View Full Version : selling the V6 and getting a....

06-19-08, 01:59 AM
firebird? ya some things happened tonight that are FORCING me to buy a car other than a mustang:sad-smiley-047: i was actually going to buy a 02 gt that was for sale. if word got out that i sold my car then (with some people who partculary dont like me) know that all i will EVEr drive is a stang which means i cant get a stang. im still going to try to get the GT but its not likely. if i did get the car it would probably be within a week. so i will keep everyone updated.

06-19-08, 02:08 AM
:icon_cry: Thats really sad to hear

06-19-08, 02:14 AM
im going to sound like a girl but i actually started crying when i found out that i cant get a mustang. my cousin introduced me to mustangs racing his 5.0 when i was 10 and ever since they have been a dream of mine. i feel like somethinginside has died. i know probably a little over dramatic but i feel disloyal lol but idk what to do.

06-19-08, 02:15 AM
oh and on top of that i was just made president of a mustang club in nevada i WAS pres. of the reno chapter.

06-19-08, 02:26 AM
sooo why do you have to buy a f-body? and what engine? I own a lt1 formula that needs a tone of work.

06-19-08, 05:37 AM
not sure I get it....why cant you get a mustang?

06-19-08, 08:38 AM
i'm with wickedcobra on this one. what gives?

if someone told me i "had" to buy an f-body, i would politely tell them they can start making the payments....

06-19-08, 03:03 PM
I don't get it... Why?


Rev'n Kevin
06-19-08, 05:17 PM

El Jefe
06-19-08, 05:36 PM
Sounds like someones after you and is looking for you in a Mustang? If not by my Roush! Im trying to dump it in the next few weeks!

06-19-08, 06:37 PM
Sounds like someones after you and is looking for you in a Mustang? If not by my Roush! Im trying to dump it in the next few weeks!

ya my ex's bf last year tried to kill me. he recognized me by my car, after all my ex is the one who helped me get it. and lastnight 3 guys, one looked liked the brother of the guy that attacked me came into taco bell after my me gf and he mom went in. the started talking and pointing and staring at me so my gf said its time to go. about 30 seconds after we left so did they. i was in my gf moms car an i saw one of the guys looking in my car then what looked like throwing something on my car then he went to the back and threw something at my back windsheild. i checked it out when i got home and he keyed the shit out of my passenger side. quarter pannel to quarter pannel. i wanted to call the cops but there was nothing they could do. i wanted to go out and beat his ass but there was 3 to 1 and if they were affilated with my ex and her brothers gang then i could almost guarntee that they were armed. so i bit my tongue with this one. i could have done so many things differently but i was dumb and didnt think of them at the time. im trying to convince my parents into letting me get a get with a popular color. after all that is the most popular car in reno. but they want me out of mustangs and get me something with better Gas mi. and power.

i wanna cry! :gloomy::sad-smiley-047:

06-19-08, 06:40 PM
mmmmm where i come from they have a saying for a situation like that

"no bueno"

06-19-08, 06:55 PM
wow...sounds like a good time to either move or get buff and kick some arse.

06-19-08, 07:01 PM
that would call for a beat down if you asked me :gun3::smack::bash::chair::deadhorse::d066:

06-19-08, 07:06 PM
that would call for a beat down if you asked me :gun3::smack::bash::chair::deadhorse::d066:

I agree. Time to lock and load!:flame::boxing::flamegun:

06-19-08, 11:23 PM
thanks guys! but they out number me about 20 to 1 and completely out gun me.

so i went to just about every car lot in reno to day and found 3 choices what do you guys think? and then there is always a paint job for my 6!

1999 pontiac firebird transam
88k miles
5.7L V8
305 hp 335 tq :hyper:
T top:bouncy:
$10-12Grand NEG

1997 pontiac transam firebird Formula
82K miles
5.7L V8
285 hp 325 tq
Hard top
$4500 cash

2003 MUSTANG GT:woot1:
86k mi
4.6L V8
260 hp 302 tq
Hard Top
5 spd man:pepper:
$12500 NEG

06-19-08, 11:31 PM
so you only found 1 option?

06-19-08, 11:44 PM
lol basically. but i think that more than likely i might just have to get a paint job. i love it parents tell you its ok to get a new car then they say nope paint job instead.

06-20-08, 01:06 AM
maybe its my upbringin but id keep the car and start ****ing with their shit if they ****ed with mine. what makes you think they wont find out what you are driving next?

06-20-08, 01:18 AM
i dont know but at least this buys some time. and maybe they wont find out. but im running out of options. plus i might get a gt out of it. but if anyone else has any ideas let me know

06-20-08, 01:21 AM
dont get the lt1 if your looking for easy power

06-20-08, 01:24 AM
i dont know anything about the f bodys but isnt it the ws6 motor?

