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View Full Version : Monthly Meeting Location/VOTE.......

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 01:01 AM
I read the article in the Newsletter this month and it concerned our location for the Monthly meetings. I just wanted to start this thread to see if we could get some input from other Member's concerning that.
I am all for it but not because it is on the East side of the Valley, more like because of the neighborhood that it is in currently. I know of atleast a dozen Members that don't go to the Monthly Meeting because of the bad area the Church is surrounded by. I am sure there are other Members that feel the same way but don't voice their opinion for whatever reason.
For those of you that don't know the Monthly Meeting is held at the Mount of St. Olives Church on 35th St. and Thomas 10 times out of the year. The other 2 times it is the Pancake Breakfast and the Christmas dinner. There has been some talk about changing it to Berge Ford (our Sponsor) and they would provide an Executive meeting room for free. Currently we get charged a $1,000/per year for the church location.
If we changed it to Berge Ford not only would we save some money we would be in a nicer location as well as around a lot of Ford's. It could be kind of like a mini show every month. I am sure Berge would like that because of the publicity and they have been more than generous to us as a Club as well. Believe me, I bought both of my cars there and the Fleet sales dept. is awesome, '07 Mustang & Fusion, as well as saving me $1,000's.
Atleast it is right off of the Freeway for easy access. I know it would be hard for the west side Member's but maybe carpooling would be an option for some folks. How many west side Members attend the Meetings every month?
I talked to our President yesterday about it and he said that he hasn't received hardly any feedback on this issue at all. I know there are other Member's that have the same concerns as I do. I think we all need to voice our opinion as it affects all of us at some point or another.
Sorry for the long thread but I just wanted to explain all of the issues. Thanks in advance for your input.

Rev'n Kevin
07-02-08, 01:44 AM
The church location is good for us westsiders. I volunteered last month to watch the parking lot, if someone would do this each month, then I am sure we would have no problems.

Sure moving to Berge would save a $1000 a year, and be a cool place to hold the meetings, but I would probably never attend one, as it is just too far away.

So as for my vote, I say keep it at the church, or find another central location, as for moving it to Berge, I have to vote no.

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 08:24 AM
The church location is good for us westsiders. I volunteered last month to watch the parking lot, if someone would do this each month, then I am sure we would have no problems.

Sure moving to Berge would save a $1000 a year, and be a cool place to hold the meetings, but I would probably never attend one, as it is just too far away.

So as for my vote, I say keep it at the church, or find another central location, as for moving it to Berge, I have to vote no.
Cool, thanks for the vote and honesty. I am going to keep track of the votes and will let Dave know of the results. One thing though, you said if it was moved to Berge Ford you wouldn't go as it is too far of a drive. I am sure there are people that feel the same way that live in the East Valley as well as some of them that live in Queen Creek and Maricopa now that never go either, to the Church location. It works both ways. We need to talk about this at the Monthly Meetings and get more info from people. Thanks again for the response.

07-02-08, 08:48 AM
Ya know... its always puzzled me why people think 35th street and Thomas is such a bad neighborhood. For almost 8 years I worked at the corner of 44th street and Van Buren. My GF owned a house at 32nd street and Oak (she still does!). I've left my cars parked outside my old work for days at a time (was much cheaper than parking at the airport!). And I'd done more than my share of pulling overnighters. Yes its quite the, er, amusing neighborhood but not terribly dangerous!

I you want a really amusing neighborhood try Central and Baseline!. Or better still my old employers had a location at Park and Silverlake in south Tucson. Now those are places where some might feel more comfortable packing heat after dark!! :laughing:

Personally I vote to keep the meeting in East/Central Phoenix or maybe even Tempe.

07-02-08, 08:51 AM
I would vote for berge myself not only because I live in gilbert but also because it will save us a grand a year? Seems like a no brainer.

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 09:17 AM
Ya know... its always puzzled me why people think 35th street and Thomas is such a bad neighborhood. For almost 8 years I worked at the corner of 44th street and Van Buren. My GF owned a house at 32nd street and Oak (she still does!). I've left my cars parked outside my old work for days at a time (was much cheaper than parking at the airport!). And I'd done more than my share of pulling overnighters. Yes its quite the, er, amusing neighborhood but not terribly dangerous!

I you want a really amusing neighborhood try Central and Baseline!. Or better still my old employers had a location at Park and Silverlake in south Tucson. Now those are places where some might feel more comfortable packing heat after dark!! :laughing:

Personally I vote to keep the meeting in East/Central Phoenix or maybe even Tempe.
I agree that there are a lot worse neighborhoods than the current location. But up until this year it was a safe haven for homeless/immigrants during the summer months and you literally had to step over them laying on the sidewalks to get to the door. Also, there have been numerous reports of vandalism, etc. in the parking lot. Kevin said earlier that they now have a 'Guard' patrolling the parking lot while the meeting is going on inside. I don't think that will stop the chance of something happening to our cars. What a shame we even have to do that in the first place. It sounds like it is necessary though. It must be a bad area since we have to have a Guard in the parking lot, wouldn't you say? Thanks for your vote and I will make a note of it. I am just saying that there are numerous people that will never go to the Meetings because of this. I am just trying to help, not make problems.

07-02-08, 10:10 AM
Poll added

07-02-08, 10:37 AM
i am not gonna add a vote. honestly i do not like the location that the church is in, but then again, berge is not very central, and honestly, i am even less likely to attend a meeting if i constantly have to drive 40 miles to get there. but if it works out for the better of the club, than so be it.

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 10:43 AM
i am not gonna add a vote. honestly i do not like the location that the church is in, but then again, berge is not very central, and honestly, i am even less likely to attend a meeting if i constantly have to drive 40 miles to get there. but if it works out for the better of the club, than so be it.
I agree and thanks for your input. Yes, you are right in that the location makes a big difference especially since my gas is $4.40/gallon. I don't mind driving to phoenix and back but the location is what I have a problem with. I know I am not alone in that either. Thanks again.

07-02-08, 10:43 AM
I was pretty surprised that the church charges $1000/year for an hour or two meeting each month. I'm in the wrong business.

07-02-08, 10:45 AM
Is there some sort of community center in town we can use?

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 10:53 AM
I was pretty surprised that the church charges $1000/year for an hour or two meeting each month. I'm in the wrong business.
Yeah, I hear you on that one. They charge $100 for a single meeting and we have them 10x a year which makes it $1,000.00 that the Club pays out to them. The other 2x are the Pancake Breakfast and the Christmas Dinner. I think it would be cool to be around all of the new Mustangs at the Dealership as well as our Member of the Month Winner that displays the car in the Showroom. More of a Car Club/Motorhead/Hobbyist atmosphere to it that is for sure.

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 10:55 AM
Poll added
Thanks 'Burntire' and I hope this gets a lot of exposure either way. That is what a Club/Forum is for.

07-02-08, 11:00 AM
I am all for moving the Copperstate Mustang monthly meetings to Berge Ford. The meetings should have been moved since Berge Ford sponsored us in the first place.


67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 11:03 AM
Is there some sort of community center in town we can use?
I would think so. I would have to get with Dave on this because it would be a Board decision. I was thinking there should be somewhere around Sky Harbor that would be reasonable. And that is pretty central as far as location, right off of the Freeway as the Church isn't. We would have to pay still as Berge Ford we wouldn't. Like I said I am not trying to change the location to better it for anyone in particular, just don't like the Church location. This has been brought up before and it never seems to get resolved, and not by me. The Board needs to address this for sure...........

