View Full Version : Speed cameras???

Wharf Rat
08-11-08, 07:49 PM
Is this true? I read it in an article about doing the same crap in Illinois.

"In Arizona, 50 speed cameras will be deployed on highways by September with another 50 by January at a cost of about $20 million. The state hopes to raise $90 million a year by imposing $165 fines on vehicles going 10 mph over the speed limit or faster."


08-11-08, 08:13 PM
yeah on the 101 loop

08-11-08, 10:36 PM
The English version.


08-11-08, 11:09 PM
Yes its true, already have them on east loop 101 and now the west 101 loop.Even a write up on Radarbusters .com

08-12-08, 01:48 AM
also between sr51 and frank Loyd blvd

08-12-08, 05:48 AM
Each city now has there own budget for the cameras and there will be spread across the freeways and at all major intersections. Now they even have the cameras set up for when if you run the red arrow it will go off for left hand turn lanes. The west side loop 101 doesn't have the cameras yet but will here soon in a month or two. (they stop around the 51 and 101) But there are plenty of cameras in the intersections like 83rd and thunderbird and soon to be 83rd and Bell.

08-12-08, 06:50 AM
Each city now has there own budget for the cameras and there will be spread across the freeways and at all major intersections. Now they even have the cameras set up for when if you run the red arrow it will go off for left hand turn lanes. The west side loop 101 doesn't have the cameras yet but will here soon in a month or two. (they stop around the 51 and 101) But there are plenty of cameras in the intersections like 83rd and thunderbird and soon to be 83rd and Bell.

they got 83 and union :( i dont think they should have it on the red arrow. i think that may cause more accidents when they turn on it being yellow.

Wharf Rat
08-12-08, 08:06 AM
Wow, that sucks! Are they at least radar (not laser) so the V1 can sniff them out?

Are they sending out tickets for 10 over or do you have to be hauling the mail to get messed with?

08-12-08, 08:44 AM
The cameras on the east side of 101 have been turned off for a few weeks now. When they were active, they were set to go off at 11 over. So it would start taking pictures at 76mph.

You will find that in general the speed limits are higher in AZ than IL. In the areas closest to downtown, it is 55. The other areas are 65. Farther out it is 75.

As a former Chicagoan, I can't think of one thing that you will miss about that place while being in AZ.

08-12-08, 09:18 AM
they use speed sensors mounted in the road, you radar will not do anything. I got a photo ticket last year on the 101 for76 in a 65. I did the deferal class since it was my first in a long time(10 yrs). The only way you radar will work with them is if you have a GPS unit.

08-13-08, 10:13 AM
There are signs before the camera and the cameras themselves are pretty noticeable. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

08-13-08, 10:51 AM
Are there cameras on the 51? I haven't seen any outside of a radar truck parked on the side once in a while.

crazy ray
08-13-08, 11:25 AM
I for one, am glad that they are popping up everywhere. Every day i see people doing well over 80 mhp on these roads. In Germany they hide these cameras, you get the ticket in the mail and you pay it at the post office. No court and if you don't pay, next time you go get tags for car, you'll pay that ticket or no tags.

08-13-08, 08:34 PM
Good thing I don't speed, if you are not doing to speed limit you have nobody to blame but yourself. Same thing with people who street race if you want to play around on the street be prepared for the consequences.

Escort has a new radar detector that actually knows where the cameras are and warns you if you are approaching one. I think they work on the speed cameras on the highway too, but am not 100% sure.

08-13-08, 09:16 PM
According to today's Arizona Repulsive the recent 20 million dollar order for additional fixed and mobile cameras is on hold. It seems the OTHER Scottsdale company that sells that service complained to the Fed's that Redflex was selling cameras that weren't Federally approved. So until DPS cleans up that mess no new fixed or mobile cameras! :pepper:


08-14-08, 12:22 AM
good thing i drive a chevy its a blur on the picture when i go past. Thats if i slow down so it catches in the frame

08-14-08, 01:55 AM
good thing i drive a chevy its a blur on the picture when i go past. Thats if i slow down so it catches in the frame


Aren't the ones in the city (i.e. Warner and Almaschool) a little more strict. Like they don't give you a 10mph safety net.

08-14-08, 08:24 AM
do you mean the red light cams?

08-14-08, 10:50 AM
do you mean the red light cams?

they do that as well as speed camera.

i got flashed by one for speeding

08-24-08, 10:28 AM
I don't have a problem with the speed cameras on the 'loops'. I do have a problem with the D*CKS that think they have to slam on their brakes to get down to the limit. It's widely known that the ones along the 'loop', in Scottsdale (where the cameras were started), don't flash until you're running 11 mph over the posted limit. I've been able to run 10 above, with the cruise control on, and no picture taken.

The dips that think they're doing better by slamming on their brakes for these cameras had better think about the near wrecks they cause, before they touch the brake pedal.

The simple solution to living with these cameras is to remember that where you're going isn't going to sprout legs and move on you. You don't need to be in a flippin' hurry. That's what I see more than the dip that runs the limit in the high-speed lane. For them, get your a** over!

