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View Full Version : SCSN IV, LVMS Nov. 20-23

10-21-08, 12:11 AM
Street Car Super Nationals IV will take place at the Strip at LVMS, Las Vegas, Nevada on November 20-23. Some of the BIGGEST names in fastest street car drag racing will be in attendance RACING. From Bob and Billy Glidden to racers from the NMCA and NMRA will be present to battle it out for the West Coast's premier Fastest Street Car Shootout! This is an event you DO NOT want to miss!

www.streetcarsupernationals.com (http://www.streetcarsupernationals.com/)
www.pscaracing.com (http://www.pscaracing.com/)

previous SCSN attendees; Billy Glidden, Spiro Pappas, Mike DeMayo to name just a few...

Also, Mustang Maddness has just been added to the class roster!!!!http://socalterminators.com/forums/images/smilies/rockon.gif
