View Full Version : We've Been Challenged
07-28-08, 04:04 PM
Some..."mopar" group said they would take the "club" award for a show (FREE BTW) that is coming up this friday...saying they are the best West Side Club. No so fast you short bus dodge owners...
This is a call out for Wild West Mustang'rs to show up this friday night at the Walgreens (meeting place) at Dysart & Greenway at 7:15pm. From there we will cruise over a mile to the show site and make some ford noise.
See you at Walgreens!
Thats 3 miles from my house, but I will be 1000 miles away in San Antonio. Wish I could be there.
Id go but Ill be in Cali at a wedding.
07-28-08, 04:35 PM
Isn't that the way it always is finally get a show in your area and you're in a different country. ;)
It's a pretty small show and I am not sure it benefits anyone other than a couple of restaurants that are's a challenge and the mopars think they're gonna beat us. :z7shysterical:
I would go if I can get that bolt out, hoping to start surgery in the morning......
Mr. Austin
07-28-08, 05:34 PM
ooo damn Mopar Freaks. ok well i was going to go to the normall cruise but this sounds like to much fun
07-28-08, 07:29 PM
Go get em !!!
07-28-08, 08:35 PM
Any more info on the show? Where at? How late? Is it a show and shine? I might be able to make it! :biglaugh:
07-28-08, 08:42 PM
i think i'm off at 4 or 6 that day i can try and make it :D
Rev'n Kevin
07-28-08, 10:53 PM
Any more info on the show? Where at? How late? Is it a show and shine? I might be able to make it! :biglaugh:
Friday night August 1st from 7PM - 12:00am, 1st Annual Car Show and Shine and looks like it is being put on by 2 restaurants (Alfredo's and Papa Johns)
There is no entry fee, and they will be giving away Awards as Best of Show, Club Participation and more. The show will be held in the parking lot at the corner of Grand Ave and Greenway.
Looks like we need to see some club participation on this one. So come on WWMC members, if I can do it so can you, I will be driving back into town 130 miles, just to do this with the club, and then have to drive back out the next day to finish my business, like I said if I can do it, so can you. Let's support OUR club and make a strong showing, and show this mopar club who the king's of the west side really are. Let's do this.
07-29-08, 01:59 AM
i get off work @ 4:30, count me in.
07-29-08, 08:54 AM
ill be there! (unless we break down on our way back home thursday...)
crazy ray
07-29-08, 12:54 PM
I'll be there. I love to make some noise when i enter.
07-29-08, 05:03 PM
I should be able to make. We need more stangs!!!! :twothumbsup:
07-29-08, 05:23 PM
My guess...we'll have at least a dozen cars...remember this is our cruise night so that is going to hurt our numbers.
07-29-08, 05:29 PM
Will be there without doubt, we have been called out by this mopar club. The Mustang Family must come together in force to smoke check these mopar heads.
07-29-08, 05:48 PM
I agree! All mustangs should come together for this one. I'm making a few phone calls and going to post on some other boards to try and get some more stangs to help out. :highfive:
07-29-08, 06:34 PM
do you have to be apart of wild west mustangs? if not i got 2 maybe 3
07-29-08, 06:40 PM
silver03cobrado you have to be apart of wild west mustangs? if not i got 2 maybe 3
I don't want to speak for anyone else, but to me if you have a mustang, your family! :icon_cool: And if family needs help, Im there! :biglaugh:
07-29-08, 06:54 PM
Not sure if you will need to be a Wild West Mustang Member or not, ask Kenny the prez who posted this. My question is, are we going against several Mopar body styles grouped together as "Mopar" or one body style as the Charger Club, Magnum club etc... and if we are going against all Mopars, should they be ok if we bring all Ford products?
07-29-08, 07:17 PM
The way I understand it is this is a 1st Annual Car show which means all makes and models. It sounded like a guy from a mopar club challenged the mustang club to attend the show. The way I see it, the challenge between these to clubs would be any mopar VS any Mustang (Ford). I could be wrong.....:veryhappy:
07-29-08, 07:41 PM
good point i can bring a L also
Rev'n Kevin
07-30-08, 12:55 AM
Let's see if I can clear this up, seems like some confusion going on :biglaugh:
As for the car show itself, it is open to anyone, any make, model or year, so come on out the more the merrier.
Now about the challenge, there is a trophy being given for club participation, the mopar club believes that they have the most members vs. the Wild West Mustang Club, both clubs are west side clubs, we see each other all the time at the fri-night cruise-in on 91st and northern and at the sat. safeway cruise-in on 83rd and beardsley. So last sat. at the Safeway cruise-in, they (the mopar club) challenged us (Wild West Mustangs) that they would beat us for that trophy, in other words they would have more club participants there than us. So basically there is a car show going on friday and a west side car club rivalry going on at the show.