06-20-08, 01:29 AM
lt1 < ls1

06-20-08, 01:43 AM
i dont know anything about the ls1 lt1 motors.

06-20-08, 01:56 AM
i know my 01 ta had the ls1, i believe they replaced the lt1 in 98.

ls1 is a much better motor

06-20-08, 01:58 AM
what car comes with the ls1 motor and what car comes with the lt1?

06-20-08, 02:02 AM
for anyone who has a gt. how many miles to the TANK do you usally get???

06-20-08, 02:13 AM
what car comes with the ls1 motor and what car comes with the lt1?

thought i said, fbodies 98 and newer (maybe 99, but im pretty sure 98)

06-20-08, 02:32 AM
oh sorry i didnt see that one. im stuck on what to do

06-20-08, 08:11 AM
Oh Hell No, Buy the Mustang and do some DETROIT on them, You know the saying, "Detroit, where the weak are killed and eaten" Dont let these tallywackers mess with you. I agree with the "what makes them not mess with you in another car" saying. I would do what I wanted and get some camera shots of these idiots for the record.

06-20-08, 09:53 AM

El Jefe
06-20-08, 11:03 AM
PM Sent

06-20-08, 05:44 PM
ya my ex's bf last year tried to kill me. he recognized me by my car, after all my ex is the one who helped me get it. and lastnight 3 guys, one looked liked the brother of the guy that attacked me came into taco bell after my me gf and he mom went in. the started talking and pointing and staring at me so my gf said its time to go. about 30 seconds after we left so did they. i was in my gf moms car an i saw one of the guys looking in my car then what looked like throwing something on my car then he went to the back and threw something at my back windsheild. i checked it out when i got home and he keyed the shit out of my passenger side. quarter pannel to quarter pannel. i wanted to call the cops but there was nothing they could do. i wanted to go out and beat his ass but there was 3 to 1 and if they were affilated with my ex and her brothers gang then i could almost guarntee that they were armed. so i bit my tongue with this one. i could have done so many things differently but i was dumb and didnt think of them at the time. im trying to convince my parents into letting me get a get with a popular color. after all that is the most popular car in reno. but they want me out of mustangs and get me something with better Gas mi. and power.

i wanna cry! :gloomy::sad-smiley-047:

Sounds like a whole lotta...


06-20-08, 05:51 PM
I would find a new GF, there are alot more of them and they are sure to come and go........

06-20-08, 10:16 PM
so i cant get the gt.....too much $ my car was appraised at 3k. i have 2 options.
get a paint job
get a new cheaper car ie fb
any solutions?

06-20-08, 10:36 PM
not a GT a new GF. save you all kinds of money and time.....


06-20-08, 11:45 PM
lol i ave a new gf. i dumped my ex back n my jr yr of high school. sad thing is is that if it wasnt for her and her mom i wouldnt have gotten my stang. her mom was able to get me a deal on my car. which is another reason i want to get rid of it. my new gf is christine. she was the one who helped me when i got attacked i couldnt have asked for anyone better....she even said that she would help me with my car but her car just took a dump on her so she has to get it repaired.
so options are still open.
stay with th v6 but get it painted
get fb?????????????????????????????????

06-21-08, 01:36 AM
1. Get a gym membership at your local gym
2. Inject some juice
3. Spend your life at the gym
4. Learn how to fight
5. Kick some ass!

Promblem solved :]

06-21-08, 04:26 PM
I vote for.....Kicken some ass.

06-21-08, 06:40 PM
i went to a dealer and found a beautiful TA 98xxxmiles leather t top 5.7 v8 1996
the steering wheel radio controls dont work. stereo doesnt go up very lound and it has 20 in rims LOL:biglaugh:
asking price 12.9k they said this weekend theyre having a sale and it cost 10.5 k
KBB suggest 9,510
im going to try to talk them dow to 7 or 8 k.

06-21-08, 07:10 PM
wow good luck with that...

06-21-08, 07:13 PM
That car looks like poop

06-21-08, 10:20 PM
is that a real WS6 engine or is it just a hood? a 12 yr old TA with 100k can still get $9k? Is that the monsoon stereo that is not working or just the standard factory radio?

I still vote for getting a new girl friend, you can always fix a car no matter how bad it gets but......

06-22-08, 01:44 AM
that car is overpriced by a few thousand, and then it has problems with it, and wheels that would be better off melted and sold for scrap.


theres one for 6500 and looks like better shape. talk them down to 6k or so, and save yourself a few thousand bucks

06-22-08, 01:46 AM
here, even better:

$8000 and it has the ls1 engine in it


06-22-08, 01:50 AM
hell yeah. Thats a decent deal. I would take 8.5-9 out the door on that.

