View Full Version : 3rd Annual KOOL FM Classic Car Show
Mr. Austin
10-16-08, 12:44 AM
Oct. 25 (
Download Flyer/Reg. (
presented by 94.5 KOOL FM and Arizona Sportswear at Community Church of Joy (21000 N. 75th Ave) - over 1000 cars last year and room for more - Lee Bartel from KOOL FM will be the MC and spinning the oldies - 9am-3pm - entry fee $15 includes t-shirt, dash plaque and goodie bag ($5 to benefit Joy Youth Ministry) - group parking for clubs, top3 in over 50 classes, live entertainment, prizes, 50/50 - Info: Nancy ( 602-938-1153 or 602-938-1000 - (Hotel Finder ( - Glendale
Just curious if anyone was going to attend it was the most glorious car show last year and better this year!!!
Rev'n Kevin
10-16-08, 01:24 AM
Yes! I will be going and showing. Looking forward to it. :laughing1:
Mr. Austin
10-16-08, 02:01 PM
most amazing car show ever! so many cars endless fun. c u around kev! anyone else?
10-16-08, 02:20 PM
Yes...It's too bad it happens on the same weekend as the MCA (Mustang Club of America) National Show at Wild Horse Pass Casino.
This is another show that holds a lot of potential for some kudo points and a good time. :woot2:
Mr. Austin
10-16-08, 02:26 PM
ya its too bad. i was actually curois about that one but this one is right down the street as i live on 83rd and this is on 75th in my fav
Mr. Austin
10-16-08, 02:40 PM
Nancy the lady organizing the car show is also having an oldies band tomorrow night at 67th and beardsly! all free including drinks and food. the place is called Aj's PM me for more inf!!
10-16-08, 03:40 PM
Yes...It's too bad it happens on the same weekend as the MCA (Mustang Club of America) National Show at Wild Horse Pass Casino.
This is another show that holds a lot of potential for some kudo points and a good time. :woot2:
Thanks! You guys are gonna miss the biggest MUSTANG Show in the history of Arizona.... Well over 200 Stangs and vendors Like Shelby, Ford Racing, Stage 3(Turbo Install and Body Kit install onsite)Ford Southwest BBQ w/Lyn St James saturday night etc etc but we'll miss you......:yes:
Mr. Austin
10-16-08, 05:21 PM
sorry but i have gone to the Kool FM show every year. wouldnt miss it. it was my first car show with my father.
10-16-08, 10:53 PM
Thanks! You guys are gonna miss the biggest MUSTANG Show in the history of Arizona.... Well over 200 Stangs and vendors Like Shelby, Ford Racing, Stage 3(Turbo Install and Body Kit install onsite)Ford Southwest BBQ w/Lyn St James saturday night etc etc but we'll miss you......:yes:
I am not missing my kudo points!:laughing1:
10-16-08, 11:03 PM
sorry but i have gone to the Kool FM show every year. wouldnt miss it. it was my first car show with my father.
Thats cool, we have asked them not to have it the same weekend as ours just so we could all enjoy both shows and this is the second year in a row we had them do this. We picked our date way before they did and sent them a e-mail as to let them know sow we don't conflict but maybe they couldn't do it. we always check with other Mustang clubs in the state and other shows so we do note compete with them. Oh well maybe next year...:icon_cool:
10-16-08, 11:04 PM
I am not missing my kudo points!:laughing1:
Points made!!
