View Full Version : speed camera question
10-26-08, 12:54 PM
Man did they lower the speed that they go off at? I was on the 101 and got nabbed over by camelback. Well I think I was, I was doing 69-70 in the right lane and someone next to me was doing a little faster and it went off. I dont remember if he jammed on the brakes or not Anyways I always thought they were set for 10mph over the speed limit not 5mph! If it was the other car as I got off at mcdowell he got hit again
10-26-08, 01:18 PM
Yea, those damn things really do suck. I thought they were set at like 11 mph, not 5! I was wondering if the ones on the 51 southbound are on yet or not. If they are, I think I got nabbed yesterday am on the way to the copperstate show.
10-26-08, 02:00 PM
I'm not sure if they adjusted them for the speed limit, because with the construction on the 101 the speed limit has been 55 mph. So technically you where doing like 15 over. If thats the case hopefully they don't tag ya with speeding in a construction zone and double it.
10-26-08, 02:33 PM
Keep us posted on what happens. Everything I have heard said that you don't trigger the Cameras unless you are going 10 over the limit. If it was lowered to 55 due to construction, Ouch! Assuming that the did reset the cameras to go off at 65+.
The new ones they have set up on the Westside of 101 are a PIA, People are slowing down to 10 under the speed limit, to pass thru the Cameras. Somebody yaking on their Cell phone is liable to rearend the person in front of them.
Good Luck
10-26-08, 02:39 PM
yea i'll keep you posted cause there was no construction going on. I know last week they were doing construction in the area but there was none or signs posted out there. Im wondering if it is like they did last time they did a wave they set them at 5 over as a heads up and next week they will be up at the 11mph mark
I know the best way to fix this problem:
Sniper rifle - park on the side of the road about a half mile away and just take the damn camera out. After losing 5-6 cameras they will get the hint.
10-26-08, 05:45 PM
I do not think those cameras have been adjusted for the construction so far. I've driven through them several times in the last month at 65-70mph after seeing others go through them faster and not get flashed, when I was only doing 60mph thinking they would be adjusted for the construction.
10-26-08, 07:12 PM
They are putting them up on the 60 this weekend !
Wharf Rat
10-26-08, 09:13 PM
I think I got nabbed by a mobile unit on I-10 last week. Don't know how many of those they have but I saw that stupid van 3 different places last week.
10-27-08, 06:23 AM
The new ones they have set up on the Westside of 101 are a PIA, People a
those guys tick me off!
10-27-08, 06:32 AM
I know the best way to fix this problem:
Sniper rifle - park on the side of the road about a half mile away and just take the damn camera out. After losing 5-6 cameras they will get the hint.
:Devious: Sniper rifle!!!! muah ha ha ha! :gun3::kennyshooting::Gun1::flamegun:
those bright lights scare me when they get triggered at 4am!!!! I usually have some dude driving next to me that set em off. talk about instant heart attack!
I know the best way to fix this problem:
Sniper rifle - park on the side of the road about a half mile away and just take the damn camera out. After losing 5-6 cameras they will get the hint.
The only problem with that is the cops will sit there by every camera and wait for it to happen again. Plus the whole discharge of a firearm within city limits, damaging government property, yada yada yada...
Now a paintball gun solves all of those problems. Cover those screens with all the green, red, orange paint you could ever want. Its basically soap so it washes off but it ruins a lot of pictures.
10-27-08, 09:41 AM
make sure we all get the bright flashy lights as well as the aperature!!!
Mr. Austin
10-27-08, 11:29 AM
I know the best way to fix this problem:
Sniper rifle - park on the side of the road about a half mile away and just take the damn camera out. After losing 5-6 cameras they will get the hint.
there actually was something about this were some kids were cought takinging spray paint and paining over these. i want to do the james bond this and take a photo of the street and put it infront of the camera and see how long it take them to figure out that the traffic hasnt been moving.:sticktonge:
Two words--Cruise Control. Doesn't help much if you don't know what the sensors are set at, however :(
For those of you that have in-car navigation, a buddy of mine has made the habit of setting each camera location that he passes as a "point of interest" in the nav system, it notifies him when he is 1/4 mile away from one.
Additionally, once you know where the cameras are, as long as you can slow down before the sensor strips in each lane (black, look like large chamfered squares), you won't set off the camera.
