View Full Version : AZ mustang cruise Sat. nov. 8th
10-28-08, 02:44 AM
The guys over at are doin their annual fall foliage run Sat. nov. 8th and encourage as many mustangs as possible to join in on the fun. we are cruising up to the tonto national bridge monument and will more than likely be having like a picnic/bbq up there. The meeting location is yet to be determined but i encourage all mustang enthusiasts to come out and have some fun with us. its always a blast and are some the best people you can meet. hope to see you guys on the cruise!!!!!
10-28-08, 10:36 AM
Aaarghh.. Too bad its not the following weekend, as the Banner CarShow, and Copperstates Pizza Party are the same day. :bawling:
Mr. Austin
10-28-08, 01:37 PM
ooo i have been wanting to take a cruise in the old yeller!! please Let me know When u get more info!!!
10-28-08, 09:51 PM
Aaarghh.. Too bad its not the following weekend, as the Banner CarShow, and Copperstates Pizza Party are the same day. :bawling:
^^^ exactly!!! though i have something the following saturday too...
That's a great run. The Nat. Bridge Park is pretty cool if you've never been there. Nice little 1/2 mile hike down into the gorge. Hard to believe someone lived there 150 years ago...
Is this run for new Stangs only?
Mr. Austin
10-29-08, 04:04 PM
That's a great run. The Nat. Bridge Park is pretty cool if you've never been there. Nice little 1/2 mile hike down into the gorge. Hard to believe someone lived there 150 years ago...
Is this run for new Stangs only?
Good Q; it just hit me it was on the 2005mustang site.
10-29-08, 04:38 PM
no no. everybody is welcome!!! the more mustangs the better!!!
ok so the meeting spot is gonna be at the mimi's cafe at the desert ridge mall. the time is at 9:00am on sat. nov. 8th. and please everybody is welcome!!! Theres even gonna be a few other cars there as well because they are good friends and former mustang owners but they even want to come along.
10-29-08, 08:14 PM
The Central Ave cruise is the 8th as well
I'm all for it...had enough of the show and shine. you lead and i'll follow, thanks for the invite.
10-30-08, 03:05 AM
the central ave cruise is at night isnt it? we'll prolly be back before that anyways. you know, 9am to probably around 6pm.
The Central Ave cruise is the 8th as well
Oh yeah..... Looks like no cruise up north... Central was a blast the last time..
The Mesa Cruise was cancelled..
Also...SanTan Ford has a show that day.....then cruise Central at night..
..Man, my wife hates this time of the
11-02-08, 01:13 AM
so anyone else interested in cruisin with us? we are gonna meet up at the mimis cafe on tatum just north of the 101 for some breakfast at about 8am. anyone that really doesnt want breakfast could just meet us there at 8:45 or 9. Lots of fun guys. you all know how cool it is to have a bunch of mustangs cruisin together. Lets show them who owns the road!!
Mr. Austin
11-02-08, 10:37 PM
ok I am in as far as i know but i need to get my tires aligned. i have a guy who ca do them for me for free but it on his time so i have to see when he is available. Where on the 101? and which way are u guys heading? i live up on 83rd and deer valley.
11-02-08, 10:39 PM
ok I am in as far as i know but i need to get my tires aligned. i have a guy who ca do them for me for free but it on his time so i have to see when he is available. Where on the 101? and which way are u guys heading? i live up on 83rd and deer valley.
Mimi's Cafe is just north of the Desert Ridge Mall on Tatum...
Mr. Austin
11-02-08, 10:44 PM
21001 N. TATUM BL., #88
is this it?
11-03-08, 09:10 AM
21001 N. TATUM BL., #88
is this it?
Yup! :pinkthumb:
11-03-08, 01:51 PM
I am trying to get things scheduled to make this. I need a cruise...
Hope to see you all at Mimi's.
Mr. Austin
11-03-08, 05:47 PM
I am trying to get things scheduled to make this. I need a cruise...
Hope to see you all at Mimi's.
Agreed!! show and shine is getting tiring! anyone know of a place that will align tires for cheap!!
11-03-08, 07:13 PM
^^ need to get you out to the drag strip! that helps out that problem. :woot1:
Mr. Austin
11-03-08, 07:25 PM
Haha need to get a newer car for that. Although im sure she can easily hand at least one run
11-03-08, 07:53 PM
i'm sure she could! i ran my 69 cougar at the track years ago. but reguardless, have fun on the cruise! cannot wait to see the pics and what not! :)
Mr. Austin
11-03-08, 10:42 PM
i think i am going to snag my rents video camera and strap it to the dash like the cops do :)
11-03-08, 10:50 PM
hells yeah! sounds like a plan!! video footage FTW!!!
Mr. Austin
11-04-08, 08:58 PM
hey what the forum name on the 2005stang site? Are any of u going ot have a CB radio?!? i have one for cruises like this and hoping at least one of u may have one
11-04-08, 09:10 PM
hey what the forum name on the 2005stang site? Are any of u going ot have a CB radio?!? i have one for cruises like this and hoping at least one of u may have one
In the past we carried FRS radios in support of these cruises. I haven't seen anyone make any mention of them for this cruise...
Mr. Austin
11-04-08, 09:29 PM
ok well i join the other sit to ask and do those connect to cb? sorry not fammiliar to them
11-04-08, 11:33 PM
ok well i join the other sit to ask and do those connect to cb? sorry not fammiliar to them
FRS radios are to the 21st century what walkie-talkies were to the latter half of the 20th century (to me CB's will always be a 70's sort of thing!! Breaker 1-9... LOL).
For Example:
Nowadays you can find FRS radios for sale everywhere from Wal-mart to major electronics stores (Best Buy et all) and I've even found them in Sporting Goods stores. Cost ranges from 25 or so dollars on up...
Mr. Austin
11-05-08, 12:43 PM
oo i have two ill bring them!
Mr. Austin
11-07-08, 01:29 PM
Anyone else interested? Bump
11-07-08, 02:07 PM
I wish I would have known about this a few weeks ago, I'll probably be at the show going on tomorrow morning but have to work all day.
Is there a site that lists all the show/cruises? I thought I found one a while ago.
Any stops planned along the way to the monument?
11-07-08, 11:53 PM
yes sir. we will be stopping well starting at mimis for breakfast then headin out by camp verde along the 17 to meet up with another member joining in on the cruise. then from there onto the tonto national park. after that cruise on down through payson.
Thanks again guys for the invite, that was a great run. I look forwoard to "running" with you guys again. See Yaa.
11-09-08, 08:06 AM
:+1: Great run, good meeting you all again, some for the first time. Hope to do it again real soon...
11-09-08, 09:16 AM
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