View Full Version : 1968 Mustang Fastback - Beating The Odds

09-29-08, 11:31 AM
1968 Mustang Fastback - Beating The Odds
http://images.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0810_01_pl+1968_mustang_fastback+front_view.j pg
Although This Mustang Needed A Huge Amount Of Work To Put It Right, The End Result Was Spectacular. It Truly Represents A Case Of... (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0810_1968_mustang_fastback_beating_the_odds)B uying a car is always an interesting experience. Sometimes it goes well and you get more than you first thought. Other times, it doesn't go so well and you end up with a car that needs much work. The latter is what befell Dr. Don Campbell.

Photo Gallery: 1968 Mustang Fastback - Beating The Odds - Mustang And Fords Magazine (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0810_1968_mustang_fastback_beating_the_odds)

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Full Story.. (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_0810_1968_mustang_fastback_beating_the_odds)