View Full Version : way up
06-07-08, 07:48 PM
well i took my car out last night to do some testing and it went up WAY UP!!! it actuly folded the rear buper under and put the bottem of my shoot on the ground,,,, the people that where behind the car sed thay could see in the front window it went up so high,,,,,,,, the shity thing is when it went up i lost fuel in the carb or sumthing, as after pumping the gas 3 times it came down HARD,,, it took out my trany pan and oil pan,,,,, maby my k member too,,,, i am too bumed out to look under it at the moment,,,, the crapy part of it all is the best picture of it was taken by some lady with her cell phone,, Gil got some good shots of it too but only on its way upnot after it hit the bumper and unloaded the rear....
06-07-08, 08:16 PM
holy chit man
i was there and watched it run all night..... and i almost had to change my own shorts, fast car man i had no idea from the outside it was going to run like that.
06-07-08, 09:21 PM
06-07-08, 10:53 PM
i was there and watched it run all night..... and i almost had to change my own shorts, fast car man i had no idea from the outside it was going to run like that.
thanks man
06-08-08, 01:16 PM
ouch! that friggen hurts man. hope your back up and runnin soon!
That pic doesnt do justice, the thing was literally striaght up!!!
Sparks GA-LORE
Thats was just plain AWESOME man!
wow, had to wipe after that run huh? WOW.......
06-10-08, 10:41 PM
yikes, that is crazy!!
06-11-08, 12:04 AM
well got everything fixed but the trans pan and i will have it back in the morning
06-11-08, 01:09 AM
:bowdown: holly shhh......
06-15-08, 09:44 AM
well after a long ass week of busting ass tring to get the car out to race a starter stoped me from making the race,,, i went to pull it out of the trailer and just went ''CLICK"" so i pushed it out and checked the thing over, after finding out it was the srarter i pulled it and had a friend run to the auto part store and grab me a new one, i then make one B.S. pass to see if the car was ok and not going to clime the ring gear,, ALL WAS GOOD,, went to make a all out pass and get ready to kick some ass. i pulled to the lanes and the car went "CLICK" agean.... wow was i pissed as helll,,,,,,, well i will be out in afew weeks as i cant aford to do crap to my car after all the crap i did to the passt week..
some of the boys from STAGE 3 came out and put on a good show,, cars looked great on and off the track... hope to see you out there agean soon..
also to all the dads on the bord HAPPY DADS DAY!!!!!!!!
06-15-08, 03:52 PM
what a bum deal man. car did look good on the one pass i saw though.
and right back atcha man! happy fathers day!
06-16-08, 11:42 PM
well after busting ass getting the car ready to race{or so i thot} i get to the track and the damn thing wont start..... i check the batt, and it is ok a bit low but ok so i check the starter and it is locked up.. i get a friend to go get one for me and i put it in,, all is good {so i thot} i make one pass to see if she is going to clime the ring gear agean, and she is not so i think agean all is well, i go to make a all out pass and then go to the drivers meeting and CLICK W.T.F. i look over the car and the F ing starter is locked agean { this is where i loose it, after calming down {it took 3 laps around the pits } i pull the starter and yup just like the other one locked up but no sighn of it sticking and riding on the flex plate.... well my night was done... i forgot who got the bye run.. after going nuts under the car today i see a funny spot in the man wire from the starter and i pull it out,,,, yup it has like 2 strans not cut,, the loom is in no way damiged but it got smashed when i came down some how and cut the wire,,, i gess from lack of amps it cooked the starters,, i put a new wire on and the thing started 10 times for me today,,,, i gess i was not supost to race on sat..
06-17-08, 12:11 AM
dang....well, atleast it was not something major man...
Glad you got it fig'd out!
06-17-08, 05:08 PM
now we need to get that car of yours out:twothumbsup:
Yeah you were suppose to come help me tonight remember
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