07-30-08, 08:36 AM
Two things...Kevin is right.
Second...the way I see it...IF you show up and meet with us at 7:15pm at Walgreens (Dysart & Greenway, depart 7:25-7:30) and you tell us you are there to check out the Wild West Mustang Club (keep your reasons to yourself)...we'll tell the guy...yeah...they're with us, because this is for the club and it's potential members.
As they say the world is our our case...the world is a potential member. :)
OK, here's the scoop. While I was talking to the owner of Alfredo's on Saturday one of the Mopar guys joined in on the conversation. When I asked the owner about the club participation award the guy from the mopar group made a comment about the fact that we (wild west) "use to be strong at safeway but not anymore so why ask about that". And on saturday he was right. They filled the whole back parking lot were they usually park and we had 6 club members there, you can blame it on the weather if you want but they were there in numbers and we were not. I don't know if they all belong to one club or not but they all stick together on the back nine. Anyway, the conversation was that they would have more cars than us, it had nothing to do with the award. As it stands, and this is from what I saw on Saturday, they do have more members than us but I don't think they can get as many Mustangs together if we get the word out like we are doing. if we can win the award as a club that would be an added bunus but in the end it's all about who owns the "west side" Mopar guys or Ford guys? It is my opinion that this night is about all mustangs getting together weather you belong to our club or not. I hope that this clears up the confusion and remember, we love the cars not ourselves otherwise we wouldn't be on this forum. Later....
Don't worry fellas. They are Mopars, they probably won't be running anyway...
07-30-08, 08:57 AM
Don't worry fellas. They are Mopars, they probably won't be running anyway...
best post eva!!!
wish i was gonna be in town myself. but i will be up in the cool pines of Prescott valley in the am on friday. i need outta this heat!!!
07-30-08, 09:12 AM
*tear* great post jemal!!!!!! pony power!!!!
Don't worry fellas. They are Mopars, they probably won't be running anyway..."
~ how true is that! i pissed thru two Mopars myself before i was happy and got my mustang!
I have a friend from a while back that honestly had 3 different Chrysler products from that era just to make sure he had ONE vehicle to drive.
07-30-08, 09:25 AM
ha ha ha! thats horrible! whats funny is that i know people like that with GM vehicles!
07-30-08, 10:31 AM
I will be bringing 3 mustangs and one L
07-30-08, 10:44 AM
Well then it's's us (MUSTANGS) against them. The club award...would just be gravy.
Mr. Austin
07-30-08, 10:45 AM
aaaaaaaahahaha im so siked! let Kick there mopar Asses:biglaugh:
07-30-08, 10:45 AM
I will be bringing 3 mustangs and one L
i love you. :biglaugh: i am so saving these lil acryonms! my lil sister's bf is a mopar lovin' fool.
07-30-08, 10:58 AM
There is a whole lot more to this then may meet the eye with this challenge by the Mopar heads, the car show, car clubs and the west side. This is about brothers and sisters of our Mustang Family as a family coming together in unity and a show of force.
1. This Mopar head in essence slapped Wild West Mustang Club in the face by stating we use to be the biggest show of force at Safeway. Although true that we only had about 6 members there and several other stray ponies, this Mopar head still called us out, and kicked sand in our face. Now as a Wild West Mustang Club, a brother or sister of the Mustang and or Ford Family, are we going to stand up or put our tail between our legs? I say we pull out our six shooters, form a posse and hunt these Mopar heads down.
2. With the Friday car show, this Mopar head coupled with the above “called us out” and challenged us so again are we going to stand up and unite or run like pigmy ponies? (Excuse the Pun) I say we show up in force from all corrals in the Phoenix Valley and “serve” these Mopar heads. If we can’t do it with just the Wild West family, then we can at least show them that in this town the Mustang and Ford family can dominate them, can surround and circle them in numbers while they take cover and hide in their little covered wagons.
3. Without doubt it would be a glorious day for the Mustang family to serve and shut down the Mopar heads while taking their scalps as trophies (The club participation award). In the big picture again this is building the strength, closeness, making comrades, building esprit de corps with team work with and of our Mustang and Ford families coming together to take on this foe as well as building potential club membership.
4. This is the Wild West ladies and gentlemen, and we have been called out and challenged!!! These are fighting words so do we form our posse, load our six guns while saddling up our ponies or do we stay at home, tend to the vittles and watch reruns of the Brady Bunch?
