View Full Version : Loop 202 Grand Opening!!
06-05-08, 11:04 PM
You heard it here first!! Let me know how many of you will be joining us!! Copperstate has been invited for the 4th time to celebrate this event and it a bunch of fun even though its gonna be warm!!!
July 2008: Join ADOT for the opening of the Loop 202 (Red Mountain Freeway)
Power Road to University Drive, celebrating the completion of Loop 202. July 15th 5-8pm.. More info to follow...
06-05-08, 11:14 PM
Nice that makes my firebird Friday night trip easier.
06-06-08, 12:33 AM
hasn't bothered me yet, maybe traffic will be a little lighter now on my side of town :) lol.
Keep us updated... I remember when the section down here in Gilbert opened.. it was in the summer too and hot as hell...
El Jefe
06-06-08, 05:26 PM
Are there 2 202's or does it just go all over the place?
Completion? They still need to build a ****ing branch that goes from I-10 & Pecos Rd. over to Buckeye so I can get to PIR faster!
06-07-08, 12:36 PM
Completion? They still need to build a ****ing branch that goes from I-10 & Pecos Rd. over to Buckeye so I can get to PIR faster!
They are still designing that one through the Gila Indian Reservation that cuts behind South Mountain and the other one is the 60 bypass around Gold Canyon...
I was at a AZ Land class a couple of months ago heard some pretty cool future plans.
-202 south of Pecos west to 51st, north to 10. The new Valley Bypass
-303(East Valley Freeway) from Riggs/10 east on the reservation just south of Riggs will run all the way east to Florence Junction.
-Apache Junction---Coolidge coridor. Starts Ironwood and 60 south thru Queen Creek to Attaway south to along 87 then west to 10
-Williams Gateway Freeway. Starts at 202/Warner then east to the Gold Canyon Bypass
-Gold Canyon Bypass starts where the 60 freeway ends and runs southwest of GC to Peralta Trail
Also the town of Queen Creek will divide in to two towns. Town of Queen Creek and the Town Of San Tan. Queen Creek will not be in two counties anymore.
And the huge state land trust called Desert Wells which runs south of 60 between Ironwood and Perralta Trail will have over 100K homes within the next 20 years and a new town will be formed there also. And you think 60 is backed up now....
06-07-08, 08:42 PM
Kewl! Depending on the specific date I'll bring out the Bullitt!! :yes:
06-08-08, 05:08 PM
Are there 2 202's or does it just go all over the place?
Its a loop this will finally connect the north and south side
06-08-08, 06:44 PM
July 15th 5-8pm! Had to update the time. Entrance locations TBA..
06-08-08, 07:55 PM
Well I would love to do this, so count me in If I can get out early enough or switch my day off,
i'm down as long as I don't feel bad....
06-09-08, 04:20 PM
Enter for the event is McDowell Rd and the 202, we will meet before in NE Mesa and drive into the event as a group!!
06-09-08, 04:36 PM
What time ya meeting up Dave so I can make the plan :)
06-09-08, 05:44 PM
The last freeway opening I went to it was 35 degrees out, and I still drove topless! Should be able to make this one.
I am tempted to bring my bicycle, I can ride a good wheelie now but let me know where and when.
I am tempted to bring my bicycle, I can ride a good wheelie now but let me know where and when.
I took my mountain bike when they had the I-10 tunnel opening ceremonies. That was pretty cool
06-16-08, 10:28 AM
Completion? They still need to build a ****ing branch that goes from I-10 & Pecos Rd. over to Buckeye so I can get to PIR faster!
I'm in no hurry for that one.
06-17-08, 01:07 AM
We have to be in our spot by 3:30pm Tuesday July 15th-The ramp is closed at 3:45pm..And from experience they don't make exceptions.
You heard it here first!! Let me know how many of you will be joining us!! Copperstate has been invited for the 4th time to celebrate this event and it a bunch of fun even though its gonna be warm!!!
July 2008: Join ADOT for the opening of the Loop 202 (Red Mountain Freeway)
Power Road to University Drive, celebrating the completion of Loop 202. July 15th 5-8pm.. More info to follow...
06-17-08, 05:18 PM
Ok We need a meeting place in northest Mesa 3:15pm and we will have the pop ups and water!
06-17-08, 09:42 PM
What's around by US60 and the 202?
I believe it is near power road but I am not sure. I am close to williams field and 202 at the new san tan mall. There is plenty of space there to meet and it is a short drive down the 202.