06-22-08, 02:58 AM
ttocs i have a new gf. lol ans yes its the ram air ws6 package. i looked it up on kbb. the STARTING retail price should be $9510 so im going to tell them 7.5K plus my trade in or no deal.
ok the plans is as follows.
tomorrow me and my father are going to see how much a paint job will be. he thinks he will get one for $500:biglaugh: im going black and getting black rims. if we go this route.

option 2.
if painting doesnt work out then new car. parents want me to get an suv so i can "go snowboarding" is what they say. translation: get the suv so you can help us move out of our shop and into our new one. and you will be able to help us with the fashion shows.

option 3.................

lock and load. and be on my toes :Gun1::gun3:

06-22-08, 03:05 AM
Jason that car looks a little ghetto to me i'm sure you can find much much better keep looking at stangs!!!

06-22-08, 03:35 AM
i REALLY want to stay with stangs. but if i want my parents support then i cant get one. because "they" will be looking for me in a stang. but im still looking. or i can get an suv lol

06-22-08, 04:41 AM
just looking hoping and wishing then i found this. its a possibility what do you guys think?

06-22-08, 11:15 AM
whoever told u that ghetto lookin trans am is a ws6 is lying. they didnt even make them in that year, just fyi.

salesmen love to lie :)

06-22-08, 03:51 PM
ok so new car...00 gt 9k 102,xxx miles. looking to pay 2 to 3.5k in cash dont know how good my chances are but im also trading in my v6. so im probably gonna be shut down but its worth a shot....

06-22-08, 04:41 PM
sounds like the best suggestion you have come up with in awhile... hehe...

06-22-08, 05:59 PM
any idea what my chances are? going to the dealership tomorrow. he doesnt really like to negotiate but the car has been there for about a month and a half. so idk how to approach this im gonna make an offer with cash or finance and if he refuses then screw it. i talked to a guy with a 88 5.0 paint job sucks but its worth a shot its been on there for a while.

06-23-08, 10:15 PM
anyone know where i can get some nice black cobra R wheels? or a nice set of black rims?

06-23-08, 10:34 PM
Stage3 is your best bet there man. Check out their advertisements somewhere on here.

06-23-08, 11:11 PM
here you go man. http://www.stage3motorsports.com/

so what are/did you end up getting?

06-23-08, 11:21 PM
Jay, that 88 and 90 look good and they are cheap just break down and do it already geez!!!! lol Maybe someday you can get a kick ass cobra like mine but we all started somewhere look at my cars 86GT 88LX 5.0 99cobra and than my Baby 04 whipple cobra every year something better one day you'll get there no worries cousin. :highfive: just keep it in the stang family lol

06-24-08, 12:18 AM
thanks fellas!
thanks cuz. so we found out that my family is tight on money. so were looking at a pint job either gun metal black, met black, met silver, or met white. im meeting the 88 5.0 guy tomorrow at his house. so i will let you giys know what im doing when its all done. but expect some questions about this 5.0 tomorrow because im hesitant about buying from a private party. thanks for the help/ support guys!

06-24-08, 12:22 AM
times like these im sure money is tight everywhere man.

is DSG out of the question?

06-24-08, 12:24 AM

06-24-08, 12:30 AM

06-24-08, 12:47 AM
... ya for now. the 88 im going to look at needs a paint job so im going to have to get the car then a cheap paint job. and probably some new rims.....

06-25-08, 12:10 AM
Wow, i'm suprised you were so calm about that bs they pulled. I don't think i'd have the ability to hold myself from doing something 10x worse to those ______. I wish i could find the ______ that pulled some similar garbage with my Cobra, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back, even if there was a group of them. Way to not get yourself in a lot of trouble or worse. I wish you luck in finding a car you are happy with, but honestly I would not let these guys have an influence on your choice in anyway.



06-25-08, 03:28 AM
Wow, i'm suprised you were so calm about that bs they pulled. I don't think i'd have the ability to hold myself from doing something 10x worse to those ______. I wish i could find the ______ that pulled some similar garbage with my Cobra, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back, even if there was a group of them. Way to not get yourself in a lot of trouble or worse. I wish you luck in finding a car you are happy with, but honestly I would not let these guys have an influence on your choice in anyway.



thanks. ya i dont want to go thru what i did last time. and i personally hate my car mostly because it was my ex who got me a deal on it. but its still the fact of being disrespected like that. but its those types of people who made me decide to go back into martial arts. i hate people like that.
thanks again the searc is not easy!