about, i really cant afford to rough house with the ol' broad. so inhaling some tire smoke, rich fumes and watching other people's burn out is as good as it will get... for now.

01-06-09, 12:19 PM
Reminder this Sunday!

01-06-09, 12:38 PM
I'll be there. Waitting for my rims to come in and get the MT Drag radials mounted and I get my car back tomorrow after the dyno run. Just enough time to get use to it as it's been out getting tuned and mods put on.

01-06-09, 05:41 PM
I'll be there. Waitting for my rims to come in and get the MT Drag radials mounted and I get my car back tomorrow after the dyno run. Just enough time to get use to it as it's been out getting tuned and mods put on.

im looking forward to seeing your saleen out at the track.

it should be a damn good day.

01-06-09, 07:28 PM
It will be a good fun day for everyone. Thanks!


01-08-09, 04:37 PM
Well bugerbachie, I won't be there with the Lightning this weekend. Dutchman didn't cut the pass axle correctly. I picked it up over Christmas break and the pass side was too long. Sent it back but I won't have it for another week. I doubt if I'll even make Time Trials on the 24th-25th.

You guys have fun.

01-10-09, 12:30 AM
bottle is filled...i'll be out there for a pass or two. AzSonic line up for a double 10 sec pass first time down?

01-10-09, 08:51 AM
bottle is filled...i'll be out there for a pass or two. AzSonic line up for a double 10 sec pass first time down?

lets do this thing!!! :woot1:

01-10-09, 01:44 PM
Right, who wants to line up next to me for a double 15 sec pass?? Any takers.......

01-10-09, 02:05 PM
Squrlnts you are taking my time away as I have myself locked in on a 15 second pass it being my first time on the track.

01-10-09, 02:17 PM
then its you and me AZSaleen04!!! Haha!

On a serious note. I am trying to find basic rules for the track and the website points to the NHRA website, which is a bit overwhelming. I am mostly wondering about helmet, driveshaft loop, rubber oil/fuel lines in engine bay, coolant overflow size, battery hold downs, tread depth requirement.......$hit like that.

anyone got any links to general car requirements? Thanks.

01-10-09, 02:21 PM
Just found this on Firebird's site. Will this pretty much get me through Tech?

Condensed Excerpts from the 2006 NHRA Rulebook:
The following information will get 99% of cars through Tech Inspection,
but there are always some things we can’t foresee. The purpose of Tech Inspection is to ensure your safety and the safety of spectators and race crew. Therefore, the Race Director’s decisions on Tech Inspection matters are FINAL!
1. Seat belts are required (even if your car is so old it didn’t come with belts) and must be securely/properly mounted. Seat belts must be worn when racing.
2. All windows must be present and in good condition (free of cracks). Cars must run with all windows up, sunroofs and T-tops closed. Convertibles must run with the top up.
3. All automatic transmissions must have a functional neutral safety switch. Vehicle may only crank in Park or Neutral. (Note: an ignition kill switch is not enough. The starter must not function when the transmission is in gear.)
4. Doors handles must be functional, inside & out. “Shaved” door handles not permitted unless there is an obvious mechanical means for our safety crew to open the driver and front passenger doors from the outside.
5. Battery cannot be located in driver/passenger compartment (unless meeting all NHRA rules and requirements, consult the NHRA Rulebook or our Tech Crew) and the battery must be securely mounted. No bungee cords, fabric straps, wire, rope, Ty-Wraps, leather belts, etc., are acceptable in place of a proper mechanical battery hold-down.
6. Vehicles with batteries that are relocated from the stock location must have an external master cutoff switch on the outside rearmost portion of the vehicle. This switch must kill ALL electrical functions including the engine. The OFF position of this switch must be labeled for our safety crew. (There are additional requirements for relocated batteries. Please, before you relocate your battery, see our Tech Crew or the NHRA Rulebook for guidance.)
7. Cooling system must have an overflow catch bottle. If your coolant-recovery system is not factory-stock, then the catch bottle must be 16 ounces capacity, minimum.
8. Tires must be in good condition, with at least 1/16 inch of visible tread remaining and no cord showing. Slicks must have visible wear indicators showing.
9. Carburetor must be covered. If your vehicle has no hood, mechanical fan must be removed but electric fans are OK.
10. Helmets: Drivers of all vehicles running 13.99 or quicker, and ALL convertibles regardless of E.T., must wear an SFI-approved helmet with a Snell rating of 2000 or newer. Passengers in convertibles running 14.00 and slower must also wear an approved helmet. (Note: DOT-only helmets are not permitted. SFI-approved helmets are not permitted if the Snell label inside the helmet is missing or illegible. In other words, a Snell-rating on the outside of the helmet is not good enough.)
11. All vehicles must have at least one working taillight, which must be ON for night racing and visible to the Starter from the turn-out at the far end of the track.
12. All hubcaps and trim rings must be removed, unless bolted on. If bolted on, the Tech Crew will ask you to remove one or more caps so wheel stud length may be checked. All wheel studs (not just on the drive wheels) must extend into the hex portion of the lug nut a distance equal to the diameter of the stud.
13. If your rear-wheel-drive vehicle is equipped with slicks and capable of running quicker than 13.00 in the quarter-mile, a driveshaft loop is required. Consult with our Tech Inspectors for specifics.
14. If your vehicle is capable of running quicker than 11.50 in the quarter-mile, please consult with our Tech Inspectors for additional safety equipment requirements.
15. No vehicle may be in motion with the hood up, whether under power or being pushed or towed. Please lower your hood for visibility when moving your vehicle

