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08-27-08, 01:06 PM
hello ...im new to here ....i just recently got a 1995 mustangV6 5 speed.....im woundering what are some thing i can do to it to give it more horse power....i am only making about 200$ every 2 weeks .....and im thinking of a body kit ....dose any 1 have any thoughts?....o by the way im from nova scotia canada

08-27-08, 01:08 PM

Exhaust and Upgraded Air Filter to start.

08-27-08, 02:16 PM

08-27-08, 02:25 PM
Welcome! Throw on an intake and then save up your money for a Terminator drivetrain :biglaugh:

No but seriously I would strongly recommend to not invest in a body kit :pinkthumb:


08-27-08, 05:25 PM
would it be safe to say with the big smily it cost a bit?

08-27-08, 06:34 PM
Willkommen. Bienvenue. :hellothere: Welcome. C'mon in.

08-27-08, 07:56 PM

95's are tough since they are single ports. intake/tune/exhaust is your best bet until you are ready to sink a lot of money into it

08-27-08, 08:11 PM

95's are tough since they are single ports. intake/tune/exhaust is your best bet until you are ready to sink a lot of money into it

...ok well first this is what is wrong with it

1 seat r durty (nothin big)
2 needs new rotors on the back
3 needs new pads on the back
4 door locks dont work
5 cylinder for the trunk is not there (just a peice of wire to pull)
6 reiw veiw mirror is cracked
7 engine light is on because of new gas tank???

08-27-08, 08:13 PM
8 the ebrake cable in the back needs to be fixed so the ebrake cant be put on yet or it might stick

08-27-08, 08:40 PM
dunno what to tell ya there. defiantely dont worry about makin it any faster until you work on getting it safe

08-28-08, 09:01 AM
dunno what to tell ya there. defiantely dont worry about makin it any faster until you work on getting it safe

Yeah, Id say fix 1-8 then go for the other stuff

08-28-08, 09:12 AM
ok now im gunna leave to look at this car in 2 or so hours...any thoughts on what i should look at on this car...problume ereas it might have?