View Full Version : Innovators West 03-04 Cobra Harmonic Dampner

10-31-08, 02:15 PM
Just wanted to pass along some info for those that weren't aware, Innovators West recently released an 03-04 Cobra specific harmonic dampner. We've seen several members of the community struggle with a wobbling crank pulley setup. We've even see a few crank failures which is to believe to be tied into the wobbling of the lower assembly.


Innovators West designed a solution which consists of their standard 811 6-rib pulley along with a machined billet adapter which allows you to bolt an after market pulley ring to it. This newer design will help prevent the crank pulley setup from wobbling under high load as well as prevent crank failure under high load.

These dampners are now available at Lethal Performance. Normally $625.00 however we'll be offering a 5% discount on these for forum members who call their orders in. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions or would like to order one up.


Have a great weekend.


11-06-08, 10:48 AM
Any idea what the adaptor weighs?? Also any idea what the OEM crank balancer weighs??

This is a great option for those who drag race and need an SFI balancer as it does carry an SFI rating. FYI.......NHRA rules require an SFI 18.1 balancer for any car running quicker than 10.99.