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 11:09 AM
I am all for moving the Copperstate Mustang monthly meetings to Berge Ford. The meetings should have been moved since Berge Ford sponsored us in the first place.

Thanks Chris, put your vote in and I agree with you. They are our Sponsor and I was even told that Berge Ford Management (Greg Okolita) wants us there. I am sure they are wondering why we are still at the Church. I would rather be at a meeting place that caters to our Hobby as well. If Bell Ford was our Sponsor then I would go there for our Monthly Meeting.

vin man
07-02-08, 11:16 AM
Hello all. I'm going to weigh in on this one. I'm a past president of the club, and this issue has been around a long time. I am presently and "inactive" member. I read the newsletter, but don't participate in any activities due to limitation on my personal time.

I also live in the East Valley. For me personally, the less I have to drive, the better. But the CMC is not a personal organization, it is a club. You have to make decisions based on what is best for the majority (not everyone) in the club. One thing I learned a long time ago is that I would never make everyone in the club happy with a decision. I went for the 80-85% rule. Worked out pretty good in my time.

For meeting location, what works best for the Copperstate Mustang Cllub, based in Phoenix, is something centrally located. The club certainly has the treasury to support the $1000 per year it is donating to the church. However, if the location of the church is not "safe", then find another central location. Moving to the East side would surely alienate a large portion of the membership. I would encourage the current leadership of the club -those people donating their time and doing a great job of it - to identify a new, central location where membership feels safe.

I will also suggest an alternative. When I was living in central Illionis, I was a member of the Central Illionis Mustangers. We had our monthly meetings at a member's home. Each month, the location switched. A calendar was put out for the year. The club would cover the cost of refreshments, and the host member would open up their home/garage/back yard for the meeting. It was always a blast and always safe!

Rotating meeting locations would certainly add complexity, but would be a chance to meet new people - some on the East side, some on the West and some Central. Just something else to consider.

07-02-08, 11:33 AM
i totally agree with the church just being a bad spot. i personally was beyond nervous when i had my car there. and its alot of why i do not go. because honestly, the meetings are fun, but i will also say that i will not drive to mesa just for a meeting. maybe if there was something tied in, but as stated, with gas north or 4 bucks now, its difficult to place the meeting in mesa and expect that to be fair for the majority of the membership. now if the membership is mainly based in mesa, than so be it. not gonna lie, i love the idea of having it there, and the atmosphere, and what not. but honestly, the location i do not feel is fair to the vast majority of the membership.

07-02-08, 11:50 AM
could we split the meetings one month east side one month west side? Do we have a west side sponsor that would like to help? This is a big city and it is not getting smaller, and gas prices are not dropping so why not try to bring the meetings to the people?

07-02-08, 12:32 PM
I vote for Berge but not just being an east sider. Just a better place to be and they are our sponsor and it would save the club some money that we could put to something else. Also splitting it half west/half east isn't such a bad idea or even doing it at peoples homes.

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the last 5 posts. I agree with Vinnie on everything especially not trying to alienate the West Side Members. That was not my intention. All great ideas and I like the one for alternating between the East and West Sides every other month. Also, like the idea having it at Member's houses. That would be cool. All great ideas that we can all bring it up at the Club Meeting this month. Thanks guys.

67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 05:25 PM
Hello all. I'm going to weigh in on this one. I'm a past president of the club, and this issue has been around a long time. I am presently and "inactive" member. I read the newsletter, but don't participate in any activities due to limitation on my personal time.

I also live in the East Valley. For me personally, the less I have to drive, the better. But the CMC is not a personal organization, it is a club. You have to make decisions based on what is best for the majority (not everyone) in the club. One thing I learned a long time ago is that I would never make everyone in the club happy with a decision. I went for the 80-85% rule. Worked out pretty good in my time.

For meeting location, what works best for the Copperstate Mustang Cllub, based in Phoenix, is something centrally located. The club certainly has the treasury to support the $1000 per year it is donating to the church. However, if the location of the church is not "safe", then find another central location. Moving to the East side would surely alienate a large portion of the membership. I would encourage the current leadership of the club -those people donating their time and doing a great job of it - to identify a new, central location where membership feels safe.

I will also suggest an alternative. When I was living in central Illionis, I was a member of the Central Illionis Mustangers. We had our monthly meetings at a member's home. Each month, the location switched. A calendar was put out for the year. The club would cover the cost of refreshments, and the host member would open up their home/garage/back yard for the meeting. It was always a blast and always safe!

Rotating meeting locations would certainly add complexity, but would be a chance to meet new people - some on the East side, some on the West and some Central. Just something else to consider.
Thanks Vin, I remember you a long time ago as I was a Member back in the day. You have some great suggestions and I agree with them as well. Hope to see you at an event soon. Good to hear from you again........Thanks.

07-02-08, 07:10 PM
could we split the meetings one month east side one month west side? Do we have a west side sponsor that would like to help? This is a big city and it is not getting smaller, and gas prices are not dropping so why not try to bring the meetings to the people?

I agree with splitting it up, Berge Ford one Month and if willing,
Stage 3 Motorsports the next:beerchug:

07-02-08, 08:50 PM
Here's a thought... back when I worked for the Credit Union we used to occasionally hold events at a location on 40th street just south of the Loop 202. If I'm not mistaken its the EL ZARIBAH Shriner Temple at 552 North 40th Street in Phoenix.


They just happen to rent rooms for events. According to their pricing PDF they have a conference-type room available (656 sq feet) for $150.

They're a bit on the pricey side but maybe a deal can be arranged given that this will be a monthly meeting.


07-02-08, 09:34 PM
I agree with splitting it up, Berge Ford one Month and if willing,
Stage 3 Motorsports the next:beerchug:

this is a dang good idea! i like the idea of splitting it up. kinda like we do the third fridays. what a great idea. if stage 3 would be willing, that would be awesome. some awesome ideas coming from this thread. lets keep it up! :woot1:

07-02-08, 10:49 PM
Ok Jumping in here, Hi Guys and gals, I am a board member for CMC, The whole reason for voting on moving it was for security (and to save the money), it becomes a no brainer when the pastor of the church comes to us and says, "You all better watch your cars cause we had a bunch of vehicles (during service) get the gas stolen out of them", In Broad daylight hmmm My vote is for Berge OUR FABULOUS SPONSOR.

I will be moving to Surprise around December. So look at my drive yall, Im dedicated to this club and all it stands for. Its once a month event, and two of them are not even at the church, so you will have to drive 10 times to Mesa in a year hmm, not like you will be driving out there every weekend. Its a nice Sunday cruise for everyone's babies. Plus, there is also Car pooling hmmmmmm. Who wouldnt want to pony up with any one of you, I would love to drive in any one of your fabulous cars, And as far as making it worth the drive, who said we all cant go to lunch or something afterwards. So that is my 2 cents worth on this. This is a definate no brainer. Love you guys!!!

07-02-08, 10:54 PM
being an east sider, I do not make it out to the west much more then a couple times a year and have yet to see stage 3, speed world and any other good west side places. If you had a meeting at stage 3 I would try to make it out there to see the place and make the meeting.