All in all, if you drive like you're trying to get the ticket, you'll never get one.

08-28-08, 09:43 AM
On the 17th of this month there was a mobile unit sitting on the exit of the downtown tunnel. They gave the customary warning sign just two seconds prior to where the vehicle was sitting. It was going flash crazy in the 55 mph stretch. Which brings me to my point...Does anyone here really drive 55 mph on the inner-city freeway? The whole thing is a joke! It use to be the reason one received a speeding ticket was for the concerned safety for yourself and others around you. At least some years back that was the issue we were told. Now the paper reveals, a few weeks back, that concern is how much money was being poured into the freeway camera idea and how much they will make in return (just over 3 times the return of the cost the first year). No mentioned about their little project being used as a safety deterrent.

Yes! I was one, I'm sure, that registered a flash from their little camera. Moving with the flow of traffic is all I was doing. Still waiting for my ticket!:Bucktooth:

08-28-08, 10:00 AM
if traffic was really dense often the tickets are not even sent as it can sometimes be difficult to prove which vehicle in the picture was speeding, etc. now if things were still fairly spaced out and it wasn't bumper to bumper, then I'd start looking in the mail.

08-28-08, 07:05 PM
The dips that think they're doing better by slamming on their brakes for these cameras had better think about the near wrecks they cause, before they touch the brake pedal.

I agree! On the other hand I had an incident on that part of the Loop 101 today (seond time in 2 weeks) that REALLY annoys me. I was cruising along with the flow of traffic (at 10mph over the posted speed limit) and some Yahoo in an F-150 pulls up behind me (traffic was heavy and there was a SUV in front of me). Well let me qualify that... he pulled within 2 car lengths of me. And stayed there! For almost 10 miles!

What's up with that? :flamegun:

08-28-08, 07:43 PM
I agree! On the other hand I had an incident on that part of the Loop 101 today (seond time in 2 weeks) that REALLY annoys me. I was cruising along with the flow of traffic (at 10mph over the posted speed limit) and some Yahoo in an F-150 pulls up behind me (traffic was heavy and there was a SUV in front of me). Well let me qualify that... he pulled within 2 car lengths of me. And stayed there! For almost 10 miles!

What's up with that? :flamegun:
Do you really want me to tell you what someone else was thinking? I didn't think so.

I believe that some people have no place driving a car. This is because they try to multi-task, when they should be focusing on their driving. Sure, I'm for using the hands-free devices, while driving. But, if it takes too much of your concentration to talk, while driving, stop talking. Don't juggle the map or the other SH*T in your car that happens to pop into your mind, while driving. Just drive. That's why you got into your car, to go somewhere. You didn't decide to leave your house to go get into a phone booth, do office work, etc. I'm speaking from with the experience of having tried to do these things and failing at it. I believe that if you can't do it right, then don't do it at all. You can't concentrate, no matter how hard you try, on the driving task (yes, it's a task) and screwing around with something else at the same time. If more people would just drive the car to their destination, and nothing else, I'm sure there'd be a noticeable change out there. There's other things, as well. But, I'll leave the 'hurried driving' alone, for now.

08-28-08, 07:47 PM
On the 17th of this month there was a mobile unit sitting on the exit of the downtown tunnel. They gave the customary warning sign just two seconds prior to where the vehicle was sitting. It was going flash crazy in the 55 mph stretch. Which brings me to my point...Does anyone here really drive 55 mph on the inner-city freeway? The whole thing is a joke! It use to be the reason one received a speeding ticket was for the concerned safety for yourself and others around you. At least some years back that was the issue we were told. Now the paper reveals, a few weeks back, that concern is how much money was being poured into the freeway camera idea and how much they will make in return (just over 3 times the return of the cost the first year). No mentioned about their little project being used as a safety deterrent.

Yes! I was one, I'm sure, that registered a flash from their little camera. Moving with the flow of traffic is all I was doing. Still waiting for my ticket!:Bucktooth:

They probably don't drive 55. I'm sure that I run with the flow. You probably won't get a ticket, being as large a gaggle as you say. But, knowing better and acting on that is better than having to take the medicine, right?

12-23-08, 06:06 PM

Cracks me up! Agree with it all with the exception of the border issue at the very end of the vid. Arizona = Police State without real time police officers.

12-23-08, 06:31 PM
Some guy that came into my place of work was talking to me about airplanes giving out tickets? I guess they do that in Cali somehow but he was saying it was going to be enforced out here too. Anyone heard of this?

12-23-08, 06:47 PM
they paint two large stripes on the road a set distance apart and time you between them. Distance/time= average speed

not sure if they are gonna do it here.

12-23-08, 11:53 PM
Supposedly they have been using airplanes to keep tabs on traffic on the I-10 in the area between about 16th street and 19th avenue. Don't know if they're handing out tickets based on the observations of these planes but it's altogether likely that those pilots are in contact with DPS officers on the ground.

12-24-08, 04:17 PM
SAD BUT TRUE...just a friendly reminder that your state is way over budget...the trick is to hide your face during your glamour shot...and the V1 is generally ineffective until the last second.