Mr. Austin
10-16-08, 11:39 PM
well hopefuly next year i will still have the car as everday i an adventure with some of these idiots driving
10-17-08, 12:18 AM
Thanks! You guys are gonna miss the biggest MUSTANG Show in the history of Arizona.... Well over 200 Stangs and vendors Like Shelby, Ford Racing, Stage 3(Turbo Install and Body Kit install onsite)Ford Southwest BBQ w/Lyn St James saturday night etc etc but we'll miss you......:yes:
amen!! there is NOTHING IN THE STATE OF ARIZONA THAT TOPS A COPPERSTATE MUSTANG SHOW. you know where i'll be. wouldn't miss it for anything. guess the originizers of that kool show must be camaro guys. :sticktonge:
Thats cool, we have asked them not to have it the same weekend as ours just so we could all enjoy both shows and this is the second year in a row we had them do this. We picked our date way before they did and sent them a e-mail as to let them know sow we don't conflict but maybe they couldn't do it. we always check with other Mustang clubs in the state and other shows so we do note compete with them. Oh well maybe next year...:icon_cool:
I would probably try to go then sleep through my alarm and wake up at noon again... a la Rock and Roll Pony show.
10-17-08, 09:26 AM
I would probably try to go then sleep through my alarm and wake up at noon again... a la Rock and Roll Pony show.
Wecould probably arrange a wake up call for ya!!:yes:
10-17-08, 12:18 PM
Copperstate show is the place to be.
Only way the car makes its way out there is if it has a big-ass FOR SALE sign on it.
Mr. Austin
10-17-08, 01:49 PM
Copperstate shows are great but i like more variety. and the Kool Fm shows have cars copperstate could never match (IMO) and im trying not to argue as it seems this thread has become a promoter to yer show.
Mr. Austin
10-18-08, 01:31 AM
10-18-08, 09:59 AM
well, its the same day, and this site supports both of the local mustang clubs, so what would you expect since the show you are mentioning is not being put on by either of the clubs? ;)
10-19-08, 02:49 PM
i will be going to the kool fm show as i missed the judging deadline for the mca show and there prolly wont be any spots available for peer judging the day of the show. tho i would really enjoy going to the biggest mustang show in arizona.
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 05:11 PM
IMO you can only see so many mustangs before they all look the same just with different pain. DON'T get me wrong i LOVE mustangs otherwise i wouldn't own one.. but i do like other cars and Just REGISTERED CARS ALONE---- for this show are totaled OVER--- yes OVER 1,500 cars.. 1-5-0-0 thats no typo. yes. plus any cars that will be showing up the day of. if it gets over 1700 they were saying they cant do day of registration. they DO have this many parking spots and will be An amazing show. Kool FM put a lot of time into this. Sorry this site does support mustangs but you know what we all have our own damn opinions and All have our own damn freedoms. i CHOOSE to go to this one and this post was to see who was going. not to see who was going to the other show. AS YOU CAN SEE i don't give a crap about the others. Thats why i asked about the KOOL FM CAR SHOW as it is perfectly visible in the title of the thread. So here is to anyone else still reading the thread. Is there anyone going to the
KOOL FM show. if you missed the judge dead line This will be a great show for u to attend if looking for something to do on your day off.
10-19-08, 06:56 PM
Hey don't go crazy here, no one is attacking you for going to the Kool Show, I wish I could go also but I also wish you guys could go to our show and that is why I replied and relayed what happened with the dates..Again.
Our club exists for two reasons IMO to celebrtate the Mustang with friends and by doing so donating thousands of dollars to charities here in the Phoenix Area.
If we had different dates, I bet over 100 members of our club would have gone to that show and thats a shame to miss it and why I was so dissapointed when they came out with their date. Maybe things just could not work out on another date or maybe they just did not care but I recieved absolutely no response to my inquirey. We set our date and 3 months later they came out and set thiers.
It does not make any sense to schedule over the top of other shows and we try very hard never to do that to any other clubs. Competition is good but not in these cases at all.
Have Fun and maybe we'll see you in the spring at Berge For Rock and Roll Pony Show "Under The Lights" in March...
10-19-08, 10:28 PM
wow, dunno what you expect there buddie. there was a show that was on the same day as the wild west mustang show that was recently held, and i did not post about it or mention a word about it out of respect for a fellow club. i guess for some people that concept is rather hard to understand. i just don't know what you expected to happen when you post an event thats on the same day as a national level car show being put on by a local club.
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 10:31 PM
its the fact that i asked if any one was attending the Kool FM car show and this got over run by monsoon madness and became the new thread for it. yes take a look and it is blatantly obvious. thats exactly what happend.