I think splitting it up might actually help attendance to the meetings as if I knew that if I missed the meeting this month it would be 2 more months before it was on my side of town again.

would stage 3 or berge let us end the meeting with a burn out contest?

07-02-08, 11:00 PM
Not sure on the Burnout contest lol, But when we have our Spring show there, a lot of people do make it known that they are leaving hehehe.
being an east sider, I do not make it out to the west much more then a couple times a year and have yet to see stage 3, speed world and any other good west side places. If you had a meeting at stage 3 I would try to make it out there to see the place and make the meeting.

I think splitting it up might actually help attendance to the meetings as if I knew that if I missed the meeting this month it would be 2 more months before it was on my side of town again.

would stage 3 or berge let us end the meeting with a burn out contest?

Rev'n Kevin
07-02-08, 11:12 PM
Kevin said earlier that they now have a 'Guard' patrolling the parking lot while the meeting is going on inside. I don't think that will stop the chance of something happening to our cars.

First off, I was patrolling the parking lot, as a volunteer, and a club member. Yes, I think it would stop the chance of something happening to our cars, did you see the .45 cal. on my hip, and before you put your foot in your mouth, I'm licensed to carry and hold expert marksman in both pistol and rifle from the military. I was also wearing a shirt that said security in big bold letters, front and back. Still think anythings gonna happen to our cars.

I don't really care where the meeting is held, just don't belittle what I did last month for this club and our cars.

07-02-08, 11:18 PM
I'm sorry man that isn't what I got out of this. I would have praised you for doing it and been thankfull that somebody would take the time to protect my baby. I think it is more that we are just a little sad that we pay for a place, and have to have somebody to protect our cars, the very reason we are meeting. The fact that we can have the meeting for free and safely is the point I got out of this.

07-03-08, 01:07 AM
Frankly its only a pain for the summer months. I live at 12th Street and Bell in Phoenix and its definitely a drive to Berge. But only for 4 months out of the year when its roasting, otherwise I think the drive would be fun. Also I am fairly new to the club but so far Ive seen alot of the members driving from Mesa etc to the Church, has to have been a drive for them, so its probably nice for us to give them a break, as well as making an appearance to help the club sponsor. However in August I'll probably pass on the meeting depending on when the move is made. Stage 3 isnt really any closer for me either, but whatever is decided thats the way it is.

I do believe though that alot of the west siders will bail. I'll be on the side of the majority since we need members there to conduct a meeting.

Just a thought, maybe we could use North mountain park (ice cream social location) for some of the meeting in the fall.

Also I appreciate the watchdog with the .45 :booom:

Curious though if the church has had anymore issues with the gas thief.

71 miles round trip here, 40 minutes 1 way.

Rev'n Kevin
07-03-08, 02:02 AM
I'm sorry man that isn't what I got out of this. I would have praised you for doing it and been thankfull that somebody would take the time to protect my baby. I think it is more that we are just a little sad that we pay for a place, and have to have somebody to protect our cars, the very reason we are meeting. The fact that we can have the meeting for free and safely is the point I got out of this.

Reread what Steve said "I don't think that will stop the chance of something happening to our cars.", that's what got me. Nothing happened last month, did it? I found that a little insultive.

Anyway, the bottom line for me is, yeah, we can save a grand a year by moving it to Berge, ya, I'm all for that. But, Berge is nearly a hundred miles round trip for me, think gas prices, and do the math. That is why I said I would not be able to attend meetings, if held at Berge. So I have mixed feelings on this, on the one hand, the benefit to the club and on the other seeing the club become more unaccessible to me personally. btw, the church is 18 miles one way from my house, so it's not like it's any closer for us westsiders than the eastsiders.

There has been some good suggestions on here for places other than Berge, and Rocky's Mom is moving to Surprise, so I guess we'll have at least two in the carpool (welcome to the hood RM) :biglaugh:

67 'Stang Lover
07-03-08, 09:44 AM
Reread what Steve said "I don't think that will stop the chance of something happening to our cars.", that's what got me. Nothing happened last month, did it? I found that a little insultive.

Anyway, the bottom line for me is, yeah, we can save a grand a year by moving it to Berge, ya, I'm all for that. But, Berge is nearly a hundred miles round trip for me, think gas prices, and do the math. That is why I said I would not be able to attend meetings, if held at Berge. So I have mixed feelings on this, on the one hand, the benefit to the club and on the other seeing the club become more unaccessible to me personally. btw, the church is 18 miles one way from my house, so it's not like it's any closer for us westsiders than the eastsiders.

There has been some good suggestions on here for places other than Berge, and Rocky's Mom is moving to Surprise, so I guess we'll have at least two in the carpool (welcome to the hood RM) :biglaugh:
First of all, I never intended to insult you. I was just stating my feeling on that subject and since I wasn't there last month I didn't know what you did as far as Security. More power to you and good job. That was probably the 1st time that parking lot had real Security. I am sorry you were insulted but that was not my intention.
BTW, I am happy that we got this out in the open and are discussing it. I think the alternating between the East and West side is great as well as having it at different locations. That way we would be including all member's since the Valley is so spread out now. I think the Berge and Stage 3 idea would be great. I will be at the next Monthly Meeting for sure so we can discuss this in front of everybody as well as the board.
Thanks again- Rev'n Kevin

07-03-08, 09:51 AM
I think a discussion about this should require as many members as possible to show for this discussion, well at least where work doesnt get in the way. Honey dew lists dont count. :laughing:

67 'Stang Lover
07-03-08, 09:52 AM
Ok Jumping in here, Hi Guys and gals, I am a board member for CMC, The whole reason for voting on moving it was for security (and to save the money), it becomes a no brainer when the pastor of the church comes to us and says, "You all better watch your cars cause we had a bunch of vehicles (during service) get the gas stolen out of them", In Broad daylight hmmm My vote is for Berge OUR FABULOUS SPONSOR.

I will be moving to Surprise around December. So look at my drive yall, Im dedicated to this club and all it stands for. Its once a month event, and two of them are not even at the church, so you will have to drive 10 times to Mesa in a year hmm, not like you will be driving out there every weekend. Its a nice Sunday cruise for everyone's babies. Plus, there is also Car pooling hmmmmmm. Who wouldnt want to pony up with any one of you, I would love to drive in any one of your fabulous cars, And as far as making it worth the drive, who said we all cant go to lunch or something afterwards. So that is my 2 cents worth on this. This is a definate no brainer. Love you guys!!!
Trish, well said and thanks for your input. I hope we can come to a fair decision for all Member's. These are some great ideas and I know that when we all put our minds together we will fix this. I think the Security by Kevin is great and maybe this solved the vandalism issue but it wouldn't be fair to him if he had to do it all of the time. He is missing the Meeting so maybe we can rotate him as well. Just to give him a break. It is a shame we have to do that but a great job by Kevin. I will talk to you next Sunday before the Meeting.
Thanks again..........

07-03-08, 09:59 AM
Again my take on this issue of moving the meetings to Berge Ford would be great for the CMC club for all members. It would give the car owners a feeling of vip status and have special privileges through Berge Ford.
Also the location now in Phoenix is not centrally located especially for the people who do live in the east side or anywhere far from Phoenix for that matter.
The location at the Church in Phoenix is a poor location and i mean that literally. I feel very uncomfortable bringing my fancy Mustang to that location because of the poverty stricken area it's in.
We also should have the meetings at berge Ford because they sponsor us and i feel like we are slapping Berge Ford in the face because we have done nothing to hold our meetings there, especially when we are wanted to be there and have our meetings.
This club needs changes just like our government and now is the time for change.