06-18-08, 09:53 AM
Enter for the event is McDowell Rd and the 202, we will meet before in NE Mesa and drive into the event as a group!! I will be around the area today and will scope out some possible meeting spots. How many stangs have signed up?
06-18-08, 03:18 PM
About 12 'Stangs are on board....
I will be around the area today and will scope out some possible meeting spots. How many stangs have signed up?
06-18-08, 05:02 PM
i'd like to join in on that one...
I will hopefully have my alternator fixed by then.......
06-19-08, 10:14 AM
We can always fit a few more in....
The only issue is it being so early to get into our spot.
i'd like to join in on that one...
06-19-08, 11:57 AM
is it on the 15th? thats a tuesday?
06-19-08, 01:32 PM
Yes a Tuesday in the SUMMER...
Just happens when they are ready to open the freeway.
is it on the 15th? thats a tuesday?
06-19-08, 01:48 PM
cool deal. as soon as we know meeting points and times, i will get off a little early to make it over.
06-19-08, 07:36 PM
I actually have the day off so I am in.
06-23-08, 09:09 AM
:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:Yall can meet at my house hehehe:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
Im definately going to be there...
06-23-08, 09:09 AM
Count me in, show me there. Where is everyone going to meet at and what time?
06-23-08, 09:43 AM
I'm thinking the Monestary at 4810 E. McKellips or maybe a little closer to Power Road I know there is something on the corner of Power and Mcdowell...
vin man
06-24-08, 10:53 AM
I've had my mustang at freeway openings in the past. Always been a good time, although July might be kind of hot.
Hiker - not surprised to see you here on this board too!
Yoooo Vinny..
Welcome.. You'd be surprised how many boards I'm
I'm going to try to make this if the temps are under 110.
06-30-08, 10:30 PM
Can we please get some exact details on Where and time we are meeting I have been asked to find out. Please and Thank you :)
Working on getting the day off!
06-30-08, 10:42 PM
yeah, i need to ask to get off early... an exact time would be awesome...
06-30-08, 10:49 PM
We have to meet around 3pm to be on the freeway at 3:15pm. The entrance closes at 3:45 pm NO EXCEPTIONS. There will be a patrol car parked at the exhibitor entrance. If you're late you will have to park on the spectator side and walk over.
yeah, i need to ask to get off early... an exact time would be awesome...
06-30-08, 10:51 PM
But where we meeting hun. I suggested my house which is Power and Baseline, but no one wanted to do that as far as I know. Let me know kk hehe
We have to meet around 3pm to be on the freeway at 3:15pm. The entrance closes at 3:45 pm NO EXCEPTIONS. There will be a patrol car parked at the exhibitor entrance. If you're late you will have to park on the spectator side and walk over.
06-30-08, 10:53 PM
How About Indigo Joes , Restaurant/Bar on the NE corner of Power and McDowell
Any estimates of a car count?
06-30-08, 10:56 PM
I'm still thinking 12, since it will be a "warm" day. I'm letting you east siders decide where to meet and I'll be there at 3pm.
How About Indigo Joes , Restaurant/Bar on the NE corner of Power and McDowell
Any estimates of a car count?
06-30-08, 10:58 PM
Indigo Joes for Lunch!!!
Good Burgers.
06-30-08, 11:11 PM
OOOHHHH I got the whole day off, lunch sounds good and we all pony out together
Indigo Joes for Lunch!!!
Good Burgers.
sound good to me other then the food stuff but I am in.
07-01-08, 12:55 AM
Idigo joes it is... what time??
I put the Monestary in the newsleeter because I had only one person give me a location and it had to go out last week. Jeff hold off on putting the newsletter on the web until I update it with this info...
07-01-08, 08:15 AM
Lets say 12:30/1:00 this way we can hang out shoot the crap and eat and then all pony together.
07-01-08, 10:39 AM
Okie dokie
07-01-08, 10:55 AM
Idigo joes it is... what time??
I put the Monestary in the newsleeter because I had only one person give me a location and it had to go out last week. Jeff hold off on putting the newsletter on the web until I update it with this info...
Holding for update.
07-01-08, 11:33 AM
On its way! I'm doing a blster mesage so its 1pm if they can make it that early for lunch then onto the freeway at 2:45 to get into place..
and then RUBBIN IS RACIN!!!!
07-01-08, 01:24 PM
1 PM sounds good being most lunch people are back to work by then.
07-01-08, 01:33 PM
Do you think we need a blaster msg? Seems like we have a good group just from HPS...