10-19-08, 10:36 PM
Tony it doesn't really matter. His post will not effect anyones decision to attend the CMC show.
True Mustang Enthusiasts will be at the CMC show.
I never even heard of the Kool show until now and I have been in AZ for 5 years.
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 10:51 PM
Tony it doesn't really matter. His post will not effect anyones decision to attend the CMC show.
True Mustang Enthusiasts will be at the CMC show.
I never even heard of the Kool show until now and I have been in AZ for 5 years.
Wow so because i have had a better experience at the Kool FM show and i don't go to the CMC show and because they have retarded dated that the judgment has to be in im not a Mustang enthusiast? wow that the most retarded thing i have ever heard. I love my mustang. i pay more attention to her then my Girl that im engaging with. Sorry im not "old" and because im just this "kid" im degraded to automatically being this immature spoiled. sorry i work. i understand cars. Sorry i actually did pay for my car because i would have gotten a P.o.s. import. but i wouldn expect u to understand because life is high for u.. Guess no matter what im just this kid who Is not a mustang ENTHUSIAST as i got to car shows every weekend of my life. guess in the long run though. your not any better than i am. Immature and retarded. At least i can blame it on young age whats yer excuse?
10-19-08, 10:56 PM
Son you have some growing up to do.
My post was not directed at you it is a true statement.
Remember when you first came to this site after the last CMC show.
You sent me a nasty message because I didn't get a photo of your car at the show because the people standing in front of it would not let me get a clear show.
I went out of my way to find a photo from another member.
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 11:02 PM
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 11:09 PM
never though another mustang owner could get me to sell mine...
10-19-08, 11:12 PM
Yup and thats why I wish the dates didn't conflict, crap I guess we'll have to share pictures!
10-19-08, 11:14 PM
You have a few minutes to clean up your posts.
From the site rules.
1. Posts should be constructive and of a mature manner. A member posting meaningless replies to increase their post count is prohibited (i.e. posting the response “Cool” after every post on the board). A member’s reputation is based on their post count so please acquire your post count by engaging in quality conversation.
This means no flaming or derogatory statements towards other members or their vehicles. We have a zero tolerance for this type of behavior. This forum focus is the exchange of ideas, information and tech support related to the mustang enthusiast.
1. Please keep it clean. The forum software scans for certain words and will replace them with ****. I am not going to get into a long winded discussion on what you can and can not say. Just use your best discretion and keep your language mature.
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 11:20 PM
This means no flaming or derogatory statements towards other members or their vehicles. We have a zero tolerance for this type of behavior. This forum focus is the exchange of ideas, information and tech support related to the mustang enthusiast.
10-19-08, 11:25 PM
Did you have something to say?
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 11:26 PM
oh no the red text did it all. p.s. i cleaned up sorry for language in the moment use.
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 11:28 PM
This forum focus is the exchange information.
And if u did get the hint let me put it in perspective
10-19-08, 11:32 PM
I have no problem with any car show being posted on here. But you being a promoter of a show claiming it is the "most amazing ever" that happens to fall on the same weekend as the MCA show has obviously rubbed some people the wrong way.
It would be like me promoting a big show that fell on the same weekend as the last Wild West Mustang show. I am sure that would rub some members the wrong way.
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 11:36 PM
dont know if that was supposed to mean anything cuz i didnt go.. so.. what ever yer getting at there. and well like i said if u like varitety and a huge # of car great. but i guess a true Classic/CAR/truck/suv/import/motorcycle/ enthusiast will be at this show..
10-19-08, 11:38 PM
You just don't get it.
Mr. Austin
10-19-08, 11:43 PM
hmm guess not. i guess being in Collage honors english 101 during my high school year doesnt mean **** either? Cuz from what i read it said because im not going to the "Mustang" car show im not an enthusiast. so i guess to u im just a poser if thats possible for a car...