67 'Stang Lover
07-03-08, 10:16 AM
Again my take on this issue of moving the meetings to Berge Ford would be great for the CMC club for all members. It would give the car owners a feeling of vip status and have special privileges through Berge Ford.
Also the location now in Phoenix is not centrally located especially for the people who do live in the east side or anywhere far from Phoenix for that matter.
The location at the Church in Phoenix is a poor location and i mean that literally. I feel very uncomfortable bringing my fancy Mustang to that location because of the poverty stricken area it's in.
We also should have the meetings at berge Ford because they sponsor us and i feel like we are slapping Berge Ford in the face because we have done nothing to hold our meetings there, especially when we are wanted to be there and have our meetings.
This club needs changes just like our government and now is the time for change.

Thanks for that and I agree with you. If I was sponsoring someone I would expect them to be at my location. I do think that we should alternate it atleast for the West Side Member's. It is only fair since Surprise, Goodyear and Glendale are such a far drive to Berge. This Club does need changes and we will make this Club the best around.

07-03-08, 10:18 AM
I have to mention as was already stated this is not such a bad area, the neighborhood is not as bad as is being stated here. Keep in mind within 2.5 miles north of this church there are million dollar homes. This area is just an older area but by no means is it as if its skid row. If you drive thru the neighborhood youd see 90% of the homes are actually well kept, and are probably better built than most new homes today. I think theives actually targeted this church out of convenience and the quality of the vehicles in the lot, nice cars usually have full tanks of gas.

All Im saying is dont let this be the deciding factor in why the meetings are moved from the Church. If this was at central and southern then your talking about a bad neighborhood. But I was impressed with the first meeting I went here that the facilities were great for a club.

Im open to what everyone decides, but I know sometimes the meetings will suffer from incovenience of location no matter where it is.

The old adage is
"You can't please all the people all the time!"

With that said it saves the club 1000.00 so if this money could be used to help others less fortunate than us then Im all for it.

Also after thinking about this since last night, we really should move this to the club sponsor Berge Ford. Having 50 or more sweet Mustangs in the lot can only help the dealership as they have helped us by being our sponsor. Using Berge only for the Rock N Roll Pony show seems inconsiderate overall. If they are opening the doors for us free, that should be a major consideration.

67 'Stang Lover
07-03-08, 10:31 AM
I have to mention as was already stated this is not such a bad area, the neighborhood is not as bad as is being stated here. Keep in mind within 2.5 miles north of this church there are million dollar homes. This area is just an older area but by no means is it as if its skid row. If you drive thru the neighborhood youd see 90% of the homes are actually well kept, and are probably better built than most new homes today. I think theives actually targeted this church out of convenience and the quality of the vehicles in the lot, nice cars usually have full tanks of gas.

All Im saying is dont let this be the deciding factor in why the meetings are moved from the Church. If this was at central and southern then your talking about a bad neighborhood. But I was impressed with the first meeting I went here that the facilities were great for a club.

Im open to what everyone decides, but I know sometimes the meetings will suffer from incovenience of location no matter where it is.

The old adage is
"You can't please all the people all the time!"

With that said it saves the club 1000.00 so if this money could be used to help others better then Im all for it.
Well put and we will all figure this out. I hope we get a lot of Member's to attend the next Monthly Meeting so we can get a lot of input on this. I just want everyone to remember that this was not brought up by me in the first place. It was mentioned in this months Monthly Newsletter by the Board as something that needs to be discussed and solved. I just posted my concerns and that is why I started this new thread. I am glad I did. Don't shoot the messenger please. That is what this Forum is for and why we have it. I just wish Member's not take it like it is attacking something or someone. That is not the intention here. We are the best Club as well as one of the largest in the Country.

07-03-08, 10:36 AM
Are we really stuck at the church in Phoenix? Is there another location in Phoenix or is the Church our only alternative? I would agree with alternating locations like one month at Berge and one month at the Phoenix location? If that is the choice I guess we have to stick with it, but keep in mind Berge Ford was generous enough to sponsor us and it so happens that Berge Ford in Mesa is the dealership who took us in under their wing, so to me it only makes sense to have the meetings changed to Berge Ford, besides if anyone can afford a GT Mustang or any Mustang, Shelby or whatever then usually those people can afford the gas to drive to a farhter location?...!!


07-03-08, 10:53 AM
Part of a good club, no matter what type of club it is should be the dedication of the members, thats what makes a club. Also I dont neccesarily have to drive the Mustang to these meetings and since Im coming from 12th street and Bell I could pick up people along the way at no charge to you! I have a Hummer H3 so its easily room for 3 more people if gas is a concern to members. 20 miles to the gallon if you can believe that.

I come to the meetings because I enjoy the people not because its an incovenience to me. Come on people rethink your reason for being a Copperstate Club member. Its about committment. If this was a car show you all wouldnt be concerned about the drive, it is after all only once a month. You have a shot at winning money, which is better than an award at a car show, and you get to munch for free, so its not as if your going to the dentist for root canal! :hi:

67 'Stang Lover
07-03-08, 10:54 AM
Good one. LOL. We are not obligated to the Church at all for the Monthly meetings. We don't have a contract that I know of. You are right the Meetings are only once a month and if I can afford to buy my 'GT' then I should be able to afford the gas to put in it. Besides, I have to run Super Unleaded since I re-programmed my ECU with a DiabloSport Predator Controller. So mine is worse than most but that was my doing. LOL. Thanks Chris and if you want to go to the Meeting and carpool together I will drive. Anyone else up for that let me know and we can meet somewhere.

67 'Stang Lover
07-03-08, 11:05 AM
Part of a good club, no matter what type of club it is should be the dedication of the members, thats what makes a club. Also I dont neccesarily have to drive the Mustang to these meetings and since Im coming from 12th street and Bell I could pick up people along the way at no charge to you! I have a Hummer H3 so its easily room for 3 more people if gas is a concern to members. 20 miles to the gallon if you can believe that.

I come to the meetings because I enjoy the people not because its an incovenience to me. Come on people rethink your reason for being a Copperstate Club member. Its about committment. If this was a car show you all wouldnt be concerned about the drive, it is after all only once a month. You have a shot at winning money, which is better than an award at a car show, and you get to munch for free, so its not as if your going to the dentist for root canal! :hi:
Thanks Joe, your are right and we will only have to worry about the Meetings 10 times a year. Not bad. Also, you brought up a good point in that you can drive other vehicles to the meetings so I might drive the Fusion for me. I would be glad to pick people up and carpool as well. I am just trying to help and this discussion is making it easier for all. All of these inputs are valuable and I am glad we are going to fix this problem. That is what this Club is for like you stated. Who knows, maybe the Monthly meeting will be like a mini-show at Berge and Stage 3. Wherever and whenever we will have fun. I hope I don't need any root canal any time soon. LOL...............

