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View Full Version : Fluidyne Group Buy!!!!!

08-29-08, 02:37 PM


Yes another great sale from your favorite shop...D'Agostino Racing. This time we are looking to go direct with Fluidyne. This will enable us to serve our customers much quicker, much better, and of course with the best pricing.

Fluidyne is one of the leading manufacturers in aftermarket cooling products. They have been around for 50+ Years and always on top when it comes to Mustangs. This is why we have chosen to team up with them to offer you the best of the best for your car.

Fluidyne Radiators will help increase your coolant capacity resulting in lower engine coolant temperatures. This is perfect for those who have modified their car and do a lot of daily driving or any type of racing event.

Fluidyne also produces Heat Exchangers for Supercharged applications such as the GT500, 03-04 Cobra, and 99-04 Lightning. Their Heat Exchangers are good solid units and will help reduce intake air temps. That is a huge benefit, and good way to fight heat soak.

To seal the deal we are going to be offering a Group Purchase on their line, it will be start today and end September 30th, 2008 or if we get 15 people. For pricing you must contact us, I guarantee you will not find a lower price anywhere. Give us a call 877-DRI-POWER(374-7693), email us Sales@dagostinoracing.com, Derek@dagostinoracing.com, Jonathan@dagostinoracing.com, or PM us Derek@DRI, Jonathan@DRI. Thanks for

08-29-08, 07:06 PM
Hey I just got one from Jonathan does that count? I haven't recieved it yet from Fluidyne?

09-02-08, 10:10 AM
unfortunately it was ordered before this GB was started so no discount applies. but pm me next time you want something and i will make sure to hook you up since you missed out.

09-19-08, 08:18 AM
Just an update, we are almost there. I hope to place the order next week with Fluidyne. For those who have not gotten in, time is running out. Let me know if you need pricing.

Thank You,


09-26-08, 07:45 AM
Just a friendly reminder that the Group Buy ends TODAY!! So if you want to get on this incredible deal act now!

10-01-08, 08:18 AM
Hey all we are about to place the order for the gb but we are three people short right now. Some people have not come through yet on their orders. So if there are people who want to step up it would be greatly appreciatedso we can make this GB happen.

10-03-08, 07:49 AM
I just wanted to post and say thank you for all those who participated in the Group Buy. It was a success and a big boost for us, the order should have left Fluidyne yesterday and be on its way to us. We will e-mail everybody tracking numbers once the items ship.

Thanks Again,


10-08-08, 03:54 PM
Just an update half of our came in today, if you received an e-mail with your invoice and tracking number then yours obviously went out. If you did not, no need to worry the other half of the order is not far behind. We just happened to wipe them out of their stock but they had more product being made which again I expect to see next week. Thanks again for being a part of the GB and if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact me.