On its way! I'm doing a blster mesage so its 1pm if they can make it that early for lunch then onto the freeway at 2:45 to get into place..
07-01-08, 03:38 PM
Do you think we need a blaster msg? Seems like we have a good group just from HPS...
Yeah , why not!!
07-01-08, 07:13 PM
I am there as long as my wizzife isn't in labor.
the 202 will only open once, you can have another kid later :)
07-01-08, 07:23 PM
I'll let her know. I was there for the first, does that count?
07-01-08, 08:33 PM
I am there as long as my wizzife isn't in labor.
Gettin close!!!
I did this in the late 80's when the I-10 tunnel opened. Back then I only had my mountain bike, bit it was pretty cool riding a bike thru the tunnel.
I'll let her know. I was there for the first, does that count?
as long as she was there with you then I am sure that counts:biglaugh:. But then you are talking to a guy that has no kids, only a dog:pepper:.....
If she gives you any crap just tell her I said it was ok:pinkthumb:.
07-06-08, 12:52 PM
Well that should work!!
I'll be there.. I also invited a couple of the Cobra guys.
Bring a hat and ST lotion......and lots of water...
07-09-08, 03:58 PM
I'll be there.. I also invited a couple of the Cobra guys.
Very Cool!!
07-09-08, 04:00 PM
Bring a hat and ST lotion......and lots of water...
We will have lots of water!! But bring on the sunscreen. Bring some chairs and we will have pop ups too!
07-10-08, 11:40 AM
Just got another vehicle for display: Ford is bringing a fully loaded 2009 Flex. The first local general public display of this entirley new Ford!
07-10-08, 12:36 PM
NOTE: I will have confirmation paperwork at the meeting place at 2:45pm. EVERY VEHICLE MUST HAVE A COPY OF THIS PAPER OR YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE FREEWAY. You have been warned!
I have requested 12 spaces. Please reply to this thread with your name and vehicle so we can make a list and I'll bring enough copies.
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
(add your name here)
07-10-08, 12:39 PM
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
1)Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
?5) scott sorensen 94 gt - I have been suffering from some digestive problems and could be sick that day. If all the spots fill up then give someone else first dibs before me.
07-10-08, 02:07 PM
Berge is bringing out 3 cars... I'm probably hauling the trailer! so is that 2 or just one or none??
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
?5) scott sorensen 94 gt
6) Hiker 65 Fastback (unless it's raining)
Meeting Place====>Indigo Joes???
07-10-08, 02:27 PM
1)Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
?5) scott sorensen 94 gt
6) Trisha Kurish 07 Coupe
7) Richard Norrus 05 GT
07-10-08, 02:28 PM
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
?5) scott sorensen 94 gt
6) Hiker 65 Fastback (unless it's raining)[/quote]
7) Berge Ford
8) Berge Ford
9) Berge Ford
07-10-08, 02:29 PM
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
?5) scott sorensen 94 gt
6) Hiker 65 Fastback (unless it's raining)
7) Berge Ford
8) Berge Ford
9) Berge Ford[/quote]
07-10-08, 02:34 PM
Meeting Place====>Indigo Joes???
Yes. What time is good 1PM?
07-10-08, 02:35 PM
That was the plan
Yes. What time is good 1PM?
I'll probably get there about 2....
07-10-08, 02:36 PM
I cant wait I have the whole day off for this, took a vacation day whooo hoooooo
07-10-08, 02:36 PM
Well those who want to have lunch 1PM.
I will be skipping the meal as well. I don't like food.
07-10-08, 02:42 PM
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
?5) scott sorensen 94 gt
6) Hiker 65 Fastback (unless it's raining)[/quote]
7) Berge Ford
8) Berge Ford
9) Berge Ford[/quote]
10) Trisha Kurish 07 Coupe
11) Richard Norrus 05 GT
07-10-08, 03:21 PM
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
?5) scott sorensen 94 gt
6) Hiker 65 Fastback (unless it's raining)
7) Berge Ford
8) Berge Ford
9) Berge Ford
10) Trisha Kurish 07 Coupe
11) Richard Norrus 05 GT
12) Cody Bullis 04 Mustang
07-10-08, 11:11 PM
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
?5) scott sorensen 94 gt
6) Hiker 65 Fastback (unless it's raining)
7) Berge Ford
8) Berge Ford
9) Berge Ford
10) Trisha Kurish 07 Coupe
11) Richard Norrus 06 GT
12) Cody Bullis 04 Mustang
13) Paige Nett 68 Coupe
I will have to get a broken bolt out of the motor before it is road ready. If I don't get her runnin this week end I will let you know.
