View Full Version : Whipple 3.4L/KB 2.8?? TERMI Opinions wanted.

07-20-08, 01:05 PM
ok guys i would like to know if anyone here has a 2.8 Mam. KB or a 3.4(L) whipple or a Turbo Termi with a BIGGER hair dryer than a t-76.....T-88+

i did actually get to see dan a psr with a 3.4 wipple on his silver car make decent power, but then it came apart. oh and then sold the blower off it.(so i dont know what to think about that), maybe they aren't so hot.

Which kit have people had the best luck with for lowest et's? i already have a KB 2.4 on the car....and i will be using spray w/ the blower.

My engine is fresh built to the nuts so im not worried about it holding.
also just had head work done,all new valvetrain,arp everthing, the list goes on.

Any Previous help would be great if you have been down this path already.

07-20-08, 01:11 PM
I say it depends on what times exactly you want to run. Also got to remember that even a built motor doesn't run forever when you are pushing the kind of power Dan's cobra was putting down. I say that if you want to be running below tens then your best bet is going turbo and never looking back.

07-20-08, 01:43 PM
i think i would stick with the blower you have and add on your spray.

btw- so far as i remember, the car did not "come apart" with the 3.4 whipple on it. it was sold before that ever happened...

07-20-08, 02:48 PM
its not like he put any miles on new motor with the 3.4. i was watching them tune the car the day the got it running and strapped it down, while later i talk to dan, he was selling the blower going back to his 2.2kb and had spun a rod bearing on the dyno.(thats what he told me). I just wonder if anyone knows (him included) if the 3.4 had something to do with it? just to much blower?

yes i know they don't run forever, but i would like to see it make it to the track after my tune without spitting out engine parts. Even though parts breakin' is just part of the game.

* whats the deal i hear about not being able to spray a whipple with a wet kit, anyone done this and been fine?

i guess my question is what would the downside be of going bigger, if any?

07-21-08, 11:04 PM
WOW .....only 2 people have input??? i need help come on! :sticktonge:

07-21-08, 11:09 PM
yeah no doubt man...

07-21-08, 11:24 PM
:bananabang:hahaha dick.

Why do you say that lol.......

07-22-08, 12:45 AM
haha...just being funny! tryin to stir up the laughter! been too much seriousness on here lately...

07-22-08, 02:47 AM
well it worked, i may be going over the top a little with the power though. im gonna just jump right in ....high 11 car....to hopefully something way faster.

.....or option C, splatter a car into the track wall. we will see and i will make sure you are there to laugh, just to keep it going. man like you said to much serious stuff.

07-22-08, 02:59 AM
If you want to be quick at the track i'd say go turbo, but a Whipple 3.4 would be fun to drive that's for sure. Are you going to go auto?

07-22-08, 03:37 AM
I'd go turbo if you dont mind spending a couple extra thousand. But Im sure you wont be disappointed with the 2.8 KB

07-22-08, 08:49 AM
well it worked, i may be going over the top a little with the power though. im gonna just jump right in ....high 11 car....to hopefully something way faster.

.....or option C, splatter a car into the track wall. we will see and i will make sure you are there to laugh, just to keep it going. man like you said to much serious stuff.

hmm... fail for option C. not diggin seein' any stang hit the wall. now make it a vette.... :biglaugh: :bounce:

07-22-08, 09:05 AM
What ET goals, can I have some more info on the car (weight, suspension, rear end, tire, trans)

07-22-08, 11:22 AM
ok well full weight car,
Front tubular k memember/coilovers,solid motor mounts from maximum motorsports,Bumpsteer kit,castercamber plates, full length subframes, MMR REAR coil overs/adjustable valve shocks, adjustable upper and lower control arms, solid mounted with choromoly heim joints, double anti roll bar.

8.8 Rear end, 35 spline,Spool,Welded and braced.
T-56 for now, but i have plans to do an auto i just cant decide which one, any ideas?
Slicks/skinnies 3.5 fronts/11.5 rear
Racing seats,no rears

i would like to see power levels 600rw plus (more on the plus), 12.0 ET would be nice:icon_rolleyes:

07-22-08, 12:12 PM
For 12.0 and 600rw you are fine.

