View Full Version : How To Install A Performance Rear Suspension

10-23-08, 09:23 AM
How To Install A Performance Rear Suspension
http://images.mustangmonthly.com/howto/mump_0811_01_pl+performance_rear_suspension+front_ view.jpg
The Back Half Of The Maximum Motorsports' Road And Track Box Completes An Outstanding Suspension System For '79-'04 Mustangs (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/howto/mump_0811_how_to_install_a_performance_rear_suspen sion)In our Jan. '08 issue, we showed the installation and component highlights of the front half of Maximum Motorports' Road and Track Box suspension package ("How To Install a High-Performance Suspension," p. 82). If you want to turn a '79-'04 Mustang into a car with truly world-class handling capabilities and only want to deal with one source, then Maximum Motorsports (MM) is ideal for a serious corner-carving Fox or SN-95 Mustang.

Photo Gallery: How To Install A Performance Rear Suspension - Mustang Monthly Magazine (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/howto/mump_0811_how_to_install_a_performance_rear_suspen sion)

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Full Story.. (http://www.mustangmonthly.com/howto/mump_0811_how_to_install_a_performance_rear_suspen sion)