07-11-08, 12:01 AM
Actually with no 11), it is Richard Norrus in his 06 Mustang GT.
PS, thanks Trish for adding my name but is not an 05 lol
07-11-08, 12:09 AM
07-11-08, 12:11 AM
By the way with Trish thinking I had a 05 Mustang GT rather then the 2006 I do have, we determined that Trish has having either a " Blonde Moment" or a "Senior Moment" , or "Hot Flashes", or a bout of A.A.A.D.D. or a combo of all. She has profusely sucked up over and over in the past 10 minutes lol. She wants to do a major super fine detail job on my Stang to make up for it, should I let her?
07-11-08, 12:13 AM
Rick, Might help if you use a dictionary rofl rofl
07-11-08, 12:13 AM
Blonde Moment!!
07-11-08, 12:14 AM
Kisss my Blonde MOMENT
Blonde Moment!!
07-11-08, 12:16 AM
In your dreams Plowboy sheesh, I aint detailing shyt but Rocky so there, you expect me to detail your car after those responses hmmmm sheesh
By the way with Trish thinking I had a 05 Mustang GT rather then the 2006 I do have, we determined that Trish has having either a " Blonde Moment" or a "Senior Moment" , or "Hot Flashes", or a bout of A.A.A.D.D. or a combo of all. She has profusely sucked up over and over in the past 10 minutes lol. She wants to do a major super fine detail job on my Stang to make up for it, should I let her?
07-11-08, 12:17 AM
Poster child Trisha!!
07-11-08, 12:18 AM
Im not coming, whatever yall women bashers
07-11-08, 12:21 AM
Had this guy clean my car the other day!!
07-11-08, 12:22 AM
No ones pickin on woman Trish, just blondes LMAO ROF... By the way are you a true blonde or just dyed and a blonde wannabe? And if you don't come cuz your having a temper tantrum then we will all spank ya and Rocky too
07-11-08, 12:23 AM
What he do a spit shine? rofl rofl:laughing1::laughing1:
07-11-08, 12:26 AM
What he do a spit shine? rofl rofl:laughing1::laughing1:
Yup! and that was his bottle of quick detail spit!!
07-11-08, 12:27 AM
That thar is purty durn gross if yall ask me, grossssssssss:laughing1::laughing1::laughing1:
07-11-08, 12:28 AM
And dang I was about to do a shot and a beer, think I will just have the beer now... that detail spit comment just not sittin well... kinda runnin down the side of the car about now
07-11-08, 12:35 AM
Puts a reallly Nice shyne on the winda!!
07-13-08, 07:48 AM
Is this event open to anyone that wants to particiapate and if so, who is the point of contact so they can inquire and get in if there are any slots left?
07-13-08, 10:55 AM
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
5) Scott Sorensen 94 gt (tentative)
6) Hiker 65 Fastback (unless it's raining)
7) Berge Ford
8) Berge Ford
9) Berge Ford
10) Trisha Kurish 07 Coupe
11) Richard Norrus 06 GT
12) Cody Bullis 04 Mustang
13) Paige Nett 68 Coupe
14) Stangme
It's technically full, but we'll add a few extra to cover no shows. Be at Indio Joe's no later than 2:49pm Tuesday to get a confirmation pass (one per car required) from me.
Is this event open to anyone that wants to particiapate and if so, who is the point of contact so they can inquire and get in if there are any slots left?
07-13-08, 11:20 AM
I'm sure we will have even more at the meeting!! Wayne is in too!
07-13-08, 11:58 AM
I'm making a sign up sheet now. I hope we have enough room in our designated spot..
1) Dave Jacostang Club Trailer
2) Tim S 2009 Ford Flex
3) Hank Gallo 89 Stang
4) Jeff Zakutney 2004 Mustang
5) Scott Sorensen 94 gt (tentative)
6) Hiker 65 Fastback (unless it's raining)
7) Berge Ford
8) Berge Ford
9) Berge Ford
10) Trisha Kurish 07 Coupe
11) Richard Norrus 06 GT
12) Cody Bullis 04 Mustang
13) Paige Nett 68 Coupe
14) Stangme
It's technically full, but we'll add a few extra to cover no shows. Be at Indio Joe's no later than 2:49pm Tuesday to get a confirmation pass (one per car required) from me.