In closing, I hope I have inspired and fired up some of you, and sorry if I have offended anyone or pissed in anyone’s cherrios over any of this to get the blood flowing but again it’s all about fun, competition, rivalry, recruitment and most of all, sisterhood and brotherhood uniting side by side. Now if the Mustangs take some awards and the bragging rights, that is a just a added cherry to the ice cream sunday, or a notch in the gun belt.
Well, i'm juiced....
"the towns people have settled there differences and come together to fight the good fight"
if you have a copy of the movie blazzing saddles i suggest you pop it in tonight...i'm gunna go home early to watch it...
And eat.
07-30-08, 12:11 PM
I HAVE BLAZING SADDLES AT HOME!!!! i quote that movie from time to time! ill watch it friday before the show!
and rick..... you got me jazzed up too! i noticed how they are the general "mopar" and we are the "mustangs" so.... if we out do the "mopar" (meaning dodge, plymouth, jeep yada yada) just with stangs alone... it will be a much sweeter victory.... but if we are just doing alll ford... well bring in all the ford, lincolin, mercury, and the newly bought VW's and Kias!
Listen here Pony Girl... I don't want to "seeee Yaaaa in a Kiiiiiaaaa".
We'll just stick to the mustangs and sing the camp town lady song so watch the movie!!!
07-30-08, 12:53 PM
Listen here Pony Girl... I don't want to "seeee Yaaaa in a Kiiiiiaaaa".
We'll just stick to the mustangs and sing the camp town lady song so watch the movie!!! ladies???? haaa ha ha ha!
i hate that kia commercial!!! ugh! besides.... kias a throw away car!
07-30-08, 02:00 PM
1. This Mopar head in essence slapped Wild West Mustang Club in the face by stating we use to be the biggest show of force at Safeway. Although true that we only had about 6 members there and several other stray ponies, this Mopar head still called us out, and kicked sand in our face.
Okay for the record...Safeway isn't the show we care about. (91st ave is) So they are spitting in the wind...but it does say a lot about them that they have to have several different types of mopars to create a club. Lets face it...they are the Camero's red headed step sister.
07-30-08, 03:38 PM
thats is true. its not like they put on the safeway show like we put on the 91stave/norhtern show.
07-30-08, 03:40 PM
So member of WWM or not, show up? and you'll take us "non"members under your wing lol. i'm starting to detail my car tonight.
07-30-08, 03:47 PM
come on out! its all about the stang and love of cars!
07-30-08, 04:17 PM
Yeah...what she you need my address to do my car?:pinkthumb:
I don't think friday can get here fast enough.
All this excitment has made me heavy footed and hungry!!!
can you say "footed"????
07-30-08, 05:09 PM
Already posted a message on another Mustang board, well see if we can get any more! :biglaugh: So on this speical night, can we get a discount on club membership? Can we sign up at the wal-green's? :yes:
Rev'n Kevin
07-30-08, 06:26 PM
I don't think friday can get here fast enough.
All this excitment has made me heavy footed and hungry!!!
can you say "footed"????
Your always HUNGRY!!! :biglaugh:
07-30-08, 07:18 PM
Yeah...what she you need my address to do my car?:pinkthumb:
lol it was hot enough to do mine, and i'm still not finished! :sticktonge:
07-31-08, 01:14 PM
We just tighten our rules for membership. You need to go to two meetings (next one is next wed btw) and two events (this would be one). If you can't make meetings for a good reason, then the board can give you a waiver. Our dues are $15 per year...but you get a shirt. I am guessing you can swing that... :)
07-31-08, 03:01 PM
For all you guys that can't bring your stang. Ill fly in from Baton Rouge and bring yours there for support! My wife can bring one and my Brother thats + 3..
just let me know
07-31-08, 04:47 PM
Yeah, the meetings will be hard for me to go to because of my work and me being on-call. I am going to this event and I am planing on going to the one in October. :highfive: If that will be ok with the board, then I'll bring my 15 bucks tomorrow night, so bring the shirt!! :laughing1:
07-31-08, 06:32 PM
I can bring the $15 bucks tomorrow as well, but same for me, i work during the week and usually work mid-shifts and have school on monday & wednesdays.
07-31-08, 11:25 PM
Whoa...We'd LOVE to have both you guys, but our first (un)official board meeting happened a couple nights ago and we decided not to hand out memberships like candy. (something about making them meaningful :)
At any's a hard rule right now. So in your would both get credit for tomorrow night. Then over the next month or so you'd have to hook up with us at least a couple more that we know you are standup guys (even though the word on the street says you are).
