View Full Version : Show our solidarity as Americans
Rev'n Kevin
09-03-08, 01:35 PM
There are less than two months until the election, an election that will
decide the next President of the United States. The person elected will be
the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans.
To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show each
other our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time that we all
come together, Democrats and Republicans alike.
If you support the policies and character of John McCain, please drive
with your headlights on during the day.
If you support Obama, please drive with your headlights off at night.
Thank you.
09-03-08, 01:48 PM
I will never vote for McCain!!!!!!!!!!
McCain Against Aviation Labor Rights
Led the fight to impose “baseball style arbitration” on bargaining disputes to help management and hurt workers [S. 1327, 8/2/2001]
Blocked FedEx workers from forming a union [H.R. 3539, Vote #304, 10/3/96]
Fought to gut pilots’ pension rights [S. Amdt. 3159 to H.R. 11, Vote #231, 9/23/92]
Backed Eastern Airlines’ bankruptcy plan, which avoided labor negotiations and
destroyed 43,000 jobs
[H.R. 1231, Vote #276, 10/26/89; H.R. 1231, Vote #273, 10/26/89; H.R. 1231, Vote #222, 10/3/89]
Opposes bargaining rights for U.S. flight crews flying abroad [ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000]
Would not support bargaining rights for FAA workers [Refused to cosponsor S. 2201, 2006]
Voted against the Employee Free Choice Act card check legislation [H.R. 800, Vote #227, 6/26/07]
Backs companies that fire or replace lawfully striking workers [ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000; S. 55, Vote #121, 6/16/92]
Believes that addressing flight attendant fatigue is “ridiculous”
[Press release, “Senator McCain Statement on Lobbying and Ethics Reform Bill,” 1/4/07]
Sent thousands of aviation manufacturing jobs overseas by voting for trade deals with Japan
[S.J. Res. 113, Vote #175, 9/13/89; S. Amdt. 101 to S.J. Res. 113, Vote #67, 5/16/89; S. Admt. 102 to S.J. Res. 113, Vote #66, 5/16/89]
Opposed rehiring unemployed PATCO workers fired by Ronald Reagan [Molinari Amdt. to H.R. 5205, Vote #267, 7/30/86]
Bush Administration called a bill providing unemployment benefits for laid-off airline workers “excessive” [Crawley, John, “Bush Opposes GOP-Led Plans for Airline Aid,” Reuters, 4/3/03]
McCain agrees: voted against jobless benefits for laid off airline workers [S. Amt. 1855 to S.1447, Vote #293, 10/11/01]
In 2006, McCain pushed George Bush’s agenda to allow foreign interests to takeover U.S. airlines [S. Amdt. 3619 to H.R. 4939, 4/26/06]
Bragged about his legislation to double foreign investment in U.S. airlines
[S. Amdt. 3619 to H.R. 4939, 4/26/06; ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000; S.1628, 8/2/1991]
Wants to allow foreign airlines to fly between U.S. cities, saying “I believe that the U.S. policy on cabotage should be relaxed.”
[ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000]
Voted to allow foreign cargo carriers to operate in U.S. [H.R. 2115, Vote #453, 11/17/03]
crazy ray
09-03-08, 01:56 PM
I'm with you Jeff. I just don't like him because his is a member of the Good O Boy Club. Its time for some new blood.
09-03-08, 02:43 PM
too bad Ron Paul is out! has anyone did any reading on his platform? very different!
09-03-08, 02:45 PM
There are less than two months until the election, an election that will
decide the next President of the United States. The person elected will be
the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans.
To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show each
other our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time that we all
come together, Democrats and Republicans alike.
If you support the policies and character of John McCain, please drive
with your headlights on during the day.
If you support Obama, please drive with your headlights off at night.
Thank you.
dont base what i do off this! id rather not have my headlights on. (molly wont ding at me to turn off the lights when i open the door to leave!)
