View Full Version : Scorpion sting

06-22-08, 11:16 AM
Well, I guess I am officially a Phoenecian since I got stung yesterday. Until yesterday I always thought a scorpion sting was like a bee sting - wow was I wrong. It happened on my middle finger and it made my hand and arm burn up to my elbow and made my arm numb from elbow to shoulder. 24 hours later now and I still cant feel my middle finger. Those little bastards pack a serious punch.

06-22-08, 11:28 AM
were u flipping it off or what?

06-22-08, 11:48 AM
Ok serious questions what color was it and about how big was it?? Did you go to the ER???

06-22-08, 01:38 PM
I have to admit, I was a bit panicked. The initial sting was pretty painful. Then my finger went numb then my entire hand started hurting within 5 minutes, the my wrist. I went to my neighbors house, she is a nurse and he is a physical therapist. No ER, apparently that is really only for kids. If I could not breathe or my eyes started darting, I was supposed to go. If I started having trouble breathing, I would have seriously flipped the eff out. It happened at 9:30 in the morn and my entire arm still hurt when I fell asleep around 12:30 at night. Over 24 hours later and my finger feels like I got a large shot of novacaine - completely numb. I went back to finish the garage cleaning I started yesterday and found it. It was in a pile of books I picked up on the floor and I guess when I dropped the books, it killed the scorpion. I snapped a pic beside a bouganvilla flower for perspective but it is about 3 inches long spread out or the length of my middle finger.

Side note, having a real hard time typing today.


06-22-08, 01:41 PM
wow! that thing is huge! that sounds like a not fun way to spend your saturday! sorry to hear man. glad to hear your feelin better today though...

06-22-08, 02:03 PM
From what I understand its better for it to be bigger, the smaller ones usually cant control the venom and hit you with everything. I've never been stung but my brother got hit on his booty while usinf the bathroom in a wherehouse. :laughing:

06-22-08, 02:09 PM
I've never been stung but my brother got hit on his booty while usinf the bathroom in a wherehouse. :laughing:

That would really suck, I have worried about that too. When he got it in the butt-tox, what happened? Did his whole leg go numb or what?

06-22-08, 02:32 PM
Yes! when it come to Scorpions the bigger the better and what happens if you have a "severe" reaction is like an Organo Phosphate type of poisioning.. Lungs fill up with fluid and your body starts to lose fluid out every opening, eyes, nose, mouth.. I had a 4 year old patient who had a sever reaction and we flew him to childrens where he did alright. The treatment is "Atropine" and Solu-Medrol steroids injections kind of like in the movies but depending on the size of the patient and the exposure we don't carry enough. Sounds like you had a "Typical Reaction" pain, numbness, loss of sensation. Watch for more symptoms and go to the er if you have any trouble breathing what so ever.. From your friendly HPS paramedic ...

06-22-08, 03:14 PM
They become active during the summer months and usally come out at night to feed on insects (mainly crickets, and moths). If you want to see if you have any in your yard, or home, wait untill it gets dark, and walk around with a black light, their bodys have a luminescence that attracts insects, and will show up under black light. The best way to control them is to keep your insect population under control, as Scorpions are tough little buggers to kill (A shovel blade is the most effective way!). They can survive under water (Your Swimming pool) for several hours, by going dormant.

They will hibernate during the winter, usally under tree bark, or under rocks. I've seen them run out of burning firewood in fireplaces. I hate the little buggers, but respect them, as they have been around since the age of dinosaurs.

06-22-08, 03:31 PM
From your friendly HPS paramedic ...

Well, now that I know what to expect from a scorpion I won't panic next time. What do you do if you get bit by a rattle snake? Tourniquet? Just go strait to the ER? Eat a cookie?

06-22-08, 03:53 PM
Rattlers are a very different animal for sure, ER is a must asap for anti-venom but the only real thing to do is to stay calm, yeah right, and limit the movement of the victim.. Time is essential!! No tourniquet or cut and suck clean the wound and get to an ER, pref a trauma hosp...