* We had one guy that wanted to join after he met up with us one night, the next weekend he came into the Safeway Parking lot like a jackass (spinning tires) and he didn't quite make the cut. :) So if we have the same criteria for one can complain.
At that point (couple of hook ups) you could ask for a waiver and would likely be granted. Events that qualify for us would be ANY Friday night cruise (91st ave and Northern...7pm till whenever) or meeting a couple of our guys at Safeway on Saturday, other places? Give me an idea if any of that is possible and we'll work from there....
08-01-08, 12:05 AM
Whoa...We'd LOVE to have both you guys, but our first (un)official board meeting happened a couple nights ago and we decided not to hand out memberships like candy. (something about making them meaningful :)
At any's a hard rule right now. So in your would both get credit for tomorrow night. Then over the next month or so you'd have to hook up with us at least a couple more that we know you are standup guys (even though the word on the street says you are).
* We had one guy that wanted to join after he met up with us one night, the next weekend he came into the Safeway Parking lot like a jackass (spinning tires) and he didn't quite make the cut. :) So if we have the same criteria for one can complain.
At that point (couple of hook ups) you could ask for a waiver and would likely be granted. Events that qualify for us would be ANY Friday night cruise (91st ave and Northern...7pm till whenever) or meeting a couple of our guys at Safeway on Saturday, other places? Give me an idea if any of that is possible and we'll work from there....
In that case I would like to ask for a waiver. I have been to your cruise a few times. Ask Kevin, I'm a stand up guy. If you don't remember me, I have the 2005 Torch Red Mustang with white racing stripes and GT350 on the side. Most people remember my car by the little "TimeOut" kid with the Ford jacket on in front of my car at shows. :woot2:
Rev'n Kevin
08-01-08, 12:16 AM
Yep, that he is, we've done alot of shows together. I'm on the board T, you'll have my vote, don't think I've ever seen you do a burnout coming in or out of a show, lol. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night Bro.
Mr. Austin
08-01-08, 01:34 AM
08-01-08, 01:55 AM
well no worries. i can't really burnout in my car too well :laugh:
08-01-08, 09:28 AM
:pound: We have more,no, we do, no ,we do........
08-01-08, 11:35 AM
Huh...I thought your mustang was green. :)
Well you have one vote...3 to go. ;)
04...spinning tires...not the only way to act like a jackass. Ask CREAM. ;)
Okay...technically you can ask me too...
08-01-08, 06:12 PM
04...spinning tire...not the only way to act like a jackass. Ask CREAM. ;)
Okay...technically you can ask me too...
lol dun worry, i'll just see you tonight :pinkthumb::woot2:
and i fix.t your post :P
08-01-08, 06:17 PM
time to shine up da chrome... black up the tires!
08-01-08, 11:13 PM
Well, after we left you guys tonight we went back to 91st and Northern....All the Mopar guys were there. :z7shysterical::z7shysterical:
Rev'n Kevin
08-01-08, 11:19 PM
Well we had 32 mustang show up, and the Mopars were a no show. Needless to say Wild West Mustangs took home the Participation Award. I took the Most Unique Award, and Rick took the Loudest Award. It was good to see everyone, thanks to all for coming out.
On a personal note: I will be leaving in a few days to Alaska for the rest of the month (will be nice to get out of the heat), take care of yourselves and see you all in September.
08-01-08, 11:26 PM
The Mopar Heads went running to their mommas and into the hills tonight when they seen the Mustang show of force, they opted to be no-shows to the show they them self challenged us to; the Phoenix Valley glowed tonight from the yellow of the Mopar Heads backs as they were seen fleeing in all directions. The Mustangs Posse dominated the show tonight in masses; Wild West Mustangs took the Club Participation Award hands down. Kevin took the Most Unique Car Award and yours truley took the Loudest Car Award. Personal thanks to all the Stangs that showed tonight, was truely awesome seeing all come together to face these Mopar varmits. And a special thanks to the staff of Alfredo's and Pappa Johns for putting this car show on, for the refreshments and good food.
08-01-08, 11:50 PM
dang i really wish i could have been there! if only i was back in surprise rite now. great to hear the mustangs are out in force to dominate any competitors! Mustangs: World Domination Since 1964 1/2!
