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10-31-08, 08:50 AM
Classic Fords For Cheap - Cheap Wheel$
Finding Your Next Ford Project for $3,500 or Less (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0811_classic_fords_for_cheap)Given the rise in collector car prices over the years, you might think the chances of finding a decent, solid Ford vehicle as the basis for your next project for less than four grand are pretty remote. It's true there are a good number of people asking crazy money for rotted classic Mustangs and even Fairlanes, but if you dig a little further and widen your horizons, you might be surprised at some of the vehicles you can actually buy for $3,500 or less, in many cases in reasonable condition, quite often running and in some cases even certified for road use. Since the staff at Modified Mustangs & Fords never sleeps, we've decided to find a selection of Ford products, both classic ('62-'73) and newer, that you really can buy for pocket change--project cars that, given the right amount of performance and styling upgrades, can be transformed into a really nice set of wheels that is both rewarding to own and fun to drive. We've also included a general price range based on what we found for sale at the time of writing. Not everybody will agree with our choices, but as far as classic/performance car ownership goes, you can do far worse than pick up one of the following (like buying a brand-new beige Toyota Camry, for example).

Photo Gallery: Classic Fords For Cheap - Cheap Wheel$ - Modified Mustang & Fords Magazine (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0811_classic_fords_for_cheap)

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