View Full Version : Hello from Gallup

07-14-08, 10:02 AM
Hi everyone!

I"m Jens from Germany, currently on vacation in Gallup, NM. I"m looking for a 64 to 67 Mustang. Maybe someone has to sell one or know where I can find a stang. First priority is a convertible for not more than 20K. It should be in a good condition and no project car. A coupe is also ok, if I don"t have luck with the convertible. Positioned appr. 300 miles around Gallup. I"m happy for every answer. I hope my English is not too bad ;-). Thanks, have a good day!


07-14-08, 08:23 PM
I havn't seen much in the way of nice Mustangs in Gallup. But there are some real nice ones for sale, from time, to time,in Albuquerque, a 90 minute drive east on I-40. Go on line, and check in with the Rio Grande Mustang Club in Albuquerque, they may be able to help.

07-14-08, 10:21 PM
Willkommen. Bienvenue. :hellothere: Welcome. C'mon in.

Hello Jens:
You might try www.Craigslist.org (http://www.Craigslist.org) or www.Cars.com (http://www.Cars.com), or www.traderonline.com (http://www.traderonline.com)

Good Hunting

07-15-08, 01:02 AM

07-15-08, 03:30 AM