01-10-09, 02:45 PM
then its you and me AZSaleen04!!! Haha!

On a serious note. I am trying to find basic rules for the track and the website points to the NHRA website, which is a bit overwhelming. I am mostly wondering about helmet, driveshaft loop, rubber oil/fuel lines in engine bay, coolant overflow size, battery hold downs, tread depth requirement.......$hit like that.

anyone got any links to general car requirements? Thanks.

Some general rules:

-All cars must have a catch can for radiator overflow of at least 1 pint. These must be securely fastened (bolted or clamped). Factory overflow in most late-models is fine.

-Neutral safety switch (again, if using a factory shifter, this should be already installed. Aftermarket shifters will require wiring this in).

-If battery is in the back/trunk (regardless of ET), a secured tray and cutoff switch is required. The cutoff switch must shut down everything electrical when off; see here for pictures and a wiring diagram: www.ls1tech.com/forums/drag-racing-tech/733951-battery-disconnect-switch.html

-If using Nitrous oxide, the bottle must be securely mounted (no plastic brackets), bottle must be stamped with 1800-lb DOT rating and identified as nitrous oxide. If bottle is located in driver's compartment, it must be equipped with a relief valve and vented outside the compartment. Commercially available thermostatically controlled bottle-type warmers are permitted, all other heating of bottles prohibited (i.e. blow torches).

-Any vehicle using a spool center section requires aftermarket axles with positive retention (c-clip eliminators).

-NHRA national and divisional races require clear glass around the vehicle, subject to check. Local races vary, check with your division or track.

-Tires/Wheels/Studs and lugs/spacers:

Tires may be checked for condition, pressure, defects, etc. by a tech inspector before allowing runs. All street tires must have a minimum of 1/16 inch tread depth. Temporary spares, space saver spares or trailer tires prohibited.

Thread engagement on the lug must be equivalent to or greater than the diameter of the stud or bolt. Length of the stud/bolt doesn't determine permissability (example: a 7/16 inch stud must be thoroughly engaged through the threads in the hex portion of the lug a minimum of 7/16 inch.

Spacers are allowed and can be either hub centric or lug centric. Spacer can not reduce the minimum permitted thread engagement below the standards listed above. No stacking of wheel spacers allowed.

13.99 1/4-mile (8.59 1/8-mile) or quicker:

-A driveshaft safety loop is required when you run slicks (not drag radials or street tires). With street tires or drag radials, no loop is required until 11.49 1/4-mile (7.35 1/8-mile) and faster.

-A helmet (closed face or open) is required with a minimum Snell K98 or M2000/SA2000 rating. Helmets last 12 years from their rating date (example a Snell 2005 would be good until 2017). Shield is not required.

11.99 1/4-mile ( 1/8-mile) or quicker:

-Metal screw-in valve stems required on tubeless tires on all wheels.