08-01-08, 11:58 PM
All my pictures turned out pretty shatty.
time for a new camera
08-02-08, 05:53 AM
I wanted to go but I had to work. I was in the area and thought of stopping by but I figured showing up in a lime green 2003 Crown Victoria (still a ford) :biglaugh:might be frowned on so I will just hold out till the meeting. (and for those of you thinking why in the hell does he drive a lime green vic I am a discount cab driver)
08-02-08, 12:10 PM
Gotz-ta know from anyone that went to 91st and Nothern after the care show, what if anything did these Mopar Heads say or use for not showing up to the show after they had challenged us????
Rev'n Kevin
08-02-08, 03:13 PM
I stopped and talked to them, and they said they knew nothing about it. Apparently they just have a big mouth in their club. They would like to know who made the challenge, and then never told the rest of their club. Jemal, you gonna be there tonight, maybe you can point him out, then we can watch his club brothers mess him up. lol
08-02-08, 04:24 PM
I stopped and talked to them, and they said they knew nothing about it. Apparently they just have a big mouth in their club. They would like to know who made the challenge, and then never told the rest of their club. Jemal, you gonna be there tonight, maybe you can point him out, then we can watch his club brothers mess him up. lol
well at least we had a cool mustang show lol
08-02-08, 05:12 PM
So the show was a spoof? but they even had awards.
Rev'n Kevin
08-02-08, 05:35 PM
No, Moostang, the show was real, the mopar club wasn't :biglaugh:
08-02-08, 07:31 PM
I guess you taught them what a "STAMPEDE" is ! Ha !:laughing1::woot1::pepper::pepper::pepper:
08-02-08, 08:18 PM
08-02-08, 08:20 PM
08-02-08, 08:20 PM
08-02-08, 08:26 PM
i see a bunch of red x's.
i hope i'm not the only one.
anyone else have some photos? mine turned out pretty shatty.
08-03-08, 04:43 AM
08-03-08, 10:11 AM
I see a pic in post #75+76, but quite small,even when clicked on "Full Size".
08-03-08, 10:50 AM
Huh...I'm entertaining myself. I can (still can) see them all...but for those that can' can see them here.
Sorry about eventful weekend got even better when my computer crashed for good. The new one doesn't have all my software yet and I put in a new photo shop type that I haven't learned yet. Resizing pics is like the opposite of how I use to do it...and then I have to copy to disc, go to my wife's computer (my broadband disappeared with my crashed computer...for now) and it's just ugly. But they are at the other link.
08-03-08, 10:59 AM
BTW...yes...they are blurry...thanks in advance for pointing it out...but they are better than yours. ;)
Once again...they are at this link.
08-04-08, 05:50 PM
Like I said at the show . We may not be as wise as we thought, they tell you to go way out to another show spot so they can talk smack at our very own home show while were gone. hhhhhmmmmmmm:sissyfight:
08-04-08, 11:15 PM
But you sports we have this little saying called scoreboard. We got the award...had there not been an award or show...then we would be punked.
Don't know about you...but it was fun seeing all those mustangs in any setting. Would have been cool to get them to 91st that night or....this week? :biglaugh:
08-05-08, 10:06 AM
I agree, it was definitely nice to see some new cars and faces. I would go up there again, they just need a little more lighting.
08-05-08, 06:11 PM
Guess I need to show up with a Fox Body since there don't seem to be which one do I bring???
08-06-08, 09:28 AM
:pepper:Actually, there are some Ol' Skool Fox's that show up, but hey, the more we have the better. See you all Friday.:pepper:
08-06-08, 09:51 AM
Guess I need to show up with a Fox Body since there don't seem to be which one do I bring???
i have picture proof that there was "a" fox body there!
08-06-08, 02:20 PM
What's a Fox body??? I think it is like hear about this animal...but only catch glimpses so you aren't really sure.
Hey did you guys here were they actually at 91st or is that urban legend? Bryn said they were (I think he was joking) based on what Izzy told me. He got there well after Bryn left and said there was one dodge at 91st...that was around 8pm.
08-06-08, 02:57 PM
LOL, nope, sorry, i wasnt joking. When we got back over there, there were quite a few of them hanging out.
crazy ray
08-06-08, 03:38 PM
I went by and saw 4 of them. The word is getting out about 91st, there was alot of rice burners over there.
08-06-08, 03:57 PM
I went by and saw 4 of them. The word is getting out about 91st, there was alot of rice burners over there.
oh! nice! ill try and bring some soy sauce this friday!:biglaugh:
08-06-08, 05:36 PM
All, at the below web site are some pictures from the 1st Annual Car Show and Shine put on by Alfredo's and Papa Johns 1 Aug 08. Thougt this would be easier then trying to attach all the pics. Note: you may need a myspace account to access them. If you can not access, send me a email and will send you them
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