06-22-08, 03:55 PM
They become active during the summer months and usally come out at night to feed on insects (mainly crickets, and moths). If you want to see if you have any in your yard, or home, wait untill it gets dark, and walk around with a black light, their bodys have a luminescence that attracts insects, and will show up under black light. The best way to control them is to keep your insect population under control, as Scorpions are tough little buggers to kill (A shovel blade is the most effective way!). They can survive under water (Your Swimming pool) for several hours, by going dormant.

They will hibernate during the winter, usally under tree bark, or under rocks. I've seen them run out of burning firewood in fireplaces. I hate the little buggers, but respect them, as they have been around since the age of dinosaurs.

Also if you have any chickens, you wont have any scorpions they say!!

06-22-08, 04:45 PM
What do you do if you get bit by a rattle snake? Tourniquet? Just go strait to the ER? Eat a cookie?

You just do the Tourniquet then aputate on the spot, no time for ER...:hyper:

06-22-08, 05:04 PM
OMG, Im glad your ok hun, thats scarry. Windex and a broom work really well.

06-22-08, 09:13 PM
Keep an eye out for "secondary infection" too. That stinger barb is filthy.

06-22-08, 10:09 PM
Keep an eye out for "secondary infection" too. That stinger barb is filthy.

My neighbor had me put Benadryl gel on it and made me wash my hands pretty good. That must have been why.

06-22-08, 10:27 PM
Also if you have any chickens, you wont have any scorpions they say!!

True, Chickens will eat just about anything remotely resembling food that will go down their throats. One thing to remember both scorpions and snakes are venomous, not poisonous. Venom will go through your gastrointestinal track harmlessly. I'm not advocating running out and eating scorpions and rattlesnakes, but it is something to keep in the back of your mind if you are ever in a survival situation. And under no sur***stances should you lick toads for dessert!

06-23-08, 01:04 AM
True, Chickens will eat just about anything remotely resembling food that will go down their throats. One thing to remember both scorpions and snakes are venomous, not poisonous. Venom will go through your gastrointestinal track harmlessly. I'm not advocating running out and eating scorpions and rattlesnakes, but it is something to keep in the back of your mind if you are ever in a survival situation. And under no sur***stances should you lick toads for dessert!

Holy shit I just laughed my ass off because it censored "c-u-m" in circ.u.mstances. lmfao.

06-23-08, 01:18 AM
oh man thats gnarly looking! glad your ok though.

now have a jagerbomb and go to the gym and grunt when you get your swell on.

06-23-08, 02:29 AM
Well, I guess I am officially a Phoenecian since I got stung yesterday. Until yesterday I always thought a scorpion sting was like a bee sting - wow was I wrong. It happened on my middle finger and it made my hand and arm burn up to my elbow and made my arm numb from elbow to shoulder. 24 hours later now and I still cant feel my middle finger. Those little bastards pack a serious punch.

Wow I am born and raised here in phoenix and I have yet to be stung. Trick is have the house sprayed every six months for me that is.

06-23-08, 08:54 AM
also depends on your location, as i have never seen one either. but my wife said at the house she previously lived in, it was infested with them. and i can tell ya, i have never been good about sprayin for bugs.. lol..

06-23-08, 08:56 AM
omg...i got goosebumps just thinking about it... OUCH!!

I hope you're feeling better.

06-23-08, 10:21 AM
I'm fine, finger is still completely numb though. I live right below south mountain (basically under the radio/tv towers) and supposedly they come from the preserve. I have the house sprayed and also use Home Defense but every now and then one slips by the goalie. That is only the 3rd one I have seen after 2 years in the house.

Wharf Rat
06-23-08, 06:34 PM
Those are wicked looking little buggers!

Are dogs more sensative to the venom??? My dog will hunt and screw with anything from a water buffalo to a june bug. I'm sure if one of those scurried across the kitchen there would be trouble (for the dog that is).

06-23-08, 10:15 PM
I live here in Mesa and Live on site of a storage facility, When I first got here I saw 1 and told my boss that I wanted it sprayed at least 2 times a month, which we did, Since then it has been once a month sprayed, the only other one I have seen was when a lady brought it in. that one was killed with a broom. No more since then, Im happy hehe, and this one was only about an inch long and it was scarry ewww. but its gone now. The trick is too spray once a month.