10-27-08, 12:57 PM
Two words--Cruise Control. Doesn't help much if you don't know what the sensors are set at, however :(
For those of you that have in-car navigation, a buddy of mine has made the habit of setting each camera location that he passes as a "point of interest" in the nav system, it notifies him when he is 1/4 mile away from one.
Additionally, once you know where the cameras are, as long as you can slow down before the sensor strips in each lane (black, look like large chamfered squares), you won't set off the camera.
hey! were is my cruise control located at or my in car nav?!?! lol! j/k! if you ever see me in person you can slap my shoulder! (one slap per the above comment!)
my ticket on 101 in scottsdale was for 11 over.
10-27-08, 06:12 PM
those guys tick me off!
Yea, unfortunately all you can do is stay as far to the left as possable, and watch your seperation distances. They allways pick it back up, to the speed they were at, before approaching the cameras. Nobody likes to see a Mustang that has just been in an accident.
10-27-08, 07:38 PM
Better get used to it! They will be at every major intersection and every five miles on the freeways by 2015. If you think gunning it through an intersection to beat the red light is a good idea, think again. You will be cited for speeding and running a red light, that's right, speed traps at intersections. When you GET a ticket and go to traffic school they will inform you of all our new traffic laws and bullshit.
I have often wondered how a flash bulb facing a driver would ever be a good idea.......
Mr. Austin
10-27-08, 11:04 PM
i was reading an article at a show a couple weeks ago and i may still have it to prove it to u because this is over rediculous but this may set some of u off. a man wrote an article is the az republic ( yes i read it) about how the Europeans and i think swedin are going way out of control. he was talking about how they pay people to fly helicopters that have an on board camera that can judge the speed of a car from the distance of helicopter to ground and fro how fast it is going and if the car is doing 10+ it will take a pic zoom in and take a pic of the plate. NO JOKE!!! now to piss u off even more.. they now have sensors in the ground some places that will measure the wear of your tire and if it is way past due... ticket.. Failure to maintain vehicle... Now to really get to you. you like your old cars? well the also have a sensore that looks much like a rain drain except it will read how much Carbon is leaving your car. oh yes and u certainly will get a ticket for this... thats over board.
10-27-08, 11:13 PM
They are putting them up on the 60 this weekend !
o man.....
that and the 202 is where you can normally just fly (thats when its not rush hour....)
10-28-08, 10:40 AM
Nice free country! Not so free anymore. Your free to do nothing. God forbid you make a mistake.:thumbsdown:
10-28-08, 01:34 PM
Big Brother is watching you! its turning into the book 1984!!!
I think a lot of these are going to end up being broken :biglaugh:
10-28-08, 11:26 PM
I got flashed on the 101 south on the way to PSR today. F*$#!!!
10-29-08, 06:04 AM
sorry to hear! i think i see at least 2 flashes a morning. ill tell you its not me! cause everyone else is still going super under the speed limit! go the speed limit or go to the surface streets!
It's fun getting flashed in a big yellow truck with lights and sirens on.
10-29-08, 02:02 PM
Oldie but....... still absoloutly F*&%ING redicilous
Arizona state police plan to turn statewide speed camera program into a surveillance network.
The Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) is planning to turn its statewide speed camera program into a spy camera network. According to a written request for proposals sent to various speed camera companies and obtained by the Associated Press, the state police are seeking to include automated number plate recognition (ANPR) technology in its new automated ticketing system. This would allow motorists accused of no wrong-doing to have their movements monitored and recorded for use by police agencies.
The for-profit company selected to operate the camera ticketing program must also "provide computer queries" for "any law enforcement purpose as requested by the DPS designee."
Almost one year ago, DPS expressed interest in installing standalone ANPR cameras to track and identify motorists on Arizona highways. The DPS now says that it is expanding the ticketing program's role to identify stolen vehicles and locate criminals. Oakland, California recently announced a similar plan to turn its red light cameras into spy cameras.
ANPR is in wide use throughout England with every local police force equipped with at least one police cruiser capable of scanning and tracking motorists on area roads. The devices have produced mixed results with thousands of motorists accused of crimes based on misreads by the device or incorrect information in the government database. The system has also criminalized millions of motorists over routine paperwork errors.
copy paste from HERE (
10-29-08, 02:20 PM
I hate those cameras and not because I speed as I generally don't. I hate them out of the principle of the things. We continue to give up one freedom after another and most are too blind to realize the implications of the revocation of each freedom they voluntarily give up.
Welcome to being in parts of Europe folks...soon we will be as watched as the British.