11.49 1/4-mile (7.35 1/8-mile) or quicker:

-A 5-point minimum roll bar on a fixed roof car (t-tops okay as well if in place while racing) from 11.49 to 11.00 (7.00 1/8-mile). If the hardtop / t-top car has un-altered floors, firewall and frame rails (wheel tubs are okay), then the 5-point roll bar is good til 10.00 1/4 mile (6.40 1/8-mile). Convertibles require the 5-point bar from 13.49 (8.25 1/8-mile to 11.00 (7.00 1/8-mile).
The rollbar must be constructed of a minimum o.d. mild steel or chrome moly tubing (moly can be a smaller o.d and is lighter but more expensive), see diagram below for specs.
The roll bar can be bolted or welded to the floor, see diagram below for specs.
Roll bar must be padded anywhere the driver's helmet may contact it while in the driving position, see diagram below for specs.
The 5-points are:
Main hoop; 2 "down bars" (bars that go from the main hoop rearward to the trunk floor/hatch area. These can be straight or bent like a "package tray" style, search for photos); Welded crossbar for belts (can't be removable), see rulebook for exact location. Driver side door bar (can be a swing-out. Many put a passenger's side bar in as well (6-point) because it strengthens the car on both sides, but if you have subframe connectors the difference may be minimal).

-Protective Clothing (SFI jacket with a 3.2A/1 rating, no expiration date)

-5 point harness (up to date, they must be replaced or re-certified every 2 years; You can re-cert by shipping the belts to the manufacturer, or buy new ones. I usually buy new ones and sell the old ones on EBay (street racers and dune buggies buy 'em).

-SFI-approved flywheel and/or clutch (no expiration date)

-Screw-in valve stems

-No tint allowed on window except factory

01-10-09, 02:45 PM
Let's do it.....

I am wondering how do I know if my helmet is ok to run with.

I have a HJC and in the back it states SnellM95 DOT.

Is that ok?

01-10-09, 03:15 PM
I have a HJC and in the back it states SnellM95 DOT. Is that ok?

I am not 100% sure but the M95 would have been good until 2007, if the ratings are good for 12 years. I too have to round up a helmet.....

I have a crack in the front windshield that runs from the bottom straight up to the top, will they let me run with that?

01-10-09, 04:02 PM
I just went and bought a new helmet it wasn't bad $150.00

I was talking to Tony earlier and he said they are strict on the helmet and will look at the inside. I ner knew a helmet had an expiration date.

01-10-09, 05:57 PM
just a reminder if you have street tires or no skinnies up front go around the waterbox, if you have a tire that needs the waterbox back into it

01-10-09, 06:30 PM
Ruckus46gt was does a 5 point cage look like?

01-10-09, 06:43 PM
Yes, that will pretty much get you through tech

01-10-09, 07:20 PM
Gates open at 9 AM

01-10-09, 08:18 PM
Ruckus46gt was does a 5 point cage look like?

See here (http://www.badassperformance.com/mrides/z/cage/nhra1.jpg)

01-10-09, 08:22 PM
Here is my six point.


01-11-09, 07:56 AM
wear pants also everyone....you can not run in shorts. Its cold so shouldnt be an issue

01-11-09, 07:10 PM
wear pants also everyone....you can not run in shorts. Its cold so shouldnt be an issue

Thats funny advice Ruckus, I could have swore you were wearing a skirt today!!


Hahahaha, just kidding!!! It was nice meeting everyone, lets do it again sometime.

01-11-09, 07:34 PM
Good time for sure. Who ended up winning the bracket trophy?

I would have liked to make more than one run, but it was fun none the less!

I have tons of vids I'll post tomorrow when i get my camcorder cable at work.

01-11-09, 07:39 PM
i had a great time today let me know when the nexy event is
thanks mike

01-11-09, 07:55 PM
I. am. stupid..

01-11-09, 07:56 PM
Good time for sure. Who ended up winning the bracket trophy?

Exactly, and who is buying the beers next time!?!?!?!

can't wait to see the vids....

i had a great time today let me know when the nexy event is
thanks mike

Good ta meet you Mike, badass coupe for sure. Might have some engine build questions for ya in the near future.......

01-11-09, 08:11 PM
Guys thanks everyone for a great time today! It would be great to see videos and pictures of the event.

Got two runs before I was done so it was all good and what an experience.

Mike I think you got a raw deal on the one run but glad you a good time.

01-11-09, 09:48 PM
I'm glad everyone had a good time, next time it wont be on a club meeting day so I can be there but still nice to see it went well.. We will post up the winners ass soon as our gang get some rest!!!

01-12-09, 08:11 AM
what an amazing time! thank you andy for your hard work! the event was a total blast! need to get a few more people in the bracket next time! though 16 was a good turnout, i know we can have more.

and for those that are too fast for the safety rules, do what i did, let off. :icon_cool: sure it sucked letting up after i shifted to 4th, but making 7 passes did not. hehe.

as for the winners, all i will say is i was in the finals, but i broke out. not gonna complain though. i had a complete blast!!!!!