10-19-08, 11:49 PM
hmm guess not. i guess being in Collage honors english 101 during my high school year doesnt mean **** either? Cuz from what i read it said because im not going to the "Mustang" car show im not an enthusiast. so i guess to u im just a poser if thats possible for a car...
You Still don't get it. Also I think you mean College. Collage is not a word in the English language.
10-19-08, 11:58 PM
dont know if that was supposed to mean anything cuz i didnt go.. so.. what ever yer getting at there. and well like i said if u like varitety and a huge # of car great. but i guess a true Classic/CAR/truck/suv/import/motorcycle/ enthusiast will be at this show..
Calm down man, we are all enthusiasts but some people on here have a show they are already going to and have been planning on going to it for months. They were just letting you know why they wouldn't be able to make your show.
I highly doubt anyone here would want to make a negative remark toward the Kool FM show, I think we all support everyone attempting to get a group of car guys together. I for one am glad you mentioned it bc there doesn't seem to be too many shows going on, and it's nice to know what's happening. Hopefully it'll have a good turn out but unfortunately I have to work and will not be able to make either show :nono:
Just try to take it easy on them man.
10-20-08, 12:40 AM
You just don't get it.
haha. nope. and funny that someone mentions maturity, and then shows this complete lack of it. have fun buddy!
10-20-08, 01:52 AM
boy i guess i got here late to see the arguing. i guess wat 69creampuff is saying is that he is just excited about the kool fm show cause he went last year and im guessing it was a great show in his opinion. i didnt go last year but i am this year and im sure a show that big will be a great show. but like i said in my last post i wish i could be going to the copperstate show but missed the deadline and am not sure if any day of show spaces will be available so the kool show is my alternative.
hey 69creampuff, have you already registered for the kool show? do you think i should prolly call the person in charge and register before the day of the show?
drama all up in the 90210
Mr. Austin
10-20-08, 09:23 AM
boy i guess i got here late to see the arguing. i guess wat 69creampuff is saying is that he is just excited about the kool fm show cause he went last year and im guessing it was a great show in his opinion. i didnt go last year but i am this year and im sure a show that big will be a great show. but like i said in my last post i wish i could be going to the copperstate show but missed the deadline and am not sure if any day of show spaces will be available so the kool show is my alternative.
hey 69creampuff, have you already registered for the kool show? do you think i should prolly call the person in charge and register before the day of the show?
yes i registered last week. i was talking to Nancy. (very good lookin) she said there expecting a line the day of to get into the show. $15 bucks and registration. get it done with now was my plan. when u get there she will have a goodie bag a dash plaque and i think a few more things waiting for u if u pre register
10-20-08, 04:46 PM
The most ironic thing is that Kool first approched us (The CMC) about organizing the show with their sponsorship. There was a communications breakdown, and we assumed that they were no longer intrested. They came back to us, after the planning was well under way for the first GCC show, and it was too late.
Mr. Austin
10-20-08, 05:09 PM
So how is it that they come to the club is it? or just u? and invite u to do that but yet u havent even heard of it? the whole 5 year u lived here? just saying. and that actually would have been a great show because they would have put the sun country club (corvettes) on one side and the WWM And CMC on the other head to head. that would have been great!!!
10-20-08, 07:23 PM
So how is it that they come to the club is it? or just u? and invite u to do that but yet u havent even heard of it? the whole 5 year u lived here? just saying. and that actually would have been a great show because they would have put the sun country club (corvettes) on one side and the WWM And CMC on the other head to head. that would have been great!!!
Torchmach is not Burntire.
I think it is time to put it to rest.
Mr. Austin
10-20-08, 09:20 PM
yeah and? yer part of CMC right? what ev. im done.
10-20-08, 09:40 PM
yeah and? yer part of CMC right? what ev. im done.
Banned 4 days. :banned1:
10-20-08, 11:04 PM
Banned 4 days. :banned1:
good call! :laughing:
10-21-08, 01:44 AM
This thread was sooo entertaining though lol
10-21-08, 08:52 AM
This thread was sooo entertaining though lol
you do have a point there...:bounce:
crazy ray
10-21-08, 11:19 AM
Drama, Drama, Drama.