What c/r is the new motor, is this a street / strip deal?

Who will dial the suspension in, who is tuning it?

If your trying to go 9s I think the T56 will make it VERY hard, I recc a TH400.

What tire?

07-22-08, 12:23 PM
it used to have a c4 but the t56 is back in it.ya i would like to see a single digit pass.

and im sure it will be well over 600 rw its at that level with my kb on it already....a couple hundred more is more likely.

....its a strip car. i wont be driving it on the street with a spool.

07-22-08, 12:52 PM
put a hair dryer on it and call it good!

07-22-08, 01:50 PM
Hp #'s mean nothing, you won't make big #s on a AUTO but you will have a # to back it up.

To run in the 9s and since you said strip car only I would focus on what counts

Suspension Tuning
Def. get a AUTO (if you go Turbo do not go C4)
Motor tuning

You surely don't NEED a 88mm turbo to run 9s, plenty of 76s that can make in the 1200hp range. Have you thought about A/R size, looked at any compressor maps, etc.

I know PSR put a large frame 80ish-mm turbo on a 03-04 recently...maybe pick Dan's brain some more.

The KB 2.8 should support enuff power to go 9s right?

07-22-08, 01:58 PM
I would def keep the blower, I just found this doing a quick search

" The 2.8L will support 1000HP on an '03 Cobra."

You can easily go 9s on that blower!


I would get a good auto trans / converter bring that bad boy up on the transbrake and start test n tuning!!!!

07-22-08, 03:49 PM
oh ya, as far as set up i wont be doing it.
my buddy races his 2500hp 6.6 ET pro car....he is the one doing all the suspension, we went to the track already and thats why it has all new suspension, he wouldnt even drive it the way it was, it got way loose and came to close for comfort.

umm ok i guess i will keep my blower then, what auto tranny should i go with? ya i planned on a trans brake.

i have a T-88 brand new i was going to use a year ago for a diff. car but i can just sell it. (i thought about a custom kit, but maybe its just not worth the trouble of getting a bigger blower)

07-22-08, 03:56 PM
Is that Wolfe rear suspension your running?

Which 88mm?

07-22-08, 03:58 PM
I would look into a TH400 or a Glide

I run a Glide in my Turbo Stang (track car)

07-22-08, 04:51 PM
what company makes a turbo 400 that will go right in.? how much power do you think they will scrub?

what is bad about the C4 just curious.

its a T-6 frame, PT 88mm, it was going to be used for a much larger engine so it may be a bit big, but hey transbrake and let it spool......

i dont know much about the turbocharger as far as the specs other than that, it is a ceramic ball bearing turbo, i think more of an outlaw car is what its typically used for. im just building a weekend car for fun not to do for a living or anything

07-22-08, 09:01 PM
I dont know about going right in, but with a UltraBell and a nice shifter should be pretty simple.

These guys make the best 400s imop, they will handle any hp you can throw at it


The C4s dont last long turbo combos, you will have to freshin it up quite a bit on a high HP turbo car.

Your converter will make or break the cars performance. Talk to Lenny at Ultimate or Neil Chance.

07-22-08, 10:48 PM
ok, thanks for the help.i will check them out.

but what do you think about the blower set up guys.......

whipple 3.4 with spray

or KB 2.8 Mammoth kit with spray


07-23-08, 12:32 AM
I am more of a Kenne fan. The 2.8 is just a little more rare and overall cooler I think

07-23-08, 07:24 PM
If you want to go 9's and already have a KB 2.4 you are good to go. Just put a good auto behind it.

I know of a KB 2.4 with a C4 that is already there on a bone stock long block. No nitrous either.


07-25-08, 04:08 PM
hmm, ya i have heard of the smaller blowers going 9's but if there were so good why did they come out with a bigger one. its going to be 95% strip car. thats why i figured they made a larger blower, for really high boost for the strip,and to make more power??

07-25-08, 04:54 PM
How about this set up?

http://inlinethumb52.webshots.com/42611/2940764590080028787S600x600Q85.jpg (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2940764590080028787IPBHVN)

http://inlinethumb48.webshots.com/42927/2578471640080028787S600x600Q85.jpg (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2578471640080028787wSHisM)