View Full Version : 60lbs injectors and gas mileage

07-17-08, 09:03 PM
For you all that did a Whipple, Kenne Bell or Port where you had to add 60lb injectors did your gas mileage go south? With gas going up the way it is I'm contemplating just spraying nitrous when I need it and leaving the motor the way it is. What do you guys think?

07-17-08, 09:50 PM
i bet i average 17 with average grandpa driving on a tank or so with the KB & 60# injectors.

but, i did the nitrous thing too on an all stock car and you can almost watch the gauge fall a couple degrees after you hit it.(but its fun)

07-17-08, 09:59 PM
Yeah, I know it's gonna drop when I lay into it but I wasn't sure if normal driving with 60lbs inj would hurt my mileage. Yours seems to do well so maybe I'll stick with the twin screw plan.

07-17-08, 10:04 PM
I get good mileage. Just say out of the boost.

If you mash the pedal you can watch the gas needle move.

07-17-08, 11:23 PM
ya it runs good, but its coming off any day now.....let me know if you want it.

07-18-08, 12:50 AM
I have stock injectors and get awesome gas mileage, Id say 12-13 MPG :laughing:

07-18-08, 12:53 PM
Thanks for the answers guys! I know it's kind of a retarded question being we're all into speed and bad fuel mileage is one of the drawbacks to it.

07-22-08, 12:41 PM
honestly I couldn't tell a difference between my old KB 03 and my new 04 eaton car. They both got about 20 on the free way and around 15 in town.