07-03-08, 12:17 PM
Again my take on this issue of moving the meetings to Berge Ford would be great for the CMC club for all members. It would give the car owners a feeling of vip status and have special privileges through Berge Ford.
Also the location now in Phoenix is not centrally located especially for the people who do live in the east side or anywhere far from Phoenix for that matter.
The location at the Church in Phoenix is a poor location and i mean that literally. I feel very uncomfortable bringing my fancy Mustang to that location because of the poverty stricken area it's in.
We also should have the meetings at berge Ford because they sponsor us and i feel like we are slapping Berge Ford in the face because we have done nothing to hold our meetings there, especially when we are wanted to be there and have our meetings.
This club needs changes just like our government and now is the time for change.


I'm sorry but I have to take issue with your comments. That is by no means a poverty stricken area... not even close! I'm in that area on an almost daily basis with my $30+ thousand dollar Mustang Bullitt and I've yet to have it vandalized (knock on wood!!). To be honest I've had more cars vandalized in Mesa than in central Phoenix.

The problem with using Berge as a location, and I say this as an east side resident, is that it WILL be a logistical challenge for some CMC members. For members living in Surprise thats a really long drive. Would you regularly go to meetings if they were held in Avondale? or Cave Creek? or Buckeye?

One option to definitely consider might be to alternate between west side and east side venues. But what about those who live in the far North and far South ends of town? So maybe you compromise... maybe you hold meetings at the points of the compass (north one month, south the next, west the next, and east the next) or maybe you look for a central venue.

07-03-08, 12:55 PM
Well with it a 12-4 vote at this point its looking like Berge is in the future. Doesnt matter to me, Ill make the meetings I can, and miss the ones I cant make. It's always going to be an issue. In fact I just posted to one topic and the guy I was talking with was in the UK so its obvious we cant make it convenient for him. I think the hot weather makes it more of a drag for everyone, but if it was 70 in Phoenix driving to Berge doesnt seem that bad. the heat makes the drive less appealing.

vin man
07-03-08, 01:21 PM
Well with it a 12-4 vote at this point its looking like Berge is in the future. Doesnt matter to me, Ill make the meetings I can, and miss the ones I cant make. It's always going to be an issue. In fact I just posted to one topic and the guy I was talking with was in the UK so its obvious we cant make it convenient for him. I think the hot weather makes it more of a drag for everyone, but if it was 70 in Phoenix driving to Berge doesnt seem that bad. the heat makes the drive less appealing.

I'm hopeful that a decsion will not be based on 16 votes. Especially since CMC membership isn't even a requirement to be on this forum. While I"m a dues paying member, I'm not an active member, so my vote shouldn't really count either.

Let those that want to attend the meetings decide. Do a mail in ballot, or send a postcard to the members with a link to an online poll. Then, only those that really care will vote.

07-03-08, 01:26 PM
Well with it a 12-4 vote at this point its looking like Berge is in the future. Doesnt matter to me, Ill make the meetings I can, and miss the ones I cant make. It's always going to be an issue. In fact I just posted to one topic and the guy I was talking with was in the UK so its obvious we cant make it convenient for him. I think the hot weather makes it more of a drag for everyone, but if it was 70 in Phoenix driving to Berge doesnt seem that bad. the heat makes the drive less appealing.

Maybe... but somehow I suspect 16 isn't a statistically significant representatiion of the CMC membership as a whole. :biglaugh:

07-03-08, 02:07 PM
Yes I personally will drive to Berge once I live in Surprise, Its dedication to the club, I love the club and Yes totally understand all the opinions. This was in the last newsletter for all to see. So we will possibly have a vote at the next meeting regarding this. No one is to get upset over this as this is thrown out there to see if it will fly or not. 16 votes is not going to make it official. So please do not feel like this forum is the end. There are close to 400 members in the club and it will certainly be looked upon. Not all the members are coming into this forum, so lets not make it a city bashing thread, we will discuss it. Stage 3 would be nice idea also BUT where are we to sit once there, are they going to bring 200 chairs in thier store? These are all the things that will have to be looked at ok yall ?????

I'm sorry but I have to take issue with your comments. That is by no means a poverty stricken area... not even close! I'm in that area on an almost daily basis with my $30+ thousand dollar Mustang Bullitt and I've yet to have it vandalized (knock on wood!!). To be honest I've had more cars vandalized in Mesa than in central Phoenix.

The problem with using Berge as a location, and I say this as an east side resident, is that it WILL be a logistical challenge for some CMC members. For members living in Surprise thats a really long drive. Would you regularly go to meetings if they were held in Avondale? or Cave Creek? or Buckeye?

One option to definitely consider might be to alternate between west side and east side venues. But what about those who live in the far North and far South ends of town? So maybe you compromise... maybe you hold meetings at the points of the compass (north one month, south the next, west the next, and east the next) or maybe you look for a central venue.

07-03-08, 02:12 PM
Dues paying members have a voice, Just because your not active dont meen we dont hear or listen hun. You are just a part of this club as I am, I choose to be active, Not being active dont make you less of a member. So There :sticktonge:

I'm hopeful that a decsion will not be based on 16 votes. Especially since CMC membership isn't even a requirement to be on this forum. While I"m a dues paying member, I'm not an active member, so my vote shouldn't really count either.

Let those that want to attend the meetings decide. Do a mail in ballot, or send a postcard to the members with a link to an online poll. Then, only those that really care will vote.

Rev'n Kevin
07-03-08, 02:19 PM
I've given this some more thought and here is what I came up with.

We have 12 meetings a year.

2 of them already have a location other than the church.

That leaves 10

6 meeting per year SHOULD be held at Berge.

That leaves 4

If stage 3 would host those 4, I think this would be an excellent solution.

If not, I could host 1 at the club house here in the gated community where I live in Peoria.

And I'm sure we could come up with a location for the other 3, maybe in some cool locations, that some of you could think of.

And a personal note to 67 'Stang Lover who wrote:

I just posted my concerns and that is why I started this new thread. I am glad I did. Don't shoot the messenger please.

Ok, I promise I won't shoot you :biglaugh:

07-03-08, 04:03 PM
Consider this a sample of whats to come, to this date I have only one person contact me about the change. We will discuss this again at the next meeting. As for Berge I am very sure they love to have us there! The $1000 we would save is significant but we also do not want to allienate west side members. To this date we have not ha any issues with our cars at the church, thank God, and thanks to Kevin last meeting I don't think anyone would dare to try. The fact is the pastor approached me in April and said that a womens group had vehicles damaged and fuel stolen one day and that we should "watch out". we will be discussing this further for sure and I am positive we will come up with a solution! Thank you all for your comments!!

Chris B.
07-03-08, 04:22 PM
Well that's one more contact than me! No one has commented to me on the possible change!

07-03-08, 09:27 PM
I am not currently a member of your club but rather a prospect that is looking to join in the very near future. I know that my opinion regarding this topic doesnt really hold any weight since I am not a member but thought I could join the conversation and give a outsiders prospective. I think that a few meetings do need to take place at Berge Ford especially since they where nice enough to sponsor your club. But I also think that a few meeting should take place at a more central location to accomadate for the north valley and the westsiders. I do like the idea of having the meetings at some of the members house, but in some case that is not going to be a option like if someone lives in a apartment or like me in a very small place that would support a meeting. I also know that some believe that those of us that are fortunate to own a vehicle like this should be well to do especially when it comes to gas. I have wanted a stang since I was very little and just by chance had my previous vehicle totalled and was presented with the opprtunity to get a dream car. (yes its not a V8 but still a stang none the less) So gas is a concern of mine as it is with many. I am a father of three and also a husband and I need to make ends meet as do many of you. That is also the reason mods will be far and few between :icon_cool: But with that being said I still would be willing to make a few trips to mesa. I know that I would be joining this club and I will be showing my support by attending these meetings. I just think a central location would be fair to every one involved. I know again that my opinion really dont matter its just my 2 cents. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to meeting most of you in the near future.

