View Full Version : got an offer on my car!!!

10-14-08, 12:20 AM
hey guys havent been on in a while!
well i was getting my oil changed today and the grease monkey said that there was absolutely no oil that came outwhen drained! but one of the mechanics made me an offer on my car. its aroung 3500 to 4000,( my car had 103k miles) the catch is is that he will have to make payments. this money will be enough to get me a 5.0 or maybe and old 95 gt down here. need some input or if its a good idea. my pop is against it because since im a student i need a reliable car but who knows wat i might be able to get....

10-14-08, 12:23 AM
If he doesn't have payment in full don't do it.

10-14-08, 12:32 AM
so there is no way to get some type of legal contract saying that he has to complete payment or no car?
or maybe he gets the car when he completes the payment? but would i be taking a gamble getting an older GT or should i stay with my little 6 banger?

10-14-08, 12:36 AM
If he can't get a loan from a Bank there is no reason you should be a Bank.

So are you keeping the car until he pays you in full?

Or is he getting the car and making payments to you.

10-14-08, 12:40 AM
see thats the thing im not sure if there is enough trust on either side to A. give me the money and then give him the car, or B. give him the car and have him pay me monthly. i will not give him the car until i have al the money in my hand unless its backed up by a legal contract which i dont think there is one for thei situation... IM CURSED WITH A V6!!!!!

but like i said my main concern is getting an older car and HAVING to rely on it for a DD

10-14-08, 12:42 AM
Keep the car unless someone has the money in full.

10-14-08, 12:44 AM
thanks. ya im gonna do that. what the power difference if i were to get either a 80's 5.0 or a 94-98 GT compared to my V6?

10-14-08, 12:46 AM
5.0's are nice. 94-95 GT are Nice

96-98 GT Weak.

10-14-08, 12:49 AM
REALLY? i was actually looking into a 98. is the power a huge difference compared to my 6?

10-14-08, 01:00 AM

10-14-08, 01:02 AM
REALLY? i was actually looking into a 98. is the power a huge difference compared to my 6?

Not Much- 99 has more power


There you go. Leather is in bad shape.

10-14-08, 01:05 AM
LOL that the 1 i just posted! and i just sent him an e mail. but i think im getting my hopes up i dont even know if this guy will be able to buy it from me. thats what i need to find out before i do anything.

El Jefe
10-14-08, 01:51 AM
Money in full or no car! Or you could just keep the title until its paid off and dont sign anything over to him...If he bails you file a police report but thats just a hassle

10-14-08, 02:02 AM
theres an idea. i just want this car gone! i want a v8. lets just hope this guy can come thru

10-14-08, 03:19 AM
No oil came out? Hmmm. sounds like someone is trying to sell you a boat load of chit. How long since your last oil change?

Oh and payment in full BTW.

10-14-08, 06:30 AM
+1 on payment in full!!!

If you didnt REALLY didnt have oil come out of it, any real grease monkey would shy away from that deal!!!!!! eeeek!

long story short.....+1 of what wickedcobra said! lol!

10-14-08, 07:25 AM
only sell car if its paid in full never trust someone how cant have the bank loan him the money

10-14-08, 10:47 AM
i usally change the oil myself and i use royal purple. but last july i really messed up my shoulder and im going into surgery this fri. it has been around 6,000 miles since i changed my oil.... and i sometimes have a heavy foot.
im going to go back soon (midterm week) and ask if he can get a loan.

10-14-08, 12:23 PM
yeah man dont let someone get you with the payment deal. Yes it works (sometimes), but i have heard it screwing many people over in the end.

But yeah you will enjoy a gt for a 5.0 WAYYY more than a V6

10-14-08, 01:06 PM
I would keep the car you have until you are in a better position $$$.

#1: Your auto Ins. will be cheaper
#2: Mileage will be better
#3: Dad will be happy...

Payments from a private party is a terrible idea.

My $00.02
Good luck!

10-14-08, 02:39 PM
Why not just get an Explorer 4.6 and put in it? Yes you will have to get a wiring harness but thats an idea.

10-14-08, 05:03 PM
well i just tred to call the guy for the 94. no answer... im going to go back to jiffy lube to talk to the guy and see if he can take a loan.
what do you guys think about this one ? http://reno.craigslist.org/cto/833028119.html and if he cant buy my car i will prb put it on craiglist.

10-14-08, 05:20 PM
just curious but whats the life expactancy of my car? i heard its 200,000 miles. is that right?

10-14-08, 07:05 PM
The life expectancy of any car is anywhere from 1 mile to 600,000 thousand depending on many variables such as stupidity of driver like if he changes the oil or does any maint. I have put an motor in a 98 Chevy truck with only 42,000 thousand miles on it. They said they changed the oil every 3,000 so maybe there was a problem in the machining process. Who knows man. I had Toyota Camry's with 400,000 miles come in the shop when I worked for Toyota and seemed like brand new.

10-14-08, 10:07 PM
so the GT has already sold....

10-14-08, 11:04 PM
well i just tred to call the guy for the 94. no answer... im going to go back to jiffy lube to talk to the guy and see if he can take a loan.
what do you guys think about this one ? http://reno.craigslist.org/cto/833028119.html and if he cant buy my car i will prb put it on craiglist.


10-14-08, 11:40 PM
hey man you might have already said this, but how much are you looking to spend on a new car?

10-15-08, 12:20 AM
lol i love that AD!
basically im looking for a trade in. what ever i can get for my car is gonna be what i can spend.

10-15-08, 12:22 AM
lol i love that AD!
basically im looking for a trade in. what ever i can get for my car is gonna be what i can spend.
hmm ok nvm.
jw cuz we have a stock 02 gt we are getting ready to put up for sale.

