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09-22-08, 11:49 AM
I got my friends cobra for the next couple of months went to was it and move it and well the alarm just randomly went off. The problem is the key pad is brokenso cant hit the button and shut it off. The override switch doesnt work (you know flip it turn the car and normally starts it). Anything you guys can think of like pulling fuses or anything?

09-22-08, 11:54 AM
what kind of alarm is it? Random alarms can often be caused by batteries that are going dead, try charging it and see if it goes away for a little while.

The bypass switches now will often need you to hold them for a second or two, with the key on. Get in(this will set off the alarm) put the key in to the start position, and then hold the switch for a second or two. Most alarm companies will use a small black momentary push button to do this and will sometimes have a 2nd toggle switch that is used to put the alarm into valet mode that is not used for this.

I installed alarms for almost 10 yrs and can help you out more if you can tell me the brand. Worst case scenario you will need to disconnect the alarm.

09-22-08, 12:29 PM
yea no clue what type of alarm it is only thing he has is the back of the alarm remote. I pulled a fuse that killed the siren noise and his override switch is a toggle i flipped it a few times and got the car to start. put the fuse back in and everything was good then forgot something inside the car adn the alarm went off when i opened the door. I did the same thing again but left the toggle switch afterward flipped in the opp position and opened the door 3 more times afterward so hopefully its good. I heard an alarm set noise when i walked away but 2 or 3 other poeple were getting out of there car so i'm hoping it was theres and not his autosetting

09-22-08, 01:44 PM
a 2 button remote? Red or green led on the remote?

A large majority of alarms are made by DEI, directed electronics. One way you can turn the auto-on feature with these is to open your door, and then push button 1 for a second, then button 2 for a sec, and then agian button one. The alarm will arm on the first push, disarm with the 2nd, and on the third the lights will flash one time and the led on the dash will light up constant to let you know that it is off.

09-22-08, 05:58 PM
as far as a remote no led no front part looks like it was a 2 botton but only the actually push back has 1 piece on it. All i have is the chip with the backside of the remote. There is no push botton its a on off toggle switch. I've tried jsut about everything starting to get pissed. I know he used to have a red led he could touch somewhere on the remote then hit the button to disarm it but yea he lost the led.