07-03-08, 09:59 PM
This quite the conundrum for me personally. I am finally in a place in my life where my family and I can really be actively involved in this club that I love. However, I find it very hard to justify heading all the way out to Mesa from North Scottsdale for an hour or two once a month. The car show is one thing, but the meetings would just be too inconvenient to go to. I really want to be involved but this just makes it so much mor difficult to do. I do agree that alternating meeting sites every month would be cool with me. I have never been very hip on the church location from the beginning. Hopefully something can be worked out that the majority of the members can agree on. Just my two cents.:dunno:

07-03-08, 10:41 PM
orangefinfan being involved is the first part of being a member in my opinion. I think everyone would agree that we care about participation and you stuck your neck in it now brother. :woot1:WELCOME!

Look forward to meeting you, as I see you live in my area, Im 12th Street and Bell on Helena Drive north of Bell off 12th street.

07-03-08, 10:50 PM
orangefinfan being involved is the first part of being a member in my opinion. I think everyone would agree that we care about participation and you stuck your neck in it now brother. :woot1:WELCOME!

Look forward to meeting you, as I see you live in my area, Im 12th Street and Bell on Helena Drive north of Bell off 12th street.

I live in the houses behind the safeway, actually on the ross side at 3rd st and bell. In the neighborhood that looks like mister rogers neighborhood. Thanks for the welcome as I look to join around the 15th when I get some more money too pay my dues.

07-03-08, 10:53 PM
Hi Orange, Just wanted to off topic for a sec, Dues are only 25.00 for the whole family in your household. Look forward to meeting you soon :)
I live in the houses behind the safeway, actually on the ross side at 3rd st and bell. In the neighborhood that looks like mister rogers neighborhood. Thanks for the welcome as I look to join around the 15th when I get some more money too pay my dues.

07-03-08, 11:01 PM
Hi Orange, Just wanted to off topic for a sec, Dues are only 25.00 for the whole family in your household. Look forward to meeting you soon :)

Thanks for the note....Yeah I know I just had some unexpected expense come up and I need to make sure I have some extra to get to work and the wifey. I will be takin care of it on the 15th. 25 really ain't nothing when you sit back and look at all the benefits of becoming a member. :biglaugh:

07-03-08, 11:23 PM
Sweet well we will have to hook up. Gives us another guy that is from this area, there are a bunch of members that live around our area.

07-04-08, 12:21 AM
i live at 32nd st and bell. :D

67 'Stang Lover
07-04-08, 01:43 AM
I've given this some more thought and here is what I came up with.

We have 12 meetings a year.

2 of them already have a location other than the church.

That leaves 10

6 meeting per year SHOULD be held at Berge.

That leaves 4

If stage 3 would host those 4, I think this would be an excellent solution.

If not, I could host 1 at the club house here in the gated community where I live in Peoria.

And I'm sure we could come up with a location for the other 3, maybe in some cool locations, that some of you could think of.

And a personal note to 67 'Stang Lover who wrote:

Ok, I promise I won't shoot you :biglaugh:
Thanks for the note. You bring up some great points and the one about alternating between locations like you and Joe stated is the best I think. The one at your Clubhouse sounds good and the 6 at Berge as well. They need to have atleast some of them there for our Sponsor. I will talk to you more this next Meeting. I am sure I will be able to pick you out. LOL. I also think that we need to alternate between Guards if we stay at the Church. You need a break so you can attend the Meetings as well. I am planning to win the Lottery soon so I have a job offer for you- You can be my Personal Bodyguard and the Job pays $150k a year so let me know if you are interested. Thanks...........

67 'Stang Lover
07-04-08, 01:53 AM
I'm hopeful that a decsion will not be based on 16 votes. Especially since CMC membership isn't even a requirement to be on this forum. While I"m a dues paying member, I'm not an active member, so my vote shouldn't really count either.

Let those that want to attend the meetings decide. Do a mail in ballot, or send a postcard to the members with a link to an online poll. Then, only those that really care will vote.
There is now way the Board will let this Poll change the Monthly Meetings. It just gives them an idea and that is why I started it. Your vote counts just as much as anyone else. I think a mail in ballot is a great way to get a huge population to respond. Good ideas.............Thanks

Rev'n Kevin
07-04-08, 02:20 AM
Thanks for the note. You bring up some great points and the one about alternating between locations like you and Joe stated is the best I think. The one at your Clubhouse sounds good and the 6 at Berge as well. They need to have atleast some of them there for our Sponsor. I will talk to you more this next Meeting. I am sure I will be able to pick you out. LOL. I also think that we need to alternate between Guards if we stay at the Church. You need a break so you can attend the Meetings as well. I am planning to win the Lottery soon so I have a job offer for you- You can be my Personal Bodyguard and the Job pays $150k a year so let me know if you are interested. Thanks...........

Sure, although I would prefer to be called a personal security specialist vs. the title of bodygaurd.

67 'Stang Lover
07-04-08, 02:28 AM
Sure, although I would prefer to be called a personal security specialist vs. the title of bodygaurd.
Sounds good Sir, a Personal Security Specialist it is. Besides your yearly salary your personal expenses and living arrangements will be taken care of as well as weapons and ammunition. I will have a private jet, Gulfstream V, so I hope you aren't scared of flying as we will be traveling all over the world. I know you will be up to the task.

07-09-08, 12:41 PM
Well, I have been getting some very interesting calls about the meeting location. Some things to consider..

Stage 3 has No tables or chairs and front room is just not big enough for us.
Berge. I have had many calls and concerned becaue they cannot climb stairs and its on the second floor.

We are getting good imput from all around the club and Kevin we have a golf cart for you to use with helpers who are willing to assist you.

Not going to please everyone here but we will make it safer and better. I do know that the pastor has asked for Phoenix PD to have extra patrols on every Sunday and on Wednesday when they are very busy.. There have been no other incidents at the church since the one at the womens group in March.

See you this sunday!!


67 'Stang Lover
07-09-08, 02:17 PM
Well, I have been getting some very interesting calls about the meeting location. Some things to consider..

Stage 3 has No tables or chairs and front room is just not big enough for us.
Berge. I have had many calls and concerned becaue they cannot climb stairs and its on the second floor.

We are getting good imput from all around the club and Kevin we have a golf cart for you to use with helpers who are willing to assist you.

Not going to please everyone here but we will make it safer and better. I do know that the pastor has asked for Phoenix PD to have extra patrols on every Sunday and on Wednesday when they are very busy.. There have been no other incidents at the church since the one at the womens group in March.

See you this sunday!!

OK Dave. I am glad you got some more feedback. I forgot about the upstairs meeting room at Berge. Can we still keep this open for discussion or have we made a final decision to leave it at the Church? I just wanted to see if we could talk about it more at the Monthly Meeting. If not then that is cool and atleast we gave it a try. Thanks,

07-09-08, 03:28 PM
No, we have not made any final decision at all, still getting input from members and we will be talking about it this Sunday...