Rev'n Kevin
09-03-08, 02:54 PM
Thanks, Rox, nice to see at least one person read the post and realized it was a joke, and didn't go into political opinion overdrive. :laughing:
09-03-08, 04:34 PM
I'm with you Jeff. I just don't like him because his is a member of the Good O Boy Club. Its time for some new blood.
But you would rather have someone who claims to have converted from muslim to christian? Someone who doesnt put his hand over his heart while the pledge of allegiance or national anthem is on? Id take the "Good Ole Boy" any day over that.
But you would rather have someone who claims to have converted from muslim to christian? Someone who doesnt put his hand over his heart while the pledge of allegiance or national anthem is on? Id take the \\\\\\\\"Good Ole Boy\\\\\\\\" any day over that.
Just my opinion.
Got to agree with this one! I will admit Id rather see Ron Paul but that isn't going to happen. I try not to be prejudice and I'm all for change, I just think Obama isn't the best choice, nor is McCain for that matter.
Whomever wins will fail on the promises to the people, they always do. The President has less control than people realize the President is essentially a Face for congress. I think Senators should have to go thru elections more often and should expire the term of there eligibility that would get rid of the Good Ole Boys.
The term of a Senator is six years. Members of the House of Representatives are elected every two years. There is no limit the number of terms a Senator or Representative may serve.
Tale Of The Tape
I did find this interesting though. (
Some of Obama's Accomplishments (
Frankly its time to do away with Republican or Democrat, a Nation divided is weak.
So I agree with: If you support Obama, please drive with your headlights off at night. :laughing:
09-03-08, 06:32 PM
I'm with McCain, sorry Jeff Nobamma!!
There will be no "Barack Hussein Obama II" for me...
09-03-08, 09:12 PM
I don't like any of them but since I have to choose one unfortunately I will be voting for Optimus Prime!
09-03-08, 09:22 PM
more than meets the eye!
After watching Palin, I like her. Shes tough, speaks well, and has at least some sort of clue. I like the fact that she sold the Governors jet in Alaska.
When I have to choose it will be McCain.
Chris B.
09-04-08, 08:36 AM
I like the fact that she tried to get her ex brother-in-law fired and was under investigation, and she has very little experience in politics, and she was a sportscaster in the 80's, and...:biglaugh:
09-04-08, 09:04 AM
Good one, Rev!
09-04-08, 10:00 AM
[quote=JoeT;49718]Just my opinion.
Got to agree with this one! I will admit Id rather see Ron Paul but that isn't going to happen. I try not to be prejudice and I'm all for change, I just think Obama isn't the best choice, nor is McCain for that matter.
Whomever wins will fail on the promises to the people, they always do. The President has less control than people realize the President is essentially a Face for congress. I think Senators should have to go thru elections more often and should expire the term of there eligibility that would get rid of the Good Ole Boys.
The term of a Senator is six years. Members of the House of Representatives are elected every two years. There is no limit the number of terms a Senator or Representative may serve.
Tale Of The Tape
I did find this interesting though. (
Some of Obama's Accomplishments (
Frankly its time to do away with Republican or Democrat, a Nation divided is weak
Palin = Geico cavemen...
The CON's believe anyone can do it.....
And this is they're pick????????
I dont care what you say, she is hot for 44 years old.
09-04-08, 03:24 PM
:iagree:Let down the hair and take off the glasses and :yes:
:iagree:Let down the hair and take off the glasses and :yes:
No no. Leave the glasses on. I am a 22 year old and would have no problem with the way she looks now. Just think she used to look like this....
09-04-08, 07:18 PM
The election is this year?
09-04-08, 10:54 PM
We went from politics to sex, MAN I love America. Oh and I would also hit dat. :bananabang:
McCain has my vote 100%. Plus I like the fact of knowing im voting for someone who cares for this country not someone who thinks he is to good to take a sh@* here. Plus Palin is a milf LOL
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