View Full Version : finally got a new job

07-01-08, 02:12 AM
after 7 months of looking a friend set me up with DHL. not driving yet,have to be 21. just scanning and loading the trucks. so hopefully this will elp me get my GT. lol. and as far as my car situation we just found it easier and less stressful to get it painted.

07-01-08, 08:11 AM
Awesome. Good luck man. Businesses are always gonna need stuff shipped. I work for a company that ships 600 boxes a day and we are only getting busier. Job security is good

07-01-08, 10:24 AM
Good news.. I worked for Airborne Express and UPS for four years. Loading gets old after a while but once you get a route and get out on the streets it's pretty fun.

07-01-08, 10:40 AM

07-01-08, 01:18 PM

also what color are you going to pick for the repaint?

07-01-08, 01:41 PM
Good luck with the job. I started out 11 years ago at my job and at the time it was just a job. Now, its a full blown career. So I guess you never know what you get until you get your foot in the door. I have heard that working for UPS, Fed Ex and DHL can eventually pay good and make for some fine living. So work hard and maybe you can skip the GT and go for a COBRA.............:pinkthumb:

07-01-08, 02:40 PM

07-01-08, 02:59 PM
thanks guys. I'm at the job now writing this trhu my cell phone lol. they have had me waiting for someone to start me for the past 45 mins. so not too good of a start. and as fars as the color of my car....i haven't told anyone the color yet... when I get the car ill upload some pics.