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View Full Version : mustang mystique on speed

07-05-08, 07:11 PM
just started watching a cool show on speed channel called mustang mystique on the speed channed(6pm mountain time). It looks like it is put on the by the same people that do chop-cut-rebuild and says in the channel info that it explores all things mustang. So far it looks like they are building a pretty sweet fastback.....

07-05-08, 10:00 PM
Its about time!!!:pepper::pepper:

07-06-08, 12:53 PM
What days are it they showing it?? Sounds cool!!

07-06-08, 02:08 PM
Thank the Ford Gods! :)

07-06-08, 05:40 PM
I caught it last night. They built a NEW 67 fastback, looked good.