07-13-08, 12:21 PM
We'll make room!!!
There is five miles of
07-13-08, 12:55 PM
And last time every designated spot was full-even in the sand storm.:tearsofjoy:
There is five miles of
So what time is the burn-out competition?
07-13-08, 09:47 PM
Heads up... 11) Richard Norrus 06 GT is one and the same as 14) Stangme so that leaves slot 14 open for another Stang.
07-13-08, 11:22 PM
Duly noted. After todays meeting (and your adjustemnt) we now have 24 cars signed up.
Heads up... 11) Richard Norrus 06 GT is one and the same as 14) Stangme so that leaves slot 14 open for another Stang.
07-13-08, 11:50 PM
So are we stuck until 8 PM?
07-14-08, 12:47 AM
We're there until DPS says pedestrian traffic has cleared and we're free to go..But will still be around 8pm.
So are we stuck until 8 PM?
Lets hope we don't get a storm like last night's....
07-14-08, 09:42 AM
If no one washes their cars we should be fine...It won't attacrt the rain.
Lets hope we don't get a storm like last night's....
07-14-08, 11:35 AM
Don't do it!! Hank are driving a Berge Car???
If it doesn't rain tonite we should be OK tomorrow night..
I forgot to get back to this, My stang is still out of comission so someone can have my spot. I hope to have time at the end of the week to take a look at her.........
07-14-08, 05:16 PM
I'm going to take my 'stang. It ran fine this weekend after adding a quart of trans fluid.
Don't do it!! Hank are driving a Berge Car???
See you guys at Indigo Joes!
07-15-08, 08:58 AM
well, had it all planned up. and found out this morning one of my co-workers had to go with his wife to a doctors appointment. and with how short we are since another co-worker is out due to surgery, means i am out. what a bummer. i was looking so forward to this. ugh. sorry guys.
07-15-08, 09:41 AM
No big thing. You'll attend the next one...
well, had it all planned up. and found out this morning one of my co-workers had to go with his wife to a doctors appointment. and with how short we are since another co-worker is out due to surgery, means i am out. what a bummer. i was looking so forward to this. ugh. sorry guys.
Couldn't be a nicer day...
07-15-08, 10:53 AM
well, had it all planned up. and found out this morning one of my co-workers had to go with his wife to a doctors appointment. and with how short we are since another co-worker is out due to surgery, means i am out. what a bummer. i was looking so forward to this. ugh. sorry guys.
Thats the way it goes, gotta pay the bills! See ya next time!
07-15-08, 10:54 AM
Couldn't be a nicer day...
Ok G you said it and if the "Big One" Blows in we know who to blame!!
07-15-08, 02:15 PM
Looks like I'm not going to be able to make it either. If someone sees this message by 2:49, feel free to take my pass at Indigo Joes. I am under Cody Bullis 2004 Mustang.
07-15-08, 11:33 PM
07-15-08, 11:59 PM
Really nice pics Jeff. Good turn out nice to meet you all.
07-16-08, 12:20 AM
very cool!! great pics. looks like we were well represented! nice job guys and gals. sorry i had to bail in the 11th hour...
07-16-08, 12:38 AM
:drool: man nice pics thanks1
07-16-08, 08:30 AM
More pics and I will try to get a video hehe, Please notice Jeff The leader of the HPS forums hehe he had to show his butt rofl.
07-16-08, 08:33 AM
Great pix. That Red Mustang II sure is cute. :laughing1:
Chris B.
07-16-08, 06:08 PM
Looks like everyone had fun! Maybe next time I can make it!
07-16-08, 07:20 PM
Thanks for the pics, yes it was warm but all in the shade!! Thanks to all who came out and helped out and had fun!!! Especially you Hank!
07-16-08, 11:23 PM
As the Prez says- thanks to all who came out and braved the extreme heat.
Thanks for the pics, yes it was warm but all in the shade!! Thanks to all who came out and helped out and had fun!!!
Had a blast, I am lucky to know the Copperstate family!!!
I couldn't believe how many people where there, was a great day for JENNABEARS!!!!!
Nice meeting all the new faces, Thanks to everyone!!!!
07-17-08, 07:33 PM
Now the po-po know who to look out for...
Damn I missed the group shot....
07-17-08, 07:51 PM
Now the po-po know who to look out for...
I was showing the Officers my Black Air Conditioner for the motor. :twothumbsup:
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