67 'Stang Lover
07-09-08, 03:36 PM
Sounds good. I will be there for sure this Sunday. If you need any help with security let me know. Talk to you on Sunday. Thanks.......

Chris B.
07-09-08, 06:20 PM
Well, I have been getting some very interesting calls about the meeting location. Some things to consider..

Stage 3 has No tables or chairs and front room is just not big enough for us.
Berge. I have had many calls and concerned becaue they cannot climb stairs and its on the second floor.

We are getting good imput from all around the club and Kevin we have a golf cart for you to use with helpers who are willing to assist you.

Not going to please everyone here but we will make it safer and better. I do know that the pastor has asked for Phoenix PD to have extra patrols on every Sunday and on Wednesday when they are very busy.. There have been no other incidents at the church since the one at the womens group in March.

See you this sunday!!


I do believe Berge has an elevator to the upstairs. That building should be ADA compliant.

07-09-08, 07:41 PM
Good point I was just there should have checked it out!

07-09-08, 08:57 PM
I do believe Berge has an elevator to the upstairs. That building should be ADA compliant.
Boing! Thanks for playing Chris but no Love in the Elevator !! Not at Berge..

07-09-08, 09:26 PM
I voted for Berge!!! But then again, I'm an East sider, but would go West occasionally...didn't like the Church.

07-09-08, 10:00 PM
Damn Dave your no fun hehehehehe

I do believe Berge has an elevator to the upstairs. That building should be ADA compliant.
Boing! Thanks for playing Chris but no Love in the Elevator !! Not at Berge..

07-10-08, 06:41 PM
Pretty funny how a lot of people don't want to drive to Berge. Isn't that why we have Mustangs, to enjoy driving them?


07-10-08, 07:14 PM
Amen to that!!!!

Pretty funny how a lot of people don't want to drive to Berge. Isn't that why we have Mustangs, to enjoy driving them?


07-10-08, 08:15 PM
Pretty funny how a lot of people don't want to drive to Berge. Isn't that why we have Mustangs, to enjoy driving them?


Good point!

07-10-08, 08:23 PM
Agree also , the meetings are only once a month, I love to drive my Mustang, doesn't get any better sitting on the Bench! But everyone has their own opinions..

07-11-08, 12:11 PM
These discussions are fun to hear all ideas what people are saying about the meetings held once a month.
I don't believe we have to be obligated to the Mt. Olives Church location by no means. Can we find another location in Phoenix or is the church our last hope?
Once a month at Berge Ford in Mesa should be ok especially when held either once a month or every other month, regardless of the case it would be good to have a meeting and see everyone.
This might be a half baked idea, but what about keeping the Mt. Olives Church location for the west side folks so it's not such a drive for them once a month and have the East side folks meet once a month on different times and dates at Berge Ford? Seems like some people have problems going to each location, how about splitting the meetings up for the folks in different parts of the valley?
Example: if the monthly meetings are held at the Church on a specific date that month maybe a week later or two we can have a meeting at Berge Ford? and if those people who choose not to go to Mt. Olives for that meeting can decide to go to the meeting at Berge Ford and not miss anything that way everyone wins.... west side folks get their meeting place and east side folks get theirs. Only question about this might be that this would seperate the club, which is not my intentions.
This might sound crazy and rediculous but I am just trying to throw some ideas out in the air.
Location will always be an issue because the valley is so huge and we all live in different parts of the valley.


Chris B.
07-11-08, 12:28 PM
The only problem with that idea is the board members would probably have to go to both meetings!

Chris B.
07-11-08, 12:30 PM
I do believe Berge has an elevator to the upstairs. That building should be ADA compliant.
Boing! Thanks for playing Chris but no Love in the Elevator !! Not at Berge..

WOW!! I can't believe they don't have an elevator in that building. It must have been built quite awhile ago to not have to comply with the ADA.

07-11-08, 12:33 PM
I thought ADA only required an elevator if the building was 3 or more floors.

07-11-08, 01:23 PM
I understand the board members would have to go to two locations. Maybe a board member can pick someone to hold a meeting at Berge as well? Or a board member can rotate locations if a member decided not to go to Berge to hold a meeting?
I just have it hard to believe that nobody wants to go to Berge Ford since they are sponsoring us, after all a drive to Berge is once a month...!! and also the east side people has had to sacrafice driving long distances to the Church at Mt. Olives in Phoenix for how long now?
I also believe that maybe every other month can be shared by two locations meaning one month at berge the next month in Phoenix?...


07-11-08, 02:01 PM
I'm just an outsider looking in, but has there been any consideration of forming Chapters, such as East Side and West Side. Each would do its own monthly meetings co-ordinated by the officers. Maybe quarterly have a combined meeting in the middle.

With the ever growing metro area, seems like an idea. Might even increase overall membership/participation as well.

07-11-08, 03:07 PM
I understand the board members would have to go to two locations. Maybe a board member can pick someone to hold a meeting at Berge as well? Or a board member can rotate locations if a member decided not to go to Berge to hold a meeting?
I just have it hard to believe that nobody wants to go to Berge Ford since they are sponsoring us, after all a drive to Berge is once a month...!! and also the east side people has had to sacrafice driving long distances to the Church at Mt. Olives in Phoenix for how long now?
I also believe that maybe every other month can be shared by two locations meaning one month at berge the next month in Phoenix?...


It's not that people don't want to go to Berge, read all the comments! many member cannot do stairs at all! There are alot of things to consider and two meetings is not in the mix at all, that was brought up and no one wanted that. Like I said before it's only once a month and two of the other meetings are the Christmas Party and the Pancake Breakfast. I think we could do one more away from the church but we have been there for many years without incident. It doesn't mean that we can't look for another place event more central...

Thanks for all the info!

07-11-08, 04:11 PM
Well then i guess it's Happy Mt. Olives at the Church in Phoenix. Seems like all this talk is a big waste of time because the location in Phoenix has been set in stone... Oh well, can't blame people for wanting something different.
As things are it's like wearing the same ol' shoes for years but not willing to buy new ones!


07-11-08, 04:27 PM
For those who attend the meetings regularly you need to remember how many members have restrictions that would not be able to drive that far, climb the stairs at Berge, or manage the walk from where we would have to park. We don't want to alienate those very important club members in anyway. For many of these older members, our meetings are one of the few independent activities they can still participate in. Remember our roots, they are just as important as all the newbies.

07-11-08, 05:21 PM
Sorry, but I guess we do have a lot of Senior Citizens in our Club? I guess we should accommodate them and all us so called youngsters can just shut up?....Ok! I can respect that after all we youngsters have to have respect for our elders!!!

07-11-08, 07:19 PM
For those who attend the meetings regularly you need to remember how many members have restrictions that would not be able to drive that far, climb the stairs at Berge, or manage the walk from where we would have to park. We don't want to alienate those very important club members in anyway. For many of these older members, our meetings are one of the few independent activities they can still participate in. Remember our roots, they are just as important as all the newbies.

Well said Scott! I havn't posted up on this thread untill now, partially because, as allways in life, change is inevitable. Look back at how much the Club has changed the past 3 years!

We have added many new faces to the membership, and lost some well known members. We may well have to move in the next few years, but now have an idea of what memberships needs are, in selecting a new location. Hopefully the gas thieft incident was isolated, and a reaction to higher prices.

