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View Full Version : Lady crushed my cobra

09-04-08, 02:51 PM
Yep, taking my son fishing this morning some lady decided to not pay attention and nailed me in the front. My son and I are ok thank god, could have been a lot worse. I hope they total it even thoug I know I'm not going to get jack poop for what its worth.

09-04-08, 02:53 PM
Ouch. Buy it back, fix it, then you have more mod money

09-04-08, 04:10 PM
damn I'd go ape shit. that blows. Don't think it will be a total though

09-04-08, 04:19 PM
My condolences. Sometimes they consider it totaled if the air bag is deployed. Glad you're both ok.

09-04-08, 04:22 PM
What do you guys think about them piecing it back together. Would it hold up the same if it were to get hit again?

09-04-08, 06:53 PM
aw man. that is so sad to see. i would have to agree that its done. that just makes me sick... so sorry bro.

09-04-08, 07:23 PM
:yikes: that sucks man

09-04-08, 07:26 PM
This thread makes me so sick....sorry to hear about your car, but glad you and your son are ok.

It always seems cars are never the same when they get fixed after something like this. Like you said, I'd hope they total it if it were me.

09-04-08, 07:28 PM
Dude that sucks.

09-04-08, 08:12 PM
damn that sucks...beautiful car but glad u and ur son are alright and like someone said earlier there is always something different or something goes wrong it seems when u have to rebuild a car after a accident like that but hope it works out as best as possible for u

09-04-08, 09:40 PM
What do you guys think about them piecing it back together. Would it hold up the same if it were to get hit again?

I had a hit like that in my first Mustang. It all depends on if the frame was bent, at all. Do you have a shop picked out? If not, let me know.

09-04-08, 10:01 PM
if done correctly, and no frame damage, its just like it was before.

now if the unibody or frame gets fubared, even if fixed, its rarely ever the same.

looks about the same damage to my 01 gt, airbags and all, even the engine was hit (accessories only) and the damage was about 11,500

09-04-08, 10:05 PM
Sorry bro!

09-04-08, 10:24 PM
Ouch!!! Good to hear that you, and your son, are OK!

Start do***enting everything now, (Police report, appraised value of your Cobra). Most of the "Budget" Insurance Companys will try to "Low Ball" you when it comes time to write a check, if the Car is totaled (That is one of the reasons they can charge low rates). Consult with your own Insurance Company on appraised value and/or reputable repair shops. They have a vested intrest in this too, (A happy Customer is more likely to renew with them!).

If Her Insurance Company is reputable no harm done. If they start playing games with you, get serious, and show them you mean business.

Good Luck, hope this is resolved quickly.

09-04-08, 10:48 PM
Damn thats sucks, good thing the boy is OK. Wanna sell the Turbo set up :)

09-04-08, 11:11 PM
What do you guys think about them piecing it back together. Would it hold up the same if it were to get hit again?

I would rather have the rear of the car smashed than a smack in the front. I think it would be ok if a good shop put it back together.

09-04-08, 11:20 PM
:jaw-dropping::jaw-dropping: That blows, Aaargh :madashell:Another fine Cobra !

09-04-08, 11:52 PM
got under it. Frame damage pics posted up top. Red line is midline to subframe. I tell you what, the MM k member is one stout piece. Doesn't look like it phased it one bit.

09-05-08, 12:07 AM
Sorry to see that, you'll be collecting a check for that given the looks of things...that is a total for sure. I can't imagine them not totaling that thing out.

People need to learn how the hell to drive.

09-05-08, 09:37 AM
That sucks...

I have a buddy here in Chandler with a 03' SVT Convert and it had a similar wreck about six month ago and they fixed it up pretty good.

09-05-08, 09:46 AM
That sucks...

I have a buddy here in Chandler with a 03' SVT Convert and it had a similar wreck about six month ago and they fixed it up pretty good.

Well, thats not really something I wanted to hear lol. I dont think even if they fixed it up "pretty good" I wouldn't feel comfotable in it at high speeds.

09-05-08, 09:52 AM
Glad everyone is ok Gene, sorry about the car!

09-05-08, 10:03 AM
Glad everyone is ok Gene, sorry about the car!

I know bro. My son and I walked away. Had my engine company come out and make sure we were ok. It's just a car and now a bad memory.

09-05-08, 11:02 AM
Well, thats not really something I wanted to hear lol. I dont think even if they fixed it up \"pretty good\" I wouldn't feel comfotable in it at high speeds.

i think if i was in your shoes and they did want to fix it, i would de-mod the crap out of it, and selll it. then find another to put the stuff back on.

09-05-08, 11:24 PM
Glad you and your boy are ok. True, you could buy a v6 and put everything in but only pay the insurance on a v6. Or get some other fox body and put it all in and make a true sleeper.

09-07-08, 03:06 PM
Bummer Gene, keep us updated, glad you guys are ok too.