10-29-08, 03:28 PM
Yep saw them on the 60 the other day, I'm just glad they don't have them on the on ramps :biglaugh:
Are they still doing the testing phase with the new ones they put up before they start to mail the tickets?
10-29-08, 04:00 PM
I would hope so. They usually notify people they are going active before they do.
10-29-08, 05:56 PM
I hate those cameras and not because I speed as I generally don't. I hate them out of the principle of the things. We continue to give up one freedom after another and most are too blind to realize the implications of the revocation of each freedom they voluntarily give up.
Welcome to being in parts of Europe folks...soon we will be as watched as the British.
your right. it is about giving up freedoms. people are numbed into thinking that its for their safety.
here is another thought. doesnt the state make money off of speeders with the cameras? and DPS is in financial trouble? a bit fishy!
10-29-08, 06:33 PM
I've seen figures on some of the cameras around here in the valley and I want to say I've seen figures showing that some cameras have made as much as over 20k in one day.
Watching the news on channel 15 and they just mentioned something about the cameras on the 1-10, 51, and 60 going active on Nov 1st.
I hate these things, wish they made a voter initiative to ban them from the state.
10-30-08, 10:48 PM
oh no. we had to by-pass that! making an initiative about it would mean no one gets the money. 20k in one day is sickening.
Mr. Austin
10-31-08, 12:50 AM
very we can change that we need a petition and strike!!!
Wharf Rat
10-31-08, 09:29 AM
I'd vote for Stalin if he was running and said he'd get rid of those gd things.
Mr. Austin
11-03-08, 05:50 PM
id vote for anyone if they got rid of them
crazy ray
11-04-08, 01:30 AM
Ok, I am going to piss some of you off. I think that they are neded. Every day i see people going way over the speed limit, some more then 10 mph. So if you want to go fast it going to come with a price. As for Big Brother watching you, he's been listening for years on your cell phones.
11-04-08, 05:17 AM
i can totally agree that i dont want people going a 90-100 miles an hour on the freeway. or even drunk people on the roads. half of the issue is i cant stand them going 40-45 on the freeway. i have been told that you can get a ticket for going to slow. they called it impeding traffic. they can go 65 mph or they can take the access road.
the other half is they should take the "spying on the public" down a notch! yeah i know they listen on cell phones, but so do regular people. if they have the right equipment. it comes down to another line crossed, and who is going to stand up and say not to cross the next line of cameras in your home?
just my thoughts. i am all for safety, but i really dont want to give up things that we have enjoyed before.
11-04-08, 07:53 AM
meh.. gives me more of a reason to live at the track! i love that place anyways. :)
11-04-08, 08:59 AM
I've seen figures on some of the cameras around here in the valley and I want to say I've seen figures showing that some cameras have made as much as over 20k in one day.
As someone previously mentioned in this thread "Welcome to 1984"!
From what I've been told this is one of the states brilliant plans to help get them back into positive cash flow. Tickets issued from these cameras will cost us $184 a piece. Given the way they distributed these first cameras it'll be very possible to get multiple speeding tickets in one trip on the freeway. I heard a rumor that they changed state law and now these cameras are set to go off at 6 miles per hour over the speed limit. Oh and their crowning achievement: no points on your drivers license for getting nailed by one of these freeway cameras. Therefore you can speed and get caught as many times as you like! :jaw-dropping:
11-04-08, 09:16 AM
I wonder if the cameras everywhere is just a ploy to reel in more money for prop 303: Lets give the guys in charge a 25% raise! :dunno:
course thats a whole other can of worms.
11-04-08, 11:27 AM
I wonder if the cameras everywhere is just a ploy to reel in more money for prop 303: Lets give the guys in charge a 25% raise! :dunno:
Maybe but I suspect its simply a ploy for the state to try to do something about their 2 BILLION dollar budget deficit. Something tells me that the Governors new catch phrase must be "The heck with us being fiscally responsible. Lets just tax/fee the heck out of the masses!" :bricks:
Mr. Austin
11-04-08, 04:23 PM
11-04-08, 04:51 PM
I think I just puuukked in my mouth.
11-04-08, 09:49 PM
Maybe but I suspect its simply a ploy for the state to try to do something about their 2 BILLION dollar budget deficit. Something tells me that the Governors new catch phrase must be "The heck with us being fiscally responsible. Lets just tax/fee the heck out of the masses!" :bricks:
yeah. i read about how big that deficit is recently. ugh!
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