As a board member I had made weeknight trips to Dan's shop, gone home, and woken up for work, after 4 hours of sleep, on several occasions, all for "The Good of the Club". Driving a few extra miles to Berge on a Sunday, would have been more preferable, if they were our sponsor at that time.

With todays higher fuel prices, when we do have to move the General Membership Meetings, location, organizing Car Pools, and accessiblity should be at the top of the list of items to consider.

67 'Stang Lover
07-12-08, 04:12 AM
We have that many Member's in our Club that can't go up a flight of stairs to make us cancel Berge altogether???????? Amazing...............

07-12-08, 08:52 AM
We have that many Member's in our Club that can't go up a flight of stairs to make us cancel Berge altogether???????? Amazing...............

You have to take in to consideration that some of those individuals have been long term members, and the Club is a big part of their social life. Some remember when other members children were born, who are now in College.

A Club belongs to every dues paying member, and each person has an equal say in the Club. Good Officers take everyones needs, and wants, in to consideration when making decisions that affect the Club and its members.

07-12-08, 09:56 AM
Again, for those who attend the meetings regularly, you know that most of the members we are talking about cannot attend other club events due to their restrictions. Just because you don't know their faces, doesn't mean they aren't integral to the club. They contribute monthly dues, fund the ASSET Program, answer tech questions, and mentor new members. I would guess 25% of those at the monthly meetings are the ones we are talking about.

07-12-08, 09:58 AM
FYI... Scott isn't the only owner of 6T8PONY.

67 'Stang Lover
07-12-08, 01:35 PM
You have to take in to consideration that some of those individuals have been long term members, and the Club is a big part of their social life. Some remember when other members children were born, who are now in College.

A Club belongs to every dues paying member, and each person has an equal say in the Club. Good Officers take everyones needs, and wants, in to consideration when making decisions that affect the Club and its members.
I understand what you and '6T8Pony' are saying. I should stop commenting on this particular Thread as I don't want to say anything wrong. I totally respect all Member's especially the ones that have been on since the Club first started. Sorry for the earlier comment. It was written without thinking.

07-12-08, 01:59 PM
I have been a member for 12 years and have been on the Board as recently as 2006. The topic of relocating the meetin was never discussed. This came about after a single incident that happened months ago. The Board is looking in to it and will do what is best for the club. In the end, the pros have to outweigh the cons. Until that decision is made, I would suggest that those who are uneasy with the current location either parallel park along the sidewalk in front of the meeting hall or follow the advice of others and carpool.

67 'Stang Lover
07-12-08, 02:04 PM
Well said. I know we will find the right solution to this issue because we are a great Club. That is what this Forum is for and why we have it. I think it is a shame that people get upset over certain threads that are posted. That is not the intention here. My bad..........

07-12-08, 03:31 PM
FYI... Scott isn't the only owner of 6T8PONY.

Point well taken, please accept my apology Page!

67 'Stang Lover
07-13-08, 07:37 PM
Well, just got back from the Monthly Meeting as well as surviving the storm. Thanks to Andy and Kevin for the Security in the parking lot while we were all inside in the meeting enjoying the A/C. They did a great job taking shifts between the two of them. It was nice to meet all of the new member's as well. Great people.
The decision for the meeting location has been decided and it looks like it will stay at the Church for the time being. The main reason the Board made this decision is because of the location first and foremost, being centrally located. This location in the center of Phoenix is the best for both east and west sides of the Valley. We have been there for 21 years and it seems like the majority of Member's agree that it should stay at the Church. I would love to have it at Berge Ford but I know it wouldn't be fair to the west side Member's.
Thanks to all who participated in this Thread as it is the most commented Thread/Topic on the CMC web page. If there are any other concerns please let me or someone else know. Thanks for all of your comments and concerns.

Rev'n Kevin
07-13-08, 10:44 PM

I couldn't resist :biglaugh:

08-05-08, 11:38 PM
Just a conclusion to discussion on my part....

My opinions were just that and in an effort to make suggestions I felt since i was and will be a memeber again that me and all of us have the responsibility to bring up discussions no matter if nobody likes the comments. I was just simply trying to add my thoughts to where the meetings ought to be and not trying to be difficult about this matter in hand.
In the last posts I read it said that the meeting place will remain in Phoenix which is probably the best spot for everyone after all. Changes are good but maybe not for everyone.
I hope nobody took my opinions at heart because all I was doing was getting ideas put together to share to everyone in the club.

Take care,


67 'Stang Lover
08-06-08, 03:27 AM
Just a conclusion to discussion on my part....

My opinions were just that and in an effort to make suggestions I felt since i was and will be a memeber again that me and all of us have the responsibility to bring up discussions no matter if nobody likes the comments. I was just simply trying to add my thoughts to where the meetings ought to be and not trying to be difficult about this matter in hand.
In the last posts I read it said that the meeting place will remain in Phoenix which is probably the best spot for everyone after all. Changes are good but maybe not for everyone.
I hope nobody took my opinions at heart because all I was doing was getting ideas put together to share to everyone in the club.

Take care,

Well put and I agree with you on this. Thia is a Forum and it is Public and you have every right to post whatever you want as long as it is within the stated rules posted by the Moderator.
As far as the meeting location is concerned, we can always bring it up in the future as nothing is forever. Change is good and we should always keep our minds open to anything. I just hope we can get more Member's on this Forum because as it stands now it is a small percentage. Hope to see you and everyone else at the Meeting this Sunday...........

08-06-08, 10:36 AM
My guess is the way the security is handled at the church we almost dare someone to mess with the cars.

Ive seen a couple of big guns I wouldn't want to mess with at these meetings.

Although I'm fairly new to the club going on 2 years, but frankly the amenities there are pretty impressive, lots of room, a full kitchen and more than ample parking. The free munchies at every meeting is a bonus. I bet there are some car clubs that could only dream of this sort of setup!

The drive cant be really that bad for anyone, it is after all on Sunday so there's minimal traffic on the roads.

Id go anywhere everyone decided. Its about the people first and the reason I'm part of a club is to enjoy the new friends.

So if you don't come out to the 1 day a month meeting its really only your loss overall. Its already been mentioned that people would pick others up that didn't want to drive, myself included. Im in the 7th Street and Bell area.

67 'Stang Lover
08-07-08, 03:50 AM
Well put Joe, I hope to see everyone this Sunday at the meeting...........Steve

08-07-08, 02:44 PM
I never went to any of the meetings because I wasn't about to leave my car parked outside in the hood. I didn't know they had volunteer security, but still.. I'm all for Berge. Save a $1000.

I also like Vinny's idea about having a meeting at peoples homes, but then again you need to have security watching the cars.

How many people make these meetings?

Any chance of spliting the meetings every other month...east side, west side. Is Berge related to any other dealers on the west side?

08-07-08, 04:01 PM
i never went to any of the meetings because i wasn't about to leave my car parked outside in the hood. I didn't know they had volunteer security, but still.. I'm all for berge. Save a $1000.

I also like vinny's idea about having a meeting at peoples homes, but then again you need to have security watching the cars.

How many people make these meetings?

Any chance of spliting the meetings every other month...east side, west side. Is berge related to any other dealers on the west side?

x 2...

08-07-08, 05:33 PM
I vote for Indigo Joe's in East Mesa!