I'm fine, finger is still completely numb though. I live right below south mountain (basically under the radio/tv towers) and supposedly they come from the preserve. I have the house sprayed and also use Home Defense but every now and then one slips by the goalie. That is only the 3rd one I have seen after 2 years in the house.

06-24-08, 01:27 PM
I live in Anthem and I find at least 1 to 2 scorpions in the yard every night (In the summer Months). I have possibly killed a couple hundred over the last few years. I find about 1 to 2 in the house each month; i just found one in the shower just two days ago. I have tried all kinds of spray and powder and the Scorpions are immune to that stuff. If you spray and keep there food supply (bugs) down, than the scorpions will decline in population. I have been told that they have nesting grounds that will last for many years.

I now use a natural pest control company that uses natural spray made from flowers that have a natural chemical that pest do not like so they simply leave from the area that has been treated. It worked very well for the first month (not 1 scorpion) but than I stopped using it for the next month and all of a sudden I have found many scorpions. I now have an appointment for this Thursday again and I will stay on a monthly schedule. By the way the natural spray is suggested for those who have small children and aniamls.

06-24-08, 06:26 PM
Rattlers are a very different animal for sure, ER is a must asap for anti-venom but the only real thing to do is to stay calm, yeah right, and limit the movement of the victim.. Time is essential!! No tourniquet or cut and suck clean the wound and get to an ER, pref a trauma hosp...

Usually when there is a problem with rattle snakes I bring out the Cobra... That usually shuts them up :woot2:

06-24-08, 09:12 PM
I lived in New River/Desert hills almost my whole life and used to ride my dirt bikes and shoot doves/deer hunt where Anthem now is. Lol What was funny is when I was growing up Dell Webb wanted to buy that property but it was state land and they wouldnt give it up, well it just so happen to burn one year and all the sudden Dell Webb got their hands on it. So I guess it burning helped get rid of the insects and small creatures....
That place 25 years ago was crawling with scorpions, huge frogs and Gila Monsters. My parents used to catch them and rattle snakes with their bare hands (F'n crazy) I have also gotten bit by a Bull snake, harmless but they still have fine teeth and hurt. If any of you want to see some crazy sized scorpions just head out to Anthem, and hike up Daisy mountain. There are also some old Indian ruins up there with arrowheads all over.

Terrible story I know, but I was just chiming in :)

06-24-08, 09:14 PM
I now use a natural pest control company that uses natural spray made from flowers that have a natural chemical that pest do not like so they simply leave from the area that has been treated. It worked very well for the first month (not 1 scorpion) but than I stopped using it for the next month and all of a sudden I have found many scorpions. I now have an appointment for this Thursday again and I will stay on a monthly schedule. By the way the natural spray is suggested for those who have small children and aniamls.

What company uses the natural stuff?

Usually when there is a problem with rattle snakes I bring out the Cobra... That usually shuts them up :woot2:

Nice one.

06-24-08, 10:19 PM
I live in Anthem and I find at least 1 to 2 scorpions in the yard every night (In the summer Months). I have possibly killed a couple hundred over the last few years. I find about 1 to 2 in the house each month; i just found one in the shower just two days ago. I have tried all kinds of spray and powder and the Scorpions are immune to that stuff. If you spray and keep there food supply (bugs) down, than the scorpions will decline in population. I have been told that they have nesting grounds that will last for many years.

I now use a natural pest control company that uses natural spray made from flowers that have a natural chemical that pest do not like so they simply leave from the area that has been treated. It worked very well for the first month (not 1 scorpion) but than I stopped using it for the next month and all of a sudden I have found many scorpions. I now have an appointment for this Thursday again and I will stay on a monthly schedule. By the way the natural spray is suggested for those who have small children and aniamls.

How bout some pics Jim?

06-25-08, 11:10 AM
What company uses the natural stuff?

Nice one.

Here is the name and information for the company I referred to.

www.naturalhomesolutions.com (http://www.naturalhomesolutions.com)


06-25-08, 11:13 AM
How bout some pics Jim?

Are you referring to pic's of Scorpions? I have never taken any of the scorpions. Though If I wanted to it would be no problem finding them to take a few pic's.

Give me a call sometime or drop me an email man.