10-21-08, 11:20 AM
You Still don't get it. Also I think you mean College. Collage is not a word in the English language.
I think I might of lost some brain cells reading his responses(creampie69).
as for collage I think he meant this
Mr. Austin
10-21-08, 05:38 PM
To all it may concern,
I apologize for my actions and my foul language used on the HPS site. I am sorry i caused stress and irritation and apologize for what ever else you may be feeling towards me. As you can tell i am upset about the respect i receive from other CMC and WWM club members and it finally got to me and unfortunately i could no longer withhold. I understand my banishment from the site and thank you as it has given me a chance to cool off. I did not mean to cause anger and i did not mean to argue with Anyone. I understand that this sit only promotes mustangs and as there are two other shows going on in the same weekend, saying that this show was going to be better was wrong and did not mean for it to rub off. I was curious about the Kool Fm show and towards the end i expelled my anger on the site and should have contained myself.
In Many apologies,
Austin Boos
10-21-08, 09:17 PM
All is good and thank you Austin...
10-26-08, 01:55 PM
I went to the Kool FM show yesterday. There were a fair number of very nice mustangs there. The '69 Mach 1 I'm helping my buddy build isn't ready for prime time, but I did shoot a lot of photography from the show.
Cheers! Jody
Mr. Austin
10-26-08, 02:17 PM
amazing pics and great show!they were running very behind on the trophies but it was still an amazing show with so many different cars to gaze upon. Jody did u see the humer with 28" rims?!?
10-26-08, 02:25 PM
Are you referring to that two story tall monstrosity? I swear, I could almost walk underneath it without stooping
Mr. Austin
10-26-08, 08:02 PM
Lol No no over buy the registration table was a black and chrome H1 with 28 inch RIMS crazy stuff
10-26-08, 09:21 PM
Ahh, ok, never made it that far.
I totall underestimated the scale of this show and my ability to photograph all of it. In the future I'll be lining up friends in advance to help. 1000+ cars is too much for one man.
Out of the cars I did get to see there were a pile of beautiful mustangs, but, honestly, the 65 Ford GT was the most impressive. (and the Kaiser, and the Willy's Jeepster and... and... and.._)
Just don't ask me my favorite, I'd be here months working that one out.
on a side note, anyone know of any interesting basketcase mustangs in the Phoenix area? I need another project like I need a hole in the head, but I have some serious envy of my buddy's 69.
Mr. Austin
10-26-08, 11:58 PM
look on the out skirts of town or try criagslist. always projects going for sale
10-27-08, 02:25 AM
i went to the show as well. i had the alloy grey 2008 mustang with the kenne bell and gt500 front end on it. did you guys see that red gt500 with those ghost flame stripes? that was awesome!
Mr. Austin
10-27-08, 11:25 AM
hahah i was the yellow mustang with the full dish american racing rims parked to the right of it. sittin next to it. there was a black older mustang origonally sitting there before he showed. but yes he had an amazing mustang
10-27-08, 05:02 PM
looks like it was a dang fun show! wish it coulda been a different weekend. i woulda loved to attend.
Mr. Austin
10-27-08, 10:55 PM
to be honest i did think about guys at the CMC shoe and thought about cruisin over. next year i hope they are diff dates.
10-27-08, 11:00 PM
honestly they probably both got over at about the same time. but hopefully next year the crew at kool will take up communication with the CMC and let this two events have thier own seperate weekend. because people that attend both shows are likely to continue doing so, and we all wanna support the shows!
Mr. Austin
10-27-08, 11:08 PM
well i know nancy and will havea talk with her about it hopefully we can change something
10-28-08, 12:07 AM
get her to stay in touch with dave, aka jacostang, and i am sure it will not be an issue.
Mr. Austin
10-28-08, 01:34 PM
Sweet. i will let her know and will pm Jaco for his info
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