01-12-09, 08:12 AM
This was an awesome (half) day off for me! thanks to all that came out and made a great day of it!

01-12-09, 08:20 AM
I want a rematch if I don't sell this car Jay. I think you on the motor me on street tires is deadly close. I also had a great time we really need to do this more often.

01-12-09, 08:23 AM
also wanted to ad, it was great to meet some new faces! i was also very happy to see a bunch of people setting new personal bests. what a fun day!!

01-12-09, 09:25 AM
I had a good time! I wish my clutch could agree... oh well its all part of it!

my best run was a 12.8 @ 113, no bottle, and a 2.0 60ft haha

01-12-09, 11:07 AM
had a great time wish i had'nt red lite thought i had a chance to win
felt like i was poor boy racing around all those nice cobra's,roush,ect.
looking foward to next time
thanks Mike:woot2:

01-12-09, 11:46 AM
had a great time wish i had'nt red lite thought i had a chance to win
felt like i was poor boy racing around all those nice cobra's,roush,ect.
looking foward to next time
thanks Mike:woot2:

shit.. your notch is sick!

01-12-09, 12:45 PM
shit.. your notch is sick!

damn straight! that is one sexy fox. i love the hood and what not. definetly one of the cleanest foxes i have seen!!! :woot1:

01-12-09, 01:03 PM
Thanks to Copper state that was big fun for a first timer, can't wait to do it again.....

Wharf Rat
01-13-09, 12:07 AM
had a great time wish i had'nt red lite thought i had a chance to win
felt like i was poor boy racing around all those nice cobra's,roush,ect.
looking foward to next time
thanks Mike:woot2:

That's funny cause I always think that if I had the money and garage space I'd build a fox just like yours!

The CMC event kicked ass! Nothing like hanging at the strip with a shitpot full of fast Mustangs.

FWIW, I am brand new to the Valley (but not racing) and I hafta say that Speedworld rocks. The tech is realistic, they run a tight show, and the track prep has been pretty damn good when I have been there. AND, ALL of the track staff have been great. I have watched them tolerate and coach newbies with patience yet treat the fast cars with the respect/time/patience that they need. Just a perfect atmosphere overall.
Anyway I had a great day and it was nice to meet all of you and I'm always up for a trip down the 1320!


Wharf Rat
01-13-09, 12:22 AM
Not to be greedy but I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the pics from Sunday. I don't have a really good pic of my car in the burn out box yet and I'm hoping someone got one.

These Mickeys like heat so I have been really trying to tan the hides in the box. Hopefully someone has a pic of a giant white cloud of smoke with half a blue Roush in it! A couple of the runs I still had smoke rolling around in the car as I crossed the stripe! :laughing1:

01-13-09, 08:05 AM
if you ever got in the left lane i would be willing to bet that jen got a launch pic. tryin to get her on posting those.

oh, and i believe i have you on video too. gonna work on uploading more videos tonight.

01-13-09, 12:08 PM
:pepper:Heres a Few that my Wifey snapped off of some of the Guys and Girl. It was a great day for racing for sure, hope to see you all again soon.2744





YouTube - Stage3 SpeedLab Stang vs. Nitro Cobra (12.2 @ 115mph) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLvYBn5L5GU)

01-13-09, 03:40 PM
It was definitely a blast out there this weekend. Thanks a bunch Andy! :pinkthumb:

Yeah it was definitely fun running ya Jeff. :woot1: Those close races are always a blast. I'm definitely for lining up to ya next time out.

01-13-09, 08:45 PM
Hey everyone Looks you all had a great time. I wish I had made it but I had a pipe break at my cabin and had to run up north I will make the next race for sure. On a good note I won ADRA Pro on saturday, so the weekend wasnt all bad.

01-14-09, 11:28 AM
Well a huge thank you to Andy for taking this on and making the Racing Division of Copperstate a reality and making sure everyone had a good time! All the helpers and to Speedworld!!

We at the CMC are committed to this division and helping spread the word of anti street racing and taking the cars to the track!! To all of You all who participated I personally thank you for supporting this and I give to you our continued support..... Much more to come!!!

Dave Jacobelli
President.. Copperstate Mustang Club..

01-14-09, 01:00 PM
Very Nice!

01-14-09, 10:59 PM
I had to work so I could have yesterday off to go the Shelby Reveal at Sanderson. I wouldve spectated and enjoyed, no doubt. No helmet here, so I cant race yet. But Im itching to. Hope this comes around again before summer.