View Full Version : "New" Car

07-11-08, 06:27 PM
I think I figured out how to load a picture of my new Cobra. Lot's of fun for only $4.50 a gallon.

07-11-08, 06:41 PM
Nice vert! If you are looking to get some lowering springs I have a set of Eibach Prokit springs that were on my car for about 1500 miles.

07-12-08, 05:04 AM
Thanks for the offer on the springs -- no doubt, lowering the car would make it look better. My concern is scraping -- my drive is steep plus I've already shaved the front spoiler parking it at a local pub. For now, I think I'll keep it up in the air.
Thanks again

07-12-08, 11:56 AM
wow a CO vert! very nice. i think that is one of the rarest terminators....

07-12-08, 12:14 PM
so i went to look, and indeed the CO Vert was indeed the RAREST terminator made. they made 72 in 04. wow!

where i got my info...


07-12-08, 12:38 PM
Yep, that is the rarest. Sweet ride, I love the comp orange terminators

07-12-08, 12:57 PM
:drool5: Nice. I must say, I wish you had a new one and I had yours!!!

07-12-08, 01:18 PM
What they said! One of the rarest for sure! I can't recall the last vert I have seen!! Very Nice!!

07-12-08, 01:41 PM
Thanks -- I'm not known for being an "edgy" guy, much more conservative so buying a bright orange car took some guts. I'm glad i did, it does look pretty wild coming down the road. Then again, what high performance Mustang doesn't??

07-12-08, 02:00 PM
Very Sexy!!

07-12-08, 04:03 PM
I think I figured out how to load a picture of my new Cobra. Lot's of fun for only $4.50 a gallon.

07-13-08, 08:43 AM
Sharp car, congrats. Small world, I work in Brighton.


07-13-08, 08:57 AM
thanks -- Brighton is a nice spot -- drove from there to Dearborn for over ten years -- tough commute. Would have been more fun in this car

07-13-08, 10:22 AM
Wow Hello to a fellow Michigander. I used to live in Brighton off old 20 and Lee Road. Noice Baby ya got there. Whoo hooo

07-13-08, 08:56 PM
Comp Orange?

07-14-08, 05:00 AM
Yeah -- the Comp Orange vert has the lowest production numbers -- I'm thinking the reason is the color was simply too much for most people or more would have been ordered. However, I also think as time goes on the color may be more desirable like some of the classic colors -- grabber blue as an example or calypso coral. In any case, I plan to hang onto this car for a long time and drive it like I stole it!

07-16-08, 03:31 AM
Best color they ever put on a terminator, although Sonic Blue is right up there.

That thing needs to get lowered a bit, that front end looks like it's sitting a foot off the ground. Is your local pubs parking lot located at the top of a flight of stairs lol. On a more serious note that thing is beautiful. How many miles? If you don't mind me asking.

07-16-08, 06:39 AM
It's got about 2200 miles on it now -- had just under 2K when I picked it up about a week ago. I plan to put a lot more on it. I want to look into 3M clear bra and ma having difficulty finding an installer near my digs. The car is show room condition and I'd like to keep it that way.
Thanks for your interest

07-16-08, 10:31 AM
please tell us what you spend on that low miles snake:highfive:

07-16-08, 11:41 AM
high 20's

07-26-08, 03:42 PM
My dad has one of the 72 CO verts with 12,000 miles on it. It also has twin turbos and pushing around 800hp. He kills me in a race and i have a Whipple its like i'm driving a mini-van lol.. might be for sale soon he wants a twin turbo porche i tell him to just give it to me :pinkthumb: but i don't think he likes that idea...

07-26-08, 04:33 PM
Nice ride...

There's a guy here in Gilbert that has an 04' Cobra convert. It's black with black and tan interior and a tan top. It sits across the street from my house and it's for sale too...

07-27-08, 04:00 AM
Thats a nice pick up