10-15-08, 12:56 AM
ya i wish! i would love to have it. but i have to settle with what i can get. if this guy isnt able to pay in full then im going to wait until after winter to put my car up for sale (i need something i know that is reliable). we have already had our first big snow storm. 4 inches at my house!

10-15-08, 10:46 AM
I think this posting should read " WHY IS THERE NO OIL IN MY CAR"

Dude, 6k no oil change? you should still have oil in the thing. Wither someone is pulling your chain or you didnt change that oil for much longer than that.

10-15-08, 03:32 PM
Ok during the winter look on www.car-part.com (http://www.car-part.com) find you an Explorer 4.6, then a GT harness, and a tranny of your choice auto or manual. Put in and boom you got a V8. Be gentle on it for a while then get you an 8.8 to put in there. Then your car is paid for it will run good and best of all your only paying insurance on a V6. Tell me where this is a bad idea.

10-15-08, 03:38 PM
I say you should hold off until you can afford something else. If you don't have more money to put into a car, do you really think buying a car that's going to consume more gas, possibly carry higher insurance costs, generally involve a little more maintenance, etc.

10-15-08, 07:13 PM
Ok during the winter look on www.car-part.com (http://www.car-part.com) find you an Explorer 4.6, then a GT harness, and a tranny of your choice auto or manual. Put in and boom you got a V8. Be gentle on it for a while then get you an 8.8 to put in there. Then your car is paid for it will run good and best of all your only paying insurance on a V6. Tell me where this is a bad idea.

thing is, is that i dont have that type of money.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with this car. i just hate having a v6. plus my ex, the one who tried to have me mudered, helped me get this car. so theres alot of bad memories. so im going to do what i can to get a gt. i looked on KBB and the private sale price is about 4500.

10-15-08, 07:24 PM
So you are gonna sell your car and buy a V8 which in turn will cost you money but you cant drive what you have for the time being and save to put a V8 in it. I am still at a loss of why this is not a better way for you. Sorry if I seem like an asshole but for a young fellow you seem like your wanting to put yourself farther down the hole instead of treading water.

10-15-08, 07:30 PM
So you are gonna sell your car and buy a V8 which in turn will cost you money but you cant drive what you have for the time being and save to put a V8 in it. I am still at a loss of why this is not a better way for you. Sorry if I seem like an asshole but for a young fellow you seem like your wanting to put yourself farther down the hole instead of treading water.

you dont sound like an asshole at all. the cars i found are of equal or less amount as the price im selling my car. assuming the gt's are reliable

10-15-08, 08:20 PM
They can be just depends on how they were treated. Of course I have seen some that had the crap beat out of them and you couldnt blow them up, then I have seen others that was just a nightmare all the time.

10-15-08, 08:59 PM
i think thats what ever person is afraid of when purchasing from a private seller. because they can clean the car up very nicely and even have that precious new car smell. and 20 miles after handing over the cash your engine blows. is there any tricks to find out how the car was treated?

10-15-08, 10:22 PM
Not really unless its from a person that you can really trust and know how they are with cars. If your worried about your V6 having power call Justin @ VMP and talk to him about his V6. Last time I talked to him it was at 450 HP to the wheels.

10-15-08, 11:33 PM
i live in reno NV so idk what that is lol.
i have a few mods and was thinking about getting a tune but my buddy ( who i just recently go into stangs and is building a 330 stroker for his 88:woot1:) said i need a MAFS and a intake manifold before i do it. so far i have:
BBK Throttle body
Motorvation Spacer
Dual exhaust with magnaflow mufflers.
Headman Headers.

alot of work for a V6. i think if i could ust get some more power ( so i can keep up with a GT) i would keep my car....

10-16-08, 08:25 AM
Contact Justin here www.vmptuning.com (http://www.vmptuning.com) he is without a doubt one of the best V6 guys in the country.

10-16-08, 03:44 PM
i think thats what ever person is afraid of when purchasing from a private seller. because they can clean the car up very nicely and even have that precious new car smell. and 20 miles after handing over the cash your engine blows. is there any tricks to find out how the car was treated?

Put it through the ringer when you test drive it. So multiple clutch drops and redline the piss out of it. If it were to break, at least you didn't buy it. Tell the guy to do it. You want him to show you that it can handle what you are going to do to it in the long run. Thats what I did.

10-18-08, 05:08 PM
so the guy was kinda sketchy about the car so im not very confident on selling it.
the earlier post about possibly costing more than what its worth made me think thats as much as i want a v8 its probably just not the best time to get one. im only 19 and have the rest of my life to get a v8.
how eve i have decided to keep modding my car and my list is as follows
(dont know of the best brands so im open to ANY suggestions)
Intake manifold
mass airflow system
Pulley system
upgraded fuel pump/injectors
upgraded ignition
so if anyone has an idea on a brand of any of these please let me know!
oh.... and how much power should i get fromm all of ths including what i have? cant do math just yet lol

10-18-08, 05:09 PM
oh and also looking at getting a new hood in the near future, any style suggestions?

10-21-08, 01:57 PM
so the guy was kinda sketchy about the car so im not very confident on selling it.
the earlier post about possibly costing more than what its worth made me think thats as much as i want a v8 its probably just not the best time to get one. im only 19 and have the rest of my life to get a v8.
how eve i have decided to keep modding my car and my list is as follows
(dont know of the best brands so im open to ANY suggestions)
Intake manifold
mass airflow system
Pulley system
upgraded fuel pump/injectors
upgraded ignition
so if anyone has an idea on a brand of any of these please let me know!
oh.... and how much power should i get fromm all of ths including what i have? cant do math just yet lol
if your going to wait a get a v8, go with a 4valve. I have a gt and wish everyday i had a cobra. so if your going to save....i recommend keep saving. (